Master of Business Administration (MBA) Online or On-Campus

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Caldwell University’s Master of Business Administration degree (MBA) features a rigorous curriculum carefully prepared to meet the analytical demands of the global business world. Choose from eight MBA degree concentrations which include: Accounting, Business Analytics, Global Business, Healthcare Administration, Human Resource Management, Marketing, Organizational Leadership, and Sport Management. In addition, Caldwell’s general MBA program without concentrations can be completed fully online offering a more flexible curriculum schedule.
MBA Format Options
Caldwell’s MBA degree consists of 11 required courses, totaling 33 graduate credits. MBA concentrations are available for on-campus and hybrid MBA students for an additional six credits. Students have several options for completing their graduate degree:
Online MBA—A comprehensive MBA program that can be completed entirely online for maximum flexibility to suit working professionals.
On-Campus—Classes are held in-person at Caldwell University for a traditional, seminar-style learning experience.
Hybrid MBA—A hybrid option, combining on-campus and online courses for greater scheduling flexibility with the option to complete an MBA concentration.
Select the option that best satisfies your career advancement goals and learning styles. For more details about attending online courses through Caldwell University, see FAQs for Online Learning.
MBA Concentrations
Caldwell University’s seven MBA concentrations align with the modern skill set required of working professionals, aspiring leaders, and career changers. By concentrating your MBA, you can build foundational industry knowledge alongside your MBA coursework. Both the on-campus and hybrid program formats offer MBA degree concentrations in:
Business Analytics
Combine data skills with your business skill set and help your organization maximize its collected data by finding trends, patterns, and anomalies that can inform business decisions, develop and propose solutions to business problems, ensure alignment with organizational goals, or document and analyze existing business processes to identify areas of improvement or optimization.
Healthcare Administration
Looking to go where the jobs are? Develop your expertise in this fast-growing industry with specialized courses in healthcare finance, leadership, and operations management.
Human Resource Management
Prepare for a career as an HR leader by developing your skills in change management, employment law, socioeconomic ethics, and workplace dynamics.
Management Consulting
Enhance your business expertise by mastering data-driven decision-making. This concentration equips you to analyze organizational data, uncover trends, and propose actionable solutions to complex business challenges. Develop skills in strategic problem-solving, process improvement, and organizational alignment. Prepare to lead consulting projects that drive operational efficiency, optimize performance, and create lasting business value.
Prepare for a wide range of exciting career opportunities in marketing by developing a dynamic skill set. Caldwell’s MBA marketing concentration features courses in product management, brand development, digital media, and strategic marketing plans.
Organizational Leadership
In today’s global economy, organizations are in need of dynamic thinkers, keen problem solvers, and forward thinkers who know the value of empathy and lead with mission and purpose. Courses in this concentration focus on leadership skills.
The M.B.A. with a Concentration in Accounting is designed to help you meet the educational requirements for CPA licensure. This course of study combines general business acumen and specialized accounting knowledge.
Global Business
Increased globalization creates new opportunities for those with the right credentials. Prepare for an exciting career through relevant and timely courses and international travel experience.
Sport Management
The business of sport management leverages sales and data analytics, sponsorship development, and brand building via merchandising and licensing. Sport managers must have a relevant skill set to promote leagues, teams, and athletes.
Professional Development Opportunities
No matter which concentration you choose, the theme of prioritizing professional development runs throughout the entire MBA program. Caldwell’s School of Business and Computer Science integrates a multitude of academic opportunities into the MBA curriculum including leveraging the resources of nearby New York City. Additionally, the MBA program is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs (ACBSP) who assesses business programs for their emphasis on career development and hands-on learning.

“Caldwell University provides an amazing opportunity for students to learn real world business practices. The Professors were professional and world-class. I have had an amazing time here at Caldwell, mainly because of my advisors, professors and supportive classmates. The small class sizes really allowed for me to succeed and get that 1-on-1 attention, which was a critical part of my learning and professional development overall.“
– Joe Testa, MBA ’20
The M.B.A. program is accredited by ACBSP (Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs). Our M.B.A. offers a rigorous 33-credit curriculum that has been carefully prepared by the university to meet the demands of the twenty-first century business world. In addition to the traditional M.B.A., Caldwell offers an M.B.A. with concentrations in Accounting, Business Analytics, Global Business, Healthcare Administration, Human Resource Management, Marketing, Organizational Leadership, and Sport Management. The Caldwell University M.B.A. requires students to complete 33 graduate credits, consisting of 11 required courses. Applicants without specific undergraduate courses in business will be required to take a three-credit academic leveling course (for 15 credits in accounting for the accounting program) before full admission into the M.B.A. program.
- Bachelor’s degree from an accredited college or university
- Undergraduate GPA of at least 2.75 overall and 3.0 in business as a major
- Two references for graduate study
- Personal Interview upon Graduate Coordinator’s request
- Personal statement: Submit a statement of objectives for entering the program
- Resume highlighting Business, Leadership and Work Experience
- Students who enter the program with an undergraduate degree outside of business need to take BU 095 MBA Prerequisite Module
M.B.A. program graduates of the university will exhibit proficiency in managing a range of representative business problems and challenges which reflect contemporary global business practices. Our students will be proficient in essential business subjects (accounting, finance, global business, legal and social environment of business, marketing, management, ethics, information systems and business policy) and will be proficient in oral presentations, written communications and IT skills. They will also be able to address real-world business problems with ethical sensitivity and welldeveloped critical thinking and problem solving skills.
In pursuit of this objective, every student is required to take the capstone Integrated Strategic Management Seminar. This course is designed to integrate the skills and academic knowledge covered by students in all their prior graduate business courses. Therefore, the outcomes goal of the program and the Integrated Strategic Management Seminar course will be that our M.B.A. graduates exhibit the following:
- Advanced knowledge of the functional areas of business
- Analytical and critical thinking skills necessary for effective strategic and tactical decision-making
- The ability to comprehend business challenges from the perspective of an upper level executive
- Effective communication skills at the upper executive level in the modern corporation, including proficiency in presentations, and written and verbal expression
The effectiveness of our program in meeting these objectives will be monitored by an annual outcomes assessment report prepared jointly by the Division Associate Dean and the faculty member(s) who has (have) taught the capstone Integrated Strategic Management Seminar capstone course. This written report will be submitted to the Vice President of Academic Affairs, the Director of Graduate Studies and the Office of Institutional Research. In addition, this report will also be circulated to all full-time business faculty members for review. At a subsequent meeting of the School (early in the following academic year) the outcomes assessment report will be discussed in detail and the School will develop a plan to address any shortcomings in the outcomes. Depending on the nature of these shortcomings (if any) the School will formulate changes in curricula with a view to improvement.
Core Courses (30 credits)
Course Code : BU 520
Course Description :
Considers operational, financial, policy and strategy issues using the perspective of a General Manager of a firm. The course will help the student gain a strategic view of organizations through the use of case studies and computer simulations. Students will be required to do online research on current business problems, analyze situations and propose solutions. This course will utilize the analytical skills acquired during the student’s academic and professional business career including: writing a strategic/business plan, forecasting, modeling and financial analysis.
Credit : 3
Course Code : BU 537
Course Description :
An overview of the financial principles guiding decision makers in a corporate setting. Topicsinclude cash flow analysis, time value of money, security pricing, portfolio management, capitalbudgeting, firm cost of capital, and capital structures.
Credit : 3
Course Code : BU 525
Course Description :
Explains auditor’s role in a changing corporate environment. Analyzes case studies in relation to established auditing standards. Introduces auditing pronouncements and reference materials. Addresses ethical obligations to one’s profession and the public.
Credit : 3
Course Code : BU 610
Course Description :
This class combines theory and practice to gain the conceptual, creative, quantitative, and coding skills needed to analyze and depict data. This class provides practical and theoretical understanding of the importance of data visualizations in business and a platform to identify the correct tools to evaluate data. Students explore various data visualization tools, including Microsoft Power BI, Tableau, R Studio, and Excel to learn how to interpret data. Students create interactive visualizations tailored to specific audiences and devices. The class covers the importance of storytelling with data and creating an executive dashboard for data analyzation. This is a new elective in the MBA program and M.S. in Accounting program.
Course Code : BU 625
Course Description :
Overview of accounting as a management tool. Utilizes business data for decision making andfinancial planning. Provides overview of manufacturing accounting control systems and costsystems. Topics include valuation of assets, distribution costs, and effective methods ofprofitability analysis and control.
