CAEP Accreditation and Public Performance Disclosure Information
The Caldwell University initial and advanced certification programs are accredited by the Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP). Following a virtual April 2020 visit by CAEP representatives, The School of Education’s accreditation was renewed in November 2020. Accreditation is reviewed every seven years.
Caldwell University School of Education CAEP Programs
Advanced Degrees
Ed.D. and Ph.D. Educational Leadership, M.A degrees in Curriculum and Instruction, Five Year Combined BA and Curriculum & Instruction, Educational Administration, Higher Education, Literacy Instruction, and Special Education
Advanced Certifications
Post Baccalaureate Elementary Teacher Certification, Post Baccalaureate Secondary Teacher Certification, Post Baccalaureate Pre K – 3 Teacher Certification, Post Baccalaureate Elementary K-6 and 5-8 Middle School Teacher Certification, Post Baccalaureate ESL Certification, Post Baccalaureate Teacher of Students with Disability, Post Master LDT-C Certification, Post Master Reading Specialist Certification, Post Master Supervisor Certification, Post Master Principal Certification, Post Master and Post Master School Administrator Certification
Initial Certifications
Elementary Certification, Secondary Certification ( Content Areas: Art, Biology, Chemistry, English, Math, Music, Psychology, Social Studies, Modern Language-Spanish)
Initial Endorsements
Teachers of Students with Disabilities, Early Childhood
Vision: Excellence in educator preparation accreditation.
Mission: CAEP advances equity and excellence in educator preparation through evidence-based accreditation that assures quality and supports continuous improvement to strengthen P-12 student learning.

Strategic Goals
Goal 1: Continuous Improvement – EPPs will use evidence, based on CAEP Standards, to continuously monitor, evaluate, and improve their programs.
Goal 2: Quality Assurance – The CAEP accreditation process will be valid, consistent, transparent, and data-driven.
Goal 3: Credibility – CAEP will be respected as the arbiter of educator preparation program quality.
Goal 4: Equity – CAEP will ensure consistent request for evaluation of the principles of equity and diversity in its evaluation of programs.
Goal 5: Strong Foundation – CAEP will continuously monitor and improve internal policies, processes, and procedures to assure transparency, accountability, fiscal efficiency, and high quality service and support, to serve as a model of equity and attention to diversity.
Click on a link below to see more information about accreditation and performance review for the specific program:
* State has the jurisdiction to change the information they provide.