Department of Education

Thank you for your interest in the Caldwell University School of Education! You probably visited this site because you have considered teaching as a career.
It is entirely possible that you know that you want to teach, but you’re not certain what, or where. That is exactly what college is about. Education students actually graduate with two majors, a content major (English, Math, Science, Social Studies, or World Language), and an Education major. The content courses ensure that you know what to teach, while the education courses ensure that you know how to teach. No need to worry, as the program is organized so that you can complete both parts in four years, within 120 credits. Caldwell University’s School of Education offers elementary and secondary teacher certifications, and we suggest that all education majors also earn Teacher of the Student with Disabilities (TOSD) Certification upon graduation. Both certifications will make you that much more marketable to school districts.
Do you want to teach at the elementary or secondary levels? Elementary teachers often teach all subjects (English/Language Arts, Math, Science and Social Studies), while secondary teachers focus on one content area. You don’t have to make that decision now. You can simply indicate “pre-education” until you’ve decided. School of Education professors are here to assist as you begin your path toward becoming a teacher. Please contact us if you have any questions!
Joan Moriarity
Professor and Chair, Department of Education
Caldwell University
Undergraduate Education Programs

Following are some of the highlights of our recent survey of Caldwell School of Education graduates:
- 97% of the undergraduate majors felt prepared to be effective teachers.
- 100% of the graduate students felt prepared to perform in their school roles.
- The employers of our graduates also noted that their hired staff members from Caldwell were prepared!
Comments from the survey include:
- “The Education program has prepared me to be an effective teacher in my school.”
- “The Education program has prepared me to develop and maintain effective classroom instruction.”
- “I learned to teach with integrity, fairness, and in an ethical manner.”
- “I know how my school’s curriculum and program of instruction support student learning.”
- “The Education program has prepared me to consider the larger socio-cultural context in which my classroom functions.”
A recent report from the New Jersey Department of Education notes that 91% of Caldwell’s recent graduates demonstrate effective or highly effective summative scores on their teacher evaluations. These scores are derived using multiple measures of the achievement of their students and their teacher practice. Administrators of our recent graduates evaluated their teacher practice scores as 93.4% effective or highly effective.
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