Credit : 3
Course Code : BU 633
Course Description :
Reviews the classical and modern approaches as a framework to understand the managementprocess. Topics covered include the new team structure, a manager versus a leader, the role ofleadership, selection and staffing issues, motivation, problem solving techniques, the importanceof innovation, and using intuition in the decision making process.
Credit : 3
Course Code : BU 635
Course Description :
This survey course is designed to provide the line manager or staff specialist with an expandedunderstanding of the processes which management utilizes today to ensure that the rightnumber/quality of persons are being hired, that appropriate governmental regulations arebeing adhered to, and that the internal policies provide a work environment which encouragescost-competitive labor costs and maximum worker satisfaction.
Credit : 3
Course Code : BU 638
Course Description :
Explains the marketing management process: identifying marketing opportunities, researchingand selecting target markets, designing the marketing mix (product or service, price, distribution,and promotional strategies), and planning, implementing, and controlling the marketing effort.Strategic managerial decision making that harmonizes the firm’s objectives and resources withneeds and opportunities in the marketplace. Emphasis on ethics and the utilization of new mediaand information technologies in strategic marketing.
Credit : 3
Course Code : BU 644
Course Description :
The course provides a managerial perspective by emphasizing aspects of leading amultinational business organization. These perspectives include the global marketplace andbusiness centers, the role of culture, ethics, and social responsibility in international business, theinternational monetary system and balance of payments issues, international financial marketsand foreign exchange. Strategies for entering foreign markets, international organization designand control are considered. International marketing, accounting and finance are considered.Emphasis is placed on management of global operations including logistics, quality control andoutsourcing, project management, international human resource management and labor relations.
Credit : 3
Course Code : BU 649
Course Description :
Examines, in a global context, the relevant issues surfacing in today’s business environment such as employee rights and contracts, equal rights, the social-legal-political context of workforce diversity, antitrust, negotiations, labor and management relations, the legal environment, dealing with internal and external interest groups, etc. Examines from a global perspective, cases of unethical and socially irresponsible behavior displayed by business people and corporations, and deduces a methodology that promotes an ethical and socially responsible sensitivity in the student. Issues such as environmental pollution, exploitation of workers, value erosion, accounting theft and the morality of cost benefit analysis, whistle blowing, philanthropy, and the evaluation of corporate social performance will be studied.
Credit : 3
Course Code : BU 660
Course Description :
Examines the use of computers to solve management problems. Course reviews currenttechnologies available for large and small business relating to forecasting, customer servicesoftware, decision support software, project management, scheduling, desktop publishing,multimedia, and the Internet.
Credit : 3
Course Code : BU 695
Course Description :
This course includes study and implementation of operations/methods to improve the processesorganizations use to convert resources and materials into finished products and services.Decision making in the management of production and service operations is considered.Operation management discussions offer a managerial perspective. The course also includesconcepts critical to specific projects and project management success including organizing,planning, and scheduling projects, and managing project teams. Issues such as project constraints,stakeholder matters, and the project charter are considered.
Credit : 3
Capstone Course (3 credits)
Course Code : BU 785
Course Description :
Drawing upon information and skills learned in previous M.B.A. courses, the Seminar requiresthe student to integrate and process all that has been covered in the previous courses. Strategicmanagement cases, or typically comprehensive computer-oriented management games areemployed. These involve the totality of an organization’s situation at a certain time, areunstructured, and require a significant amount of time to research and diagnose in order tomake realistic long-range recommendations.Capstone course is taken in the student'sfinal semester.
Credit : 3
Accounting Concentration
Course Code : BU 525
Course Description :
Explains auditor’s role in a changing corporate environment. Analyzes case studies in relation to established auditing standards. Introduces auditing pronouncements and reference materials. Addresses ethical obligations to one’s profession and the public.
Credit : 3
Advanced Auditing is taken instead of the core BU 537 Financial Management. Accounting elective is taken instead of the core BU 625 Accounting for Managers
BU 625 – Accounting for Managers is not available for students pursuing this concentration. Students choose an Accounting elective in its place, and two additional electives from the list below:
Select three (total) accounting electives:
Course Code : BU 620
Course Description :
Provides practical experience in executive level communication techniques required in today’s business environment. Students will write workplans, reports, proposals and recommendations. Emphasis will be placed on utilizing the Internet and other information gathering technologies. Word processing, desktop publishing, presentation and graphic computer applications will be utilized. Application of techniques to produce effective oral communications such as presentations, speeches, television interviews, etc. are analyzed and critiqued.
Credit : 3
Course Code : BU 627
Course Description :
The objective is to provide students with the skills necessary for analyzing financial statements.This course will help students enhance their understanding of the accounting process anddevelop an ability to interpret financial information. Topics include ratio analysis, cash flows,inventories, and off balance sheet activities. Valuation models will also be discussed. Specialemphasis will be placed on the effect of accounting principles on reported results.
Credit : 3
Course Code : BU 630
Course Description :
Studies basic accounting concepts and reporting requirements for governmental and non-profit organizations. Emphasis will be given to state and local government accounting, federal government accounting, and accounting for colleges and universities.
Credit : 3
Course Code : BU 631
Course Description :
This course seeks to provide students with a broad conceptual overview of the field of forensic accounting, the key internal controls required to deter/detect frauds or abuse, and the newly enacted governance laws. The course covers the roles, responsibilities, and requirements of a forensic accountant, identifying the major types of cash, payroll, and other financial fraud schemes; detailed examination of the proper required internal audit controls (transaction authorization, segregation of duties, supervision, adequate documentation and records, physical safeguards, independent verification); and accounting/auditing standards and corporate governance needed to comply with the AICPA, SAS, CFE, government regulations, and Sarbanes-Oxley 2002 legislation. This course discusses actual fraud cases to highlight the impact of auditing and forensic accounting on businesses and our society. It is designed to help students apply techniques in identifying, collecting, and examining evidence, including how to identify financial statement misrepresentation, transaction reconstruction, and tax evasion.
Credit : 3
Course Code : BU 632
Course Description :
Introduction to tax related problems in corporations, partnerships, estates, trusts and exemptentities. Topics to include types of entities, formation of entities, entity structural considerations,tax planning, and working with the US Tax Law.
Credit : 3
Course Code : BU 634
Course Description :
This course will provide students with a solid understanding of key information qualities, critical information technologies that drive information systems, core business processes that allow organizations to run effectively, documentation tools to assess business processes, and vital corporate governance and internal control concepts that can be applied to mitigate risks. It will prepare accountants to identify and monitor enterprise risks, assure the reliability of information systems used to store, gather, and disseminate information, and possess the requisite general business knowledge, coupled with business process measurement and assessment skills, to evaluate the state of the business enterprise and its supporting operations.
Credit : 3
Course Code : BU 641
Course Description :
Consists of specific global business topics which will form the focus of an international study trip. With globalization taking on a greater priority in business management, this course will be tailored to particular contemporary developments in the field of international business. Possible issues for consideration include: regional economic integration (e.g. European Union, NAFTA); implications of globalization (business practices, cultural, social and labor issues, World Trade Organization policy); international trade and development trends (foreign direct investment, offshore manufacturing, tourism development); and international market structures (transition economies, Third World economies) as well as other aspects of international business management and culture.
Credit : 3
Course Code : BU 662
Course Description :
This course is designed to teach advanced students how to use the massive amounts of data being collected by today’s information infrastructure. Students learn to collect, “clean” and organize large amounts of real world data into databases. Students learn how to accurately interpret, visualize and present data and information for quantitative business and social science problems. In addition, students learn how to program computers to search very large data sets for new insights and relationships not proposed by traditional quantitative analysis.
Credit : 3
Course Code : BU 689
Course Description :
This course is a directed experiential educational experience for full-time graduate business students. It enables students to enhance their educational experience through appropriate work-oriented activities in selected corporate or nonprofit environments. An internship can be paid or unpaid.
Credit : 3
Global Business Concentration
Course Code : BU 641
Course Description :
Consists of specific global business topics which will form the focus of an international study trip. With globalization taking on a greater priority in business management, this course will be tailored to particular contemporary developments in the field of international business. Possible issues for consideration include: regional economic integration (e.g. European Union, NAFTA); implications of globalization (business practices, cultural, social and labor issues, World Trade Organization policy); international trade and development trends (foreign direct investment, offshore manufacturing, tourism development); and international market structures (transition economies, Third World economies) as well as other aspects of international business management and culture.
Credit : 3
Course Code : BU 642
Course Description :
This course focuses on the opportunities and risks of the complex environment of internationalbusiness, with an emphasis on the unique problems involved in managing internationaloperations. Main topics include foreign economic, political, legal, and cultural environments;international market analysis; foreign exchange; foreign direct investment; foreign trade; riskmanagement; international human resource management.
Credit : 3
Healthcare Administration
Course Code : BU 540
Course Description :
A graduate level course in finance specific to the Healthcare industry. Healthcare finance has similar foundations and principles to general finance and many areas are specific to the healthcare industry. In addition, the political climate in the U.S. heavily focuses on the healthcare industry especially in the areas such as cost containment and reimbursement model improvements. This course provides a foundation for healthcare finances by addressing topics such as financial foundations, income statement interpretation, costing and analysis, planning and budgeting, and reimbursement methodologies. (reimbursement was spelled wrong here twice, so was financial)
Credit : 3
Course Code : BU 580
Course Description :
Graduate level course in strategic planning and leadership specific to the healthcare industry. HEalthcare strategic planning has similar foundations and principles to general strategic planning and many areas are specific to the healthcare industry. This course examines fundamentals of strategic planning, healthcare marketing, business plans, accountable care organizations, SWOT analysis and marketing. These concepts in strategic planning provide the foundation for transformational leadership skills. (organizations and healthcare were spelled wrong here)
Credit : 3
Course Code : BU 692
Course Description :
This course examines operational and project management, performance improvement and quality management, capacity and patient flow, statistical analysis, data analytics, problem solving and strategies, and supply chain management.
Credit : 3
Human Resource Management Concentration
Course Code : BU 652
Course Description :
This course reviews and analyzes the essential aspects of the myriad laws governing theemployer-employee relationship, including current federal laws applying to selecting, testing,compensating, promoting, and terminating employees, employment discrimination, employeebenefits, and employee workplace issues. Particular emphasis will be placed on the New Jerseylaws impacting the workplace, including the New Jersey Law Against Discrimination.
Credit : 3
Course Code : BU 702
Course Description :
In the context of contemporary leadership theory students will develop skills to become a more effective leader, e.g., the art of listening, improving social intelligence, motivating followers, team building, assertiveness, increasing risk propensity, modeling, leading change and championing a vision, i.e., creating value for the customer with a great product/service, and communicating that vision. The seminar will be structured around readings, self-assessments, exercises and discussion.
Credit : 3
Marketing Concentration
Course Code : BU 645
Course Description :
Brand management is critical to the success of any product or service. This course will cover howto effectively manage an existing brand in today’s competitive environment and how to developeffective marketing efforts. As new products are the life-blood of a sustainable brand, studentswill experience the entire new product development process for a brand – from idea generationto creating branding, packaging and advertising messages to capture the consumer’s attention,interest and purchase.
Credit : 3
Course Code : BU 650
Course Description :
This course examines how the potential of the Internet is used to generate profits for companiesby enhancing their ability to communicate with and create value for customers. The coursediscusses the Internet as an alternative platform for communicating with the customer. Emphasisis placed on the eMarketing Communications Mix for business-2-business and business-2-consumers. Moreover, by approaching Internet Marketing within the more general framework ofe-Business, the course is also intended to familiarize students with various emerging businessconcepts like customer management, blogging/personalized communications and onlinerelationship marketing as well as some of the basics like social networking and Web sites.
Credit : 3
Organizational Leadership
Select 2 Courses:
Course Code : BU 620
Course Description :
Provides practical experience in executive level communication techniques required in today’s business environment. Students will write workplans, reports, proposals and recommendations. Emphasis will be placed on utilizing the Internet and other information gathering technologies. Word processing, desktop publishing, presentation and graphic computer applications will be utilized. Application of techniques to produce effective oral communications such as presentations, speeches, television interviews, etc. are analyzed and critiqued.
Credit : 3
Course Code : BU 702
Course Description :
In the context of contemporary leadership theory students will develop skills to become a more effective leader, e.g., the art of listening, improving social intelligence, motivating followers, team building, assertiveness, increasing risk propensity, modeling, leading change and championing a vision, i.e., creating value for the customer with a great product/service, and communicating that vision. The seminar will be structured around readings, self-assessments, exercises and discussion.
Credit : 3
Course Code : BU 704
Course Description :
Deals with proven classic theories and effective business practices. Examines current examples of organization success in a rapidly changing, highly competitive, international environment. Challenges student to apply concepts and offers opportunity to refine business skills and insights.
Credit : 3
Course Code : BU 707
Course Description :
This course will cover many different approaches to leadership by looking at contemporary leaders to study their strengths and weaknesses. Students will also determine the distinction between leadership and management and the pros and cons of different leadership styles. Building productive and effective leadership of diverse teams is a key skill for a leader. Assessing capabilities of developing successful team, and how to evaluate and increase the effectiveness of teams from an individual, a team and an organizational standpoint. Coaching is a skill that separates leaders from those not making the cut to senior leadership positions. Coaching styles need to be adaptive and how they can reflect the other side of two-way communications is covered. This course will be interactive; offer each student multiple self-assessments and unique development exercises; and, through conducting outside research, broaden one’s understanding of key areas of executive development.
Credit : 3
Sport Management
Course Code : BU 639
Course Description :
A graduate level course covering the organization, governance, business activities, and cross-cultural context of modern sport management on an international level. The course considers how sport is reflective of cultural and political differences in a globalized world by examining the essential business areas of finance, marketing, media, legal issues, and operations of international sport. Additional topics include FIFA, the Olympics, and the expansion and promotion of nation-based sports to an international audience.
Credit : 3
Course Code : BU 510
Course Description :
A graduate level course that considers leadership dilemmas that arise when individual values conflict with those of the sport organization. Students use case studies, personal experience, and current scenarios to examine actions sport management leaders have taken and consequences faced when confronted with ethical choices. Students evaluate ethical dilemmas and create an action plan for solving and preventing similar conflicts at the organizational and societal levels. Students develop a personal model for ethical leadership in the sport industry.
Credit : 3
Course Code : BU 515
Course Description :
Explores how sport stakeholders (teams, individuals, events, and venues) partner with commercial entities through sponsorship agreements. Students analyze various types of sponsorships, assess strategic aspects of sponsorship programs, identify brand objectives, and evaluate methods to activate positive return on investment (ROI) and return on objective (ROO) for partner brands. Topics include sponsorship costs, goals, selection of sponsor property, sponsorship activation, brand association, public relations, and brand image possibilities.
Credit : 3
Caldwell University will accept the transfer of up to six credits of graduate work in business from another accredited institution provided the credits were completed within five years of the student’s initial registration at Caldwell University. Official transcripts of previous graduate work as well as the description of each course must be submitted for review at the time of application. Approval of transfer credit is based on course content and grade earned in the course, which should be B or better. Each transfer request will be reviewed by the Program Coordinator. All requests for transfer credit must be submitted and approved within the student’s first semester in the program.
Core Courses (30 credits)
Course Code : BU 520
Course Description :
Considers operational, financial, policy and strategy issues using the perspective of a General Manager of a firm. The course will help the student gain a strategic view of organizations through the use of case studies and computer simulations. Students will be required to do online research on current business problems, analyze situations and propose solutions. This course will utilize the analytical skills acquired during the student’s academic and professional business career including: writing a strategic/business plan, forecasting, modeling and financial analysis.
Credit : 3
Course Code : BU 537
Course Description :
An overview of the financial principles guiding decision makers in a corporate setting. Topicsinclude cash flow analysis, time value of money, security pricing, portfolio management, capitalbudgeting, firm cost of capital, and capital structures.
Credit : 3
Course Code : BU 525
Course Description :
Explains auditor’s role in a changing corporate environment. Analyzes case studies in relation to established auditing standards. Introduces auditing pronouncements and reference materials. Addresses ethical obligations to one’s profession and the public.
Credit : 3
Course Code : BU 625
Course Description :
Overview of accounting as a management tool. Utilizes business data for decision making andfinancial planning. Provides overview of manufacturing accounting control systems and costsystems. Topics include valuation of assets, distribution costs, and effective methods ofprofitability analysis and control.
Credit : 3
Course Code : BU 633
Course Description :
Reviews the classical and modern approaches as a framework to understand the managementprocess. Topics covered include the new team structure, a manager versus a leader, the role ofleadership, selection and staffing issues, motivation, problem solving techniques, the importanceof innovation, and using intuition in the decision making process.
Credit : 3
Course Code : BU 635
Course Description :
This survey course is designed to provide the line manager or staff specialist with an expandedunderstanding of the processes which management utilizes today to ensure that the rightnumber/quality of persons are being hired, that appropriate governmental regulations arebeing adhered to, and that the internal policies provide a work environment which encouragescost-competitive labor costs and maximum worker satisfaction.
Credit : 3
Course Code : BU 638
Course Description :
Explains the marketing management process: identifying marketing opportunities, researchingand selecting target markets, designing the marketing mix (product or service, price, distribution,and promotional strategies), and planning, implementing, and controlling the marketing effort.Strategic managerial decision making that harmonizes the firm’s objectives and resources withneeds and opportunities in the marketplace. Emphasis on ethics and the utilization of new mediaand information technologies in strategic marketing.
Credit : 3
Course Code : BU 644
Course Description :
The course provides a managerial perspective by emphasizing aspects of leading amultinational business organization. These perspectives include the global marketplace andbusiness centers, the role of culture, ethics, and social responsibility in international business, theinternational monetary system and balance of payments issues, international financial marketsand foreign exchange. Strategies for entering foreign markets, international organization designand control are considered. International marketing, accounting and finance are considered.Emphasis is placed on management of global operations including logistics, quality control andoutsourcing, project management, international human resource management and labor relations.
Credit : 3
Course Code : BU 649
Course Description :
Examines, in a global context, the relevant issues surfacing in today’s business environment such as employee rights and contracts, equal rights, the social-legal-political context of workforce diversity, antitrust, negotiations, labor and management relations, the legal environment, dealing with internal and external interest groups, etc. Examines from a global perspective, cases of unethical and socially irresponsible behavior displayed by business people and corporations, and deduces a methodology that promotes an ethical and socially responsible sensitivity in the student. Issues such as environmental pollution, exploitation of workers, value erosion, accounting theft and the morality of cost benefit analysis, whistle blowing, philanthropy, and the evaluation of corporate social performance will be studied.
Credit : 3
Course Code : BU 660
Course Description :
Examines the use of computers to solve management problems. Course reviews currenttechnologies available for large and small business relating to forecasting, customer servicesoftware, decision support software, project management, scheduling, desktop publishing,multimedia, and the Internet.
Credit : 3
Course Code : BU 695
Course Description :
This course includes study and implementation of operations/methods to improve the processesorganizations use to convert resources and materials into finished products and services.Decision making in the management of production and service operations is considered.Operation management discussions offer a managerial perspective. The course also includesconcepts critical to specific projects and project management success including organizing,planning, and scheduling projects, and managing project teams. Issues such as project constraints,stakeholder matters, and the project charter are considered.
Credit : 3
Capstone Course (3 credits)
Course Code : BU 785
Course Description :
Drawing upon information and skills learned in previous M.B.A. courses, the Seminar requiresthe student to integrate and process all that has been covered in the previous courses. Strategicmanagement cases, or typically comprehensive computer-oriented management games areemployed. These involve the totality of an organization’s situation at a certain time, areunstructured, and require a significant amount of time to research and diagnose in order tomake realistic long-range recommendations.Capstone course is taken in the student'sfinal semester.
Credit : 3
Accounting Concentration
Course Code : BU 525
Course Description :
Explains auditor’s role in a changing corporate environment. Analyzes case studies in relation to established auditing standards. Introduces auditing pronouncements and reference materials. Addresses ethical obligations to one’s profession and the public.
Credit : 3
Advanced Auditing is taken instead of the core BU 537 Financial Management. Accounting elective is taken instead of the core BU 625 Accounting for Managers
BU 625 – Accounting for Managers is not available for students pursuing this concentration. Students choose an Accounting elective in its place, and two additional electives from the list below:
Select three (total) accounting electives:
Course Code : BU 620
Course Description :
Provides practical experience in executive level communication techniques required in today’s business environment. Students will write workplans, reports, proposals and recommendations. Emphasis will be placed on utilizing the Internet and other information gathering technologies. Word processing, desktop publishing, presentation and graphic computer applications will be utilized. Application of techniques to produce effective oral communications such as presentations, speeches, television interviews, etc. are analyzed and critiqued.
Credit : 3
Course Code : BU 627
Course Description :
The objective is to provide students with the skills necessary for analyzing financial statements.This course will help students enhance their understanding of the accounting process anddevelop an ability to interpret financial information. Topics include ratio analysis, cash flows,inventories, and off balance sheet activities. Valuation models will also be discussed. Specialemphasis will be placed on the effect of accounting principles on reported results.
Credit : 3
Course Code : BU 630
Course Description :
Studies basic accounting concepts and reporting requirements for governmental and non-profit organizations. Emphasis will be given to state and local government accounting, federal government accounting, and accounting for colleges and universities.
Credit : 3
Course Code : BU 631
Course Description :
This course seeks to provide students with a broad conceptual overview of the field of forensic accounting, the key internal controls required to deter/detect frauds or abuse, and the newly enacted governance laws. The course covers the roles, responsibilities, and requirements of a forensic accountant, identifying the major types of cash, payroll, and other financial fraud schemes; detailed examination of the proper required internal audit controls (transaction authorization, segregation of duties, supervision, adequate documentation and records, physical safeguards, independent verification); and accounting/auditing standards and corporate governance needed to comply with the AICPA, SAS, CFE, government regulations, and Sarbanes-Oxley 2002 legislation. This course discusses actual fraud cases to highlight the impact of auditing and forensic accounting on businesses and our society. It is designed to help students apply techniques in identifying, collecting, and examining evidence, including how to identify financial statement misrepresentation, transaction reconstruction, and tax evasion.
Credit : 3
Course Code : BU 632
Course Description :
Introduction to tax related problems in corporations, partnerships, estates, trusts and exemptentities. Topics to include types of entities, formation of entities, entity structural considerations,tax planning, and working with the US Tax Law.
Credit : 3
Course Code : BU 634
Course Description :
This course will provide students with a solid understanding of key information qualities, critical information technologies that drive information systems, core business processes that allow organizations to run effectively, documentation tools to assess business processes, and vital corporate governance and internal control concepts that can be applied to mitigate risks. It will prepare accountants to identify and monitor enterprise risks, assure the reliability of information systems used to store, gather, and disseminate information, and possess the requisite general business knowledge, coupled with business process measurement and assessment skills, to evaluate the state of the business enterprise and its supporting operations.
Credit : 3
Course Code : BU 641
Course Description :
Consists of specific global business topics which will form the focus of an international study trip. With globalization taking on a greater priority in business management, this course will be tailored to particular contemporary developments in the field of international business. Possible issues for consideration include: regional economic integration (e.g. European Union, NAFTA); implications of globalization (business practices, cultural, social and labor issues, World Trade Organization policy); international trade and development trends (foreign direct investment, offshore manufacturing, tourism development); and international market structures (transition economies, Third World economies) as well as other aspects of international business management and culture.
Credit : 3
Course Code : BU 662
Course Description :
This course is designed to teach advanced students how to use the massive amounts of data being collected by today’s information infrastructure. Students learn to collect, “clean” and organize large amounts of real world data into databases. Students learn how to accurately interpret, visualize and present data and information for quantitative business and social science problems. In addition, students learn how to program computers to search very large data sets for new insights and relationships not proposed by traditional quantitative analysis.
Credit : 3
Course Code : BU 689
Course Description :
This course is a directed experiential educational experience for full-time graduate business students. It enables students to enhance their educational experience through appropriate work-oriented activities in selected corporate or nonprofit environments. An internship can be paid or unpaid.
Credit : 3
Global Business Concentration
Course Code : BU 641
Course Description :
Consists of specific global business topics which will form the focus of an international study trip. With globalization taking on a greater priority in business management, this course will be tailored to particular contemporary developments in the field of international business. Possible issues for consideration include: regional economic integration (e.g. European Union, NAFTA); implications of globalization (business practices, cultural, social and labor issues, World Trade Organization policy); international trade and development trends (foreign direct investment, offshore manufacturing, tourism development); and international market structures (transition economies, Third World economies) as well as other aspects of international business management and culture.
Credit : 3
Course Code : BU 642
Course Description :
This course focuses on the opportunities and risks of the complex environment of internationalbusiness, with an emphasis on the unique problems involved in managing internationaloperations. Main topics include foreign economic, political, legal, and cultural environments;international market analysis; foreign exchange; foreign direct investment; foreign trade; riskmanagement; international human resource management.
Credit : 3
Healthcare Administration
Course Code : BU 540
Course Description :
A graduate level course in finance specific to the Healthcare industry. Healthcare finance has similar foundations and principles to general finance and many areas are specific to the healthcare industry. In addition, the political climate in the U.S. heavily focuses on the healthcare industry especially in the areas such as cost containment and reimbursement model improvements. This course provides a foundation for healthcare finances by addressing topics such as financial foundations, income statement interpretation, costing and analysis, planning and budgeting, and reimbursement methodologies. (reimbursement was spelled wrong here twice, so was financial)
Credit : 3
Course Code : BU 580
Course Description :
Graduate level course in strategic planning and leadership specific to the healthcare industry. HEalthcare strategic planning has similar foundations and principles to general strategic planning and many areas are specific to the healthcare industry. This course examines fundamentals of strategic planning, healthcare marketing, business plans, accountable care organizations, SWOT analysis and marketing. These concepts in strategic planning provide the foundation for transformational leadership skills. (organizations and healthcare were spelled wrong here)
Credit : 3
Course Code : BU 692
Course Description :
This course examines operational and project management, performance improvement and quality management, capacity and patient flow, statistical analysis, data analytics, problem solving and strategies, and supply chain management.
Credit : 3
Human Resource Management Concentration
Course Code : BU 652
Course Description :
This course reviews and analyzes the essential aspects of the myriad laws governing theemployer-employee relationship, including current federal laws applying to selecting, testing,compensating, promoting, and terminating employees, employment discrimination, employeebenefits, and employee workplace issues. Particular emphasis will be placed on the New Jerseylaws impacting the workplace, including the New Jersey Law Against Discrimination.
Credit : 3
Course Code : BU 702
Course Description :
In the context of contemporary leadership theory students will develop skills to become a more effective leader, e.g., the art of listening, improving social intelligence, motivating followers, team building, assertiveness, increasing risk propensity, modeling, leading change and championing a vision, i.e., creating value for the customer with a great product/service, and communicating that vision. The seminar will be structured around readings, self-assessments, exercises and discussion.
Credit : 3
Marketing Concentration
Course Code : BU 645
Course Description :
Brand management is critical to the success of any product or service. This course will cover howto effectively manage an existing brand in today’s competitive environment and how to developeffective marketing efforts. As new products are the life-blood of a sustainable brand, studentswill experience the entire new product development process for a brand – from idea generationto creating branding, packaging and advertising messages to capture the consumer’s attention,interest and purchase.
Credit : 3
Course Code : BU 650
Course Description :
This course examines how the potential of the Internet is used to generate profits for companiesby enhancing their ability to communicate with and create value for customers. The coursediscusses the Internet as an alternative platform for communicating with the customer. Emphasisis placed on the eMarketing Communications Mix for business-2-business and business-2-consumers. Moreover, by approaching Internet Marketing within the more general framework ofe-Business, the course is also intended to familiarize students with various emerging businessconcepts like customer management, blogging/personalized communications and onlinerelationship marketing as well as some of the basics like social networking and Web sites.
Credit : 3
Organizational Leadership
Select 2 Courses:
Course Code : BU 620
Course Description :
Provides practical experience in executive level communication techniques required in today’s business environment. Students will write workplans, reports, proposals and recommendations. Emphasis will be placed on utilizing the Internet and other information gathering technologies. Word processing, desktop publishing, presentation and graphic computer applications will be utilized. Application of techniques to produce effective oral communications such as presentations, speeches, television interviews, etc. are analyzed and critiqued.
Credit : 3
Course Code : BU 702
Course Description :
In the context of contemporary leadership theory students will develop skills to become a more effective leader, e.g., the art of listening, improving social intelligence, motivating followers, team building, assertiveness, increasing risk propensity, modeling, leading change and championing a vision, i.e., creating value for the customer with a great product/service, and communicating that vision. The seminar will be structured around readings, self-assessments, exercises and discussion.
Credit : 3
Course Code : BU 704
Course Description :
Deals with proven classic theories and effective business practices. Examines current examples of organization success in a rapidly changing, highly competitive, international environment. Challenges student to apply concepts and offers opportunity to refine business skills and insights.
Credit : 3
Course Code : BU 707
Course Description :
This course will cover many different approaches to leadership by looking at contemporary leaders to study their strengths and weaknesses. Students will also determine the distinction between leadership and management and the pros and cons of different leadership styles. Building productive and effective leadership of diverse teams is a key skill for a leader. Assessing capabilities of developing successful team, and how to evaluate and increase the effectiveness of teams from an individual, a team and an organizational standpoint. Coaching is a skill that separates leaders from those not making the cut to senior leadership positions. Coaching styles need to be adaptive and how they can reflect the other side of two-way communications is covered. This course will be interactive; offer each student multiple self-assessments and unique development exercises; and, through conducting outside research, broaden one’s understanding of key areas of executive development.
Credit : 3
Sport Management
Course Code : BU 639
Course Description :
A graduate level course covering the organization, governance, business activities, and cross-cultural context of modern sport management on an international level. The course considers how sport is reflective of cultural and political differences in a globalized world by examining the essential business areas of finance, marketing, media, legal issues, and operations of international sport. Additional topics include FIFA, the Olympics, and the expansion and promotion of nation-based sports to an international audience.
Credit : 3
Course Code : BU 510
Course Description :
A graduate level course that considers leadership dilemmas that arise when individual values conflict with those of the sport organization. Students use case studies, personal experience, and current scenarios to examine actions sport management leaders have taken and consequences faced when confronted with ethical choices. Students evaluate ethical dilemmas and create an action plan for solving and preventing similar conflicts at the organizational and societal levels. Students develop a personal model for ethical leadership in the sport industry.
Credit : 3
Course Code : BU 515
Course Description :
Explores how sport stakeholders (teams, individuals, events, and venues) partner with commercial entities through sponsorship agreements. Students analyze various types of sponsorships, assess strategic aspects of sponsorship programs, identify brand objectives, and evaluate methods to activate positive return on investment (ROI) and return on objective (ROO) for partner brands. Topics include sponsorship costs, goals, selection of sponsor property, sponsorship activation, brand association, public relations, and brand image possibilities.
Credit : 3
Caldwell University will accept the transfer of up to six credits of graduate work in business from another accredited institution provided the credits were completed within five years of the student’s initial registration at Caldwell University. Official transcripts of previous graduate work as well as the description of each course must be submitted for review at the time of application. Approval of transfer credit is based on course content and grade earned in the course, which should be B or better. Each transfer request will be reviewed by the Program Coordinator. All requests for transfer credit must be submitted and approved within the student’s first semester in the program.
Core Courses (30 credits)
Course Code : BU 520
Course Description :
Considers operational, financial, policy and strategy issues using the perspective of a General Manager of a firm. The course will help the student gain a strategic view of organizations through the use of case studies and computer simulations. Students will be required to do online research on current business problems, analyze situations and propose solutions. This course will utilize the analytical skills acquired during the student’s academic and professional business career including: writing a strategic/business plan, forecasting, modeling and financial analysis.
Credit : 3
Course Code : BU 537
Course Description :
An overview of the financial principles guiding decision makers in a corporate setting. Topicsinclude cash flow analysis, time value of money, security pricing, portfolio management, capitalbudgeting, firm cost of capital, and capital structures.
Credit : 3
Course Code : BU 525
Course Description :
Explains auditor’s role in a changing corporate environment. Analyzes case studies in relation to established auditing standards. Introduces auditing pronouncements and reference materials. Addresses ethical obligations to one’s profession and the public.
Credit : 3
Course Code : BU 625
Course Description :
Overview of accounting as a management tool. Utilizes business data for decision making andfinancial planning. Provides overview of manufacturing accounting control systems and costsystems. Topics include valuation of assets, distribution costs, and effective methods ofprofitability analysis and control.
Credit : 3
Course Code : BU 633
Course Description :
Reviews the classical and modern approaches as a framework to understand the managementprocess. Topics covered include the new team structure, a manager versus a leader, the role ofleadership, selection and staffing issues, motivation, problem solving techniques, the importanceof innovation, and using intuition in the decision making process.
Credit : 3
Course Code : BU 635
Course Description :
This survey course is designed to provide the line manager or staff specialist with an expandedunderstanding of the processes which management utilizes today to ensure that the rightnumber/quality of persons are being hired, that appropriate governmental regulations arebeing adhered to, and that the internal policies provide a work environment which encouragescost-competitive labor costs and maximum worker satisfaction.
Credit : 3
Course Code : BU 638
Course Description :
Explains the marketing management process: identifying marketing opportunities, researchingand selecting target markets, designing the marketing mix (product or service, price, distribution,and promotional strategies), and planning, implementing, and controlling the marketing effort.Strategic managerial decision making that harmonizes the firm’s objectives and resources withneeds and opportunities in the marketplace. Emphasis on ethics and the utilization of new mediaand information technologies in strategic marketing.
Credit : 3
Course Code : BU 644
Course Description :
The course provides a managerial perspective by emphasizing aspects of leading amultinational business organization. These perspectives include the global marketplace andbusiness centers, the role of culture, ethics, and social responsibility in international business, theinternational monetary system and balance of payments issues, international financial marketsand foreign exchange. Strategies for entering foreign markets, international organization designand control are considered. International marketing, accounting and finance are considered.Emphasis is placed on management of global operations including logistics, quality control andoutsourcing, project management, international human resource management and labor relations.
Credit : 3
Course Code : BU 649
Course Description :
Examines, in a global context, the relevant issues surfacing in today’s business environment such as employee rights and contracts, equal rights, the social-legal-political context of workforce diversity, antitrust, negotiations, labor and management relations, the legal environment, dealing with internal and external interest groups, etc. Examines from a global perspective, cases of unethical and socially irresponsible behavior displayed by business people and corporations, and deduces a methodology that promotes an ethical and socially responsible sensitivity in the student. Issues such as environmental pollution, exploitation of workers, value erosion, accounting theft and the morality of cost benefit analysis, whistle blowing, philanthropy, and the evaluation of corporate social performance will be studied.
Credit : 3
Course Code : BU 660
Course Description :
Examines the use of computers to solve management problems. Course reviews currenttechnologies available for large and small business relating to forecasting, customer servicesoftware, decision support software, project management, scheduling, desktop publishing,multimedia, and the Internet.
Credit : 3
Course Code : BU 695
Course Description :
This course includes study and implementation of operations/methods to improve the processesorganizations use to convert resources and materials into finished products and services.Decision making in the management of production and service operations is considered.Operation management discussions offer a managerial perspective. The course also includesconcepts critical to specific projects and project management success including organizing,planning, and scheduling projects, and managing project teams. Issues such as project constraints,stakeholder matters, and the project charter are considered.
Credit : 3
Capstone Course (3 credits)
Course Code : BU 785
Course Description :
Drawing upon information and skills learned in previous M.B.A. courses, the Seminar requiresthe student to integrate and process all that has been covered in the previous courses. Strategicmanagement cases, or typically comprehensive computer-oriented management games areemployed. These involve the totality of an organization’s situation at a certain time, areunstructured, and require a significant amount of time to research and diagnose in order tomake realistic long-range recommendations.Capstone course is taken in the student'sfinal semester.
Credit : 3
Accounting Concentration
Course Code : BU 525
Course Description :
Explains auditor’s role in a changing corporate environment. Analyzes case studies in relation to established auditing standards. Introduces auditing pronouncements and reference materials. Addresses ethical obligations to one’s profession and the public.
Credit : 3
Advanced Auditing is taken instead of the core BU 537 Financial Management. Accounting elective is taken instead of the core BU 625 Accounting for Managers
BU 625 – Accounting for Managers is not available for students pursuing this concentration. Students choose an Accounting elective in its place, and two additional electives from the list below:
Select three (total) accounting electives:
Course Code : BU 620
Course Description :
Provides practical experience in executive level communication techniques required in today’s business environment. Students will write workplans, reports, proposals and recommendations. Emphasis will be placed on utilizing the Internet and other information gathering technologies. Word processing, desktop publishing, presentation and graphic computer applications will be utilized. Application of techniques to produce effective oral communications such as presentations, speeches, television interviews, etc. are analyzed and critiqued.
Credit : 3
Course Code : BU 627
Course Description :
The objective is to provide students with the skills necessary for analyzing financial statements.This course will help students enhance their understanding of the accounting process anddevelop an ability to interpret financial information. Topics include ratio analysis, cash flows,inventories, and off balance sheet activities. Valuation models will also be discussed. Specialemphasis will be placed on the effect of accounting principles on reported results.
Credit : 3
Course Code : BU 630
Course Description :
Studies basic accounting concepts and reporting requirements for governmental and non-profit organizations. Emphasis will be given to state and local government accounting, federal government accounting, and accounting for colleges and universities.
Credit : 3
Course Code : BU 631
Course Description :
This course seeks to provide students with a broad conceptual overview of the field of forensic accounting, the key internal controls required to deter/detect frauds or abuse, and the newly enacted governance laws. The course covers the roles, responsibilities, and requirements of a forensic accountant, identifying the major types of cash, payroll, and other financial fraud schemes; detailed examination of the proper required internal audit controls (transaction authorization, segregation of duties, supervision, adequate documentation and records, physical safeguards, independent verification); and accounting/auditing standards and corporate governance needed to comply with the AICPA, SAS, CFE, government regulations, and Sarbanes-Oxley 2002 legislation. This course discusses actual fraud cases to highlight the impact of auditing and forensic accounting on businesses and our society. It is designed to help students apply techniques in identifying, collecting, and examining evidence, including how to identify financial statement misrepresentation, transaction reconstruction, and tax evasion.
Credit : 3
Course Code : BU 632
Course Description :
Introduction to tax related problems in corporations, partnerships, estates, trusts and exemptentities. Topics to include types of entities, formation of entities, entity structural considerations,tax planning, and working with the US Tax Law.
Credit : 3
Course Code : BU 634
Course Description :
This course will provide students with a solid understanding of key information qualities, critical information technologies that drive information systems, core business processes that allow organizations to run effectively, documentation tools to assess business processes, and vital corporate governance and internal control concepts that can be applied to mitigate risks. It will prepare accountants to identify and monitor enterprise risks, assure the reliability of information systems used to store, gather, and disseminate information, and possess the requisite general business knowledge, coupled with business process measurement and assessment skills, to evaluate the state of the business enterprise and its supporting operations.
Credit : 3
Course Code : BU 641
Course Description :
Consists of specific global business topics which will form the focus of an international study trip. With globalization taking on a greater priority in business management, this course will be tailored to particular contemporary developments in the field of international business. Possible issues for consideration include: regional economic integration (e.g. European Union, NAFTA); implications of globalization (business practices, cultural, social and labor issues, World Trade Organization policy); international trade and development trends (foreign direct investment, offshore manufacturing, tourism development); and international market structures (transition economies, Third World economies) as well as other aspects of international business management and culture.
Credit : 3
Course Code : BU 662
Course Description :
This course is designed to teach advanced students how to use the massive amounts of data being collected by today’s information infrastructure. Students learn to collect, “clean” and organize large amounts of real world data into databases. Students learn how to accurately interpret, visualize and present data and information for quantitative business and social science problems. In addition, students learn how to program computers to search very large data sets for new insights and relationships not proposed by traditional quantitative analysis.
Credit : 3
Course Code : BU 689
Course Description :
This course is a directed experiential educational experience for full-time graduate business students. It enables students to enhance their educational experience through appropriate work-oriented activities in selected corporate or nonprofit environments. An internship can be paid or unpaid.
Credit : 3
Global Business Concentration
Course Code : BU 641
Course Description :
Consists of specific global business topics which will form the focus of an international study trip. With globalization taking on a greater priority in business management, this course will be tailored to particular contemporary developments in the field of international business. Possible issues for consideration include: regional economic integration (e.g. European Union, NAFTA); implications of globalization (business practices, cultural, social and labor issues, World Trade Organization policy); international trade and development trends (foreign direct investment, offshore manufacturing, tourism development); and international market structures (transition economies, Third World economies) as well as other aspects of international business management and culture.
Credit : 3
Course Code : BU 642
Course Description :
This course focuses on the opportunities and risks of the complex environment of internationalbusiness, with an emphasis on the unique problems involved in managing internationaloperations. Main topics include foreign economic, political, legal, and cultural environments;international market analysis; foreign exchange; foreign direct investment; foreign trade; riskmanagement; international human resource management.
Credit : 3
Healthcare Administration
Course Code : BU 540
Course Description :
A graduate level course in finance specific to the Healthcare industry. Healthcare finance has similar foundations and principles to general finance and many areas are specific to the healthcare industry. In addition, the political climate in the U.S. heavily focuses on the healthcare industry especially in the areas such as cost containment and reimbursement model improvements. This course provides a foundation for healthcare finances by addressing topics such as financial foundations, income statement interpretation, costing and analysis, planning and budgeting, and reimbursement methodologies. (reimbursement was spelled wrong here twice, so was financial)
Credit : 3
Course Code : BU 580
Course Description :
Graduate level course in strategic planning and leadership specific to the healthcare industry. HEalthcare strategic planning has similar foundations and principles to general strategic planning and many areas are specific to the healthcare industry. This course examines fundamentals of strategic planning, healthcare marketing, business plans, accountable care organizations, SWOT analysis and marketing. These concepts in strategic planning provide the foundation for transformational leadership skills. (organizations and healthcare were spelled wrong here)
Credit : 3
Course Code : BU 692
Course Description :
This course examines operational and project management, performance improvement and quality management, capacity and patient flow, statistical analysis, data analytics, problem solving and strategies, and supply chain management.
Credit : 3
Human Resource Management Concentration
Course Code : BU 652
Course Description :
This course reviews and analyzes the essential aspects of the myriad laws governing theemployer-employee relationship, including current federal laws applying to selecting, testing,compensating, promoting, and terminating employees, employment discrimination, employeebenefits, and employee workplace issues. Particular emphasis will be placed on the New Jerseylaws impacting the workplace, including the New Jersey Law Against Discrimination.
Credit : 3
Course Code : BU 702
Course Description :
In the context of contemporary leadership theory students will develop skills to become a more effective leader, e.g., the art of listening, improving social intelligence, motivating followers, team building, assertiveness, increasing risk propensity, modeling, leading change and championing a vision, i.e., creating value for the customer with a great product/service, and communicating that vision. The seminar will be structured around readings, self-assessments, exercises and discussion.
Credit : 3
Marketing Concentration
Course Code : BU 645
Course Description :
Brand management is critical to the success of any product or service. This course will cover howto effectively manage an existing brand in today’s competitive environment and how to developeffective marketing efforts. As new products are the life-blood of a sustainable brand, studentswill experience the entire new product development process for a brand – from idea generationto creating branding, packaging and advertising messages to capture the consumer’s attention,interest and purchase.
Credit : 3
Course Code : BU 650
Course Description :
This course examines how the potential of the Internet is used to generate profits for companiesby enhancing their ability to communicate with and create value for customers. The coursediscusses the Internet as an alternative platform for communicating with the customer. Emphasisis placed on the eMarketing Communications Mix for business-2-business and business-2-consumers. Moreover, by approaching Internet Marketing within the more general framework ofe-Business, the course is also intended to familiarize students with various emerging businessconcepts like customer management, blogging/personalized communications and onlinerelationship marketing as well as some of the basics like social networking and Web sites.
Credit : 3
Organizational Leadership
Select 2 Courses:
Course Code : BU 620
Course Description :
Provides practical experience in executive level communication techniques required in today’s business environment. Students will write workplans, reports, proposals and recommendations. Emphasis will be placed on utilizing the Internet and other information gathering technologies. Word processing, desktop publishing, presentation and graphic computer applications will be utilized. Application of techniques to produce effective oral communications such as presentations, speeches, television interviews, etc. are analyzed and critiqued.
Credit : 3
Course Code : BU 702
Course Description :
In the context of contemporary leadership theory students will develop skills to become a more effective leader, e.g., the art of listening, improving social intelligence, motivating followers, team building, assertiveness, increasing risk propensity, modeling, leading change and championing a vision, i.e., creating value for the customer with a great product/service, and communicating that vision. The seminar will be structured around readings, self-assessments, exercises and discussion.
Credit : 3
Course Code : BU 704
Course Description :
Deals with proven classic theories and effective business practices. Examines current examples of organization success in a rapidly changing, highly competitive, international environment. Challenges student to apply concepts and offers opportunity to refine business skills and insights.
Credit : 3
Course Code : BU 707
Course Description :
This course will cover many different approaches to leadership by looking at contemporary leaders to study their strengths and weaknesses. Students will also determine the distinction between leadership and management and the pros and cons of different leadership styles. Building productive and effective leadership of diverse teams is a key skill for a leader. Assessing capabilities of developing successful team, and how to evaluate and increase the effectiveness of teams from an individual, a team and an organizational standpoint. Coaching is a skill that separates leaders from those not making the cut to senior leadership positions. Coaching styles need to be adaptive and how they can reflect the other side of two-way communications is covered. This course will be interactive; offer each student multiple self-assessments and unique development exercises; and, through conducting outside research, broaden one’s understanding of key areas of executive development.
Credit : 3
Sport Management
Course Code : BU 639
Course Description :
A graduate level course covering the organization, governance, business activities, and cross-cultural context of modern sport management on an international level. The course considers how sport is reflective of cultural and political differences in a globalized world by examining the essential business areas of finance, marketing, media, legal issues, and operations of international sport. Additional topics include FIFA, the Olympics, and the expansion and promotion of nation-based sports to an international audience.
Credit : 3
Course Code : BU 510
Course Description :
A graduate level course that considers leadership dilemmas that arise when individual values conflict with those of the sport organization. Students use case studies, personal experience, and current scenarios to examine actions sport management leaders have taken and consequences faced when confronted with ethical choices. Students evaluate ethical dilemmas and create an action plan for solving and preventing similar conflicts at the organizational and societal levels. Students develop a personal model for ethical leadership in the sport industry.
Credit : 3
Course Code : BU 515
Course Description :
Explores how sport stakeholders (teams, individuals, events, and venues) partner with commercial entities through sponsorship agreements. Students analyze various types of sponsorships, assess strategic aspects of sponsorship programs, identify brand objectives, and evaluate methods to activate positive return on investment (ROI) and return on objective (ROO) for partner brands. Topics include sponsorship costs, goals, selection of sponsor property, sponsorship activation, brand association, public relations, and brand image possibilities.
Credit : 3
Caldwell University will accept the transfer of up to six credits of graduate work in business from another accredited institution provided the credits were completed within five years of the student’s initial registration at Caldwell University. Official transcripts of previous graduate work as well as the description of each course must be submitted for review at the time of application. Approval of transfer credit is based on course content and grade earned in the course, which should be B or better. Each transfer request will be reviewed by the Program Coordinator. All requests for transfer credit must be submitted and approved within the student’s first semester in the program.
Core Courses (30 credits)
Course Code : BU 520
Course Description :
Considers operational, financial, policy and strategy issues using the perspective of a General Manager of a firm. The course will help the student gain a strategic view of organizations through the use of case studies and computer simulations. Students will be required to do online research on current business problems, analyze situations and propose solutions. This course will utilize the analytical skills acquired during the student’s academic and professional business career including: writing a strategic/business plan, forecasting, modeling and financial analysis.
Credit : 3
Course Code : BU 537
Course Description :
An overview of the financial principles guiding decision makers in a corporate setting. Topicsinclude cash flow analysis, time value of money, security pricing, portfolio management, capitalbudgeting, firm cost of capital, and capital structures.
Credit : 3
Course Code : BU 525
Course Description :
Explains auditor’s role in a changing corporate environment. Analyzes case studies in relation to established auditing standards. Introduces auditing pronouncements and reference materials. Addresses ethical obligations to one’s profession and the public.
Credit : 3
Course Code : BU 625
Course Description :
Overview of accounting as a management tool. Utilizes business data for decision making andfinancial planning. Provides overview of manufacturing accounting control systems and costsystems. Topics include valuation of assets, distribution costs, and effective methods ofprofitability analysis and control.
Credit : 3
Course Code : BU 633
Course Description :
Reviews the classical and modern approaches as a framework to understand the managementprocess. Topics covered include the new team structure, a manager versus a leader, the role ofleadership, selection and staffing issues, motivation, problem solving techniques, the importanceof innovation, and using intuition in the decision making process.
Credit : 3
Course Code : BU 635
Course Description :
This survey course is designed to provide the line manager or staff specialist with an expandedunderstanding of the processes which management utilizes today to ensure that the rightnumber/quality of persons are being hired, that appropriate governmental regulations arebeing adhered to, and that the internal policies provide a work environment which encouragescost-competitive labor costs and maximum worker satisfaction.
Credit : 3
Course Code : BU 638
Course Description :
Explains the marketing management process: identifying marketing opportunities, researchingand selecting target markets, designing the marketing mix (product or service, price, distribution,and promotional strategies), and planning, implementing, and controlling the marketing effort.Strategic managerial decision making that harmonizes the firm’s objectives and resources withneeds and opportunities in the marketplace. Emphasis on ethics and the utilization of new mediaand information technologies in strategic marketing.
Credit : 3
Course Code : BU 644
Course Description :
The course provides a managerial perspective by emphasizing aspects of leading amultinational business organization. These perspectives include the global marketplace andbusiness centers, the role of culture, ethics, and social responsibility in international business, theinternational monetary system and balance of payments issues, international financial marketsand foreign exchange. Strategies for entering foreign markets, international organization designand control are considered. International marketing, accounting and finance are considered.Emphasis is placed on management of global operations including logistics, quality control andoutsourcing, project management, international human resource management and labor relations.
Credit : 3
Course Code : BU 649
Course Description :
Examines, in a global context, the relevant issues surfacing in today’s business environment such as employee rights and contracts, equal rights, the social-legal-political context of workforce diversity, antitrust, negotiations, labor and management relations, the legal environment, dealing with internal and external interest groups, etc. Examines from a global perspective, cases of unethical and socially irresponsible behavior displayed by business people and corporations, and deduces a methodology that promotes an ethical and socially responsible sensitivity in the student. Issues such as environmental pollution, exploitation of workers, value erosion, accounting theft and the morality of cost benefit analysis, whistle blowing, philanthropy, and the evaluation of corporate social performance will be studied.
Credit : 3
Course Code : BU 660
Course Description :
Examines the use of computers to solve management problems. Course reviews currenttechnologies available for large and small business relating to forecasting, customer servicesoftware, decision support software, project management, scheduling, desktop publishing,multimedia, and the Internet.
Credit : 3
Course Code : BU 695
Course Description :
This course includes study and implementation of operations/methods to improve the processesorganizations use to convert resources and materials into finished products and services.Decision making in the management of production and service operations is considered.Operation management discussions offer a managerial perspective. The course also includesconcepts critical to specific projects and project management success including organizing,planning, and scheduling projects, and managing project teams. Issues such as project constraints,stakeholder matters, and the project charter are considered.
Credit : 3
Capstone Course (3 credits)
Course Code : BU 785
Course Description :
Drawing upon information and skills learned in previous M.B.A. courses, the Seminar requiresthe student to integrate and process all that has been covered in the previous courses. Strategicmanagement cases, or typically comprehensive computer-oriented management games areemployed. These involve the totality of an organization’s situation at a certain time, areunstructured, and require a significant amount of time to research and diagnose in order tomake realistic long-range recommendations.Capstone course is taken in the student'sfinal semester.
Credit : 3
All concentrations are an additional 6 credits
Accounting Concentration
Course Code : BU 525
Course Description :
Explains auditor’s role in a changing corporate environment. Analyzes case studies in relation to established auditing standards. Introduces auditing pronouncements and reference materials. Addresses ethical obligations to one’s profession and the public.
Credit : 3
Advanced Auditing is taken instead of the core BU 537 Financial Management. Accounting elective is taken instead of the core BU 625 Accounting for Managers
BU 625 – Accounting for Managers is not available for students pursuing this concentration. Students choose an Accounting elective in its place, and two additional electives from the list below:
Select three (total) accounting electives:
Course Code : BU 620
Course Description :
Provides practical experience in executive level communication techniques required in today’s business environment. Students will write workplans, reports, proposals and recommendations. Emphasis will be placed on utilizing the Internet and other information gathering technologies. Word processing, desktop publishing, presentation and graphic computer applications will be utilized. Application of techniques to produce effective oral communications such as presentations, speeches, television interviews, etc. are analyzed and critiqued.
Credit : 3
Course Code : BU 627
Course Description :
The objective is to provide students with the skills necessary for analyzing financial statements.This course will help students enhance their understanding of the accounting process anddevelop an ability to interpret financial information. Topics include ratio analysis, cash flows,inventories, and off balance sheet activities. Valuation models will also be discussed. Specialemphasis will be placed on the effect of accounting principles on reported results.
Credit : 3
Course Code : BU 630
Course Description :
Studies basic accounting concepts and reporting requirements for governmental and non-profit organizations. Emphasis will be given to state and local government accounting, federal government accounting, and accounting for colleges and universities.
Credit : 3
Course Code : BU 631
Course Description :
This course seeks to provide students with a broad conceptual overview of the field of forensic accounting, the key internal controls required to deter/detect frauds or abuse, and the newly enacted governance laws. The course covers the roles, responsibilities, and requirements of a forensic accountant, identifying the major types of cash, payroll, and other financial fraud schemes; detailed examination of the proper required internal audit controls (transaction authorization, segregation of duties, supervision, adequate documentation and records, physical safeguards, independent verification); and accounting/auditing standards and corporate governance needed to comply with the AICPA, SAS, CFE, government regulations, and Sarbanes-Oxley 2002 legislation. This course discusses actual fraud cases to highlight the impact of auditing and forensic accounting on businesses and our society. It is designed to help students apply techniques in identifying, collecting, and examining evidence, including how to identify financial statement misrepresentation, transaction reconstruction, and tax evasion.
Credit : 3
Course Code : BU 632
Course Description :
Introduction to tax related problems in corporations, partnerships, estates, trusts and exemptentities. Topics to include types of entities, formation of entities, entity structural considerations,tax planning, and working with the US Tax Law.
Credit : 3
Course Code : BU 634
Course Description :
This course will provide students with a solid understanding of key information qualities, critical information technologies that drive information systems, core business processes that allow organizations to run effectively, documentation tools to assess business processes, and vital corporate governance and internal control concepts that can be applied to mitigate risks. It will prepare accountants to identify and monitor enterprise risks, assure the reliability of information systems used to store, gather, and disseminate information, and possess the requisite general business knowledge, coupled with business process measurement and assessment skills, to evaluate the state of the business enterprise and its supporting operations.
Credit : 3
Course Code : BU 636
Course Description :
This course will present the theory and application of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). These standards are utilized in several places throughout the world as well as by U.S. companies with foreign subsidiaries. Several countries already do dual reporting and expect to convert exclusively to IFRS. Although there is no certain date for U.S. companies to adopt IFRS, many companies are already planning for the transition. These reporting standards are a significant move toward achieving a common accounting framework, a necessary step in the globalization of business and investment.
Credit : 3
Course Code : BU 641
Course Description :
Consists of specific global business topics which will form the focus of an international study trip. With globalization taking on a greater priority in business management, this course will be tailored to particular contemporary developments in the field of international business. Possible issues for consideration include: regional economic integration (e.g. European Union, NAFTA); implications of globalization (business practices, cultural, social and labor issues, World Trade Organization policy); international trade and development trends (foreign direct investment, offshore manufacturing, tourism development); and international market structures (transition economies, Third World economies) as well as other aspects of international business management and culture.
Credit : 3
Course Code : BU 662
Course Description :
This course is designed to teach advanced students how to use the massive amounts of data being collected by today’s information infrastructure. Students learn to collect, “clean” and organize large amounts of real world data into databases. Students learn how to accurately interpret, visualize and present data and information for quantitative business and social science problems. In addition, students learn how to program computers to search very large data sets for new insights and relationships not proposed by traditional quantitative analysis.
Credit : 3
Course Code : BU 689
Course Description :
This course is a directed experiential educational experience for full-time graduate business students. It enables students to enhance their educational experience through appropriate work-oriented activities in selected corporate or nonprofit environments. An internship can be paid or unpaid.
Credit : 3
Global Business Concentration
Course Code : BU 641
Course Description :
Consists of specific global business topics which will form the focus of an international study trip. With globalization taking on a greater priority in business management, this course will be tailored to particular contemporary developments in the field of international business. Possible issues for consideration include: regional economic integration (e.g. European Union, NAFTA); implications of globalization (business practices, cultural, social and labor issues, World Trade Organization policy); international trade and development trends (foreign direct investment, offshore manufacturing, tourism development); and international market structures (transition economies, Third World economies) as well as other aspects of international business management and culture.
Credit : 3
Course Code : BU 642
Course Description :
This course focuses on the opportunities and risks of the complex environment of internationalbusiness, with an emphasis on the unique problems involved in managing internationaloperations. Main topics include foreign economic, political, legal, and cultural environments;international market analysis; foreign exchange; foreign direct investment; foreign trade; riskmanagement; international human resource management.
Credit : 3
Healthcare Administration
Course Code : BU 540
Course Description :
A graduate level course in finance specific to the Healthcare industry. Healthcare finance has similar foundations and principles to general finance and many areas are specific to the healthcare industry. In addition, the political climate in the U.S. heavily focuses on the healthcare industry especially in the areas such as cost containment and reimbursement model improvements. This course provides a foundation for healthcare finances by addressing topics such as financial foundations, income statement interpretation, costing and analysis, planning and budgeting, and reimbursement methodologies. (reimbursement was spelled wrong here twice, so was financial)
Credit : 3
Course Code : BU 580
Course Description :
Graduate level course in strategic planning and leadership specific to the healthcare industry. HEalthcare strategic planning has similar foundations and principles to general strategic planning and many areas are specific to the healthcare industry. This course examines fundamentals of strategic planning, healthcare marketing, business plans, accountable care organizations, SWOT analysis and marketing. These concepts in strategic planning provide the foundation for transformational leadership skills. (organizations and healthcare were spelled wrong here)
Credit : 3
Course Code : BU 692
Course Description :
This course examines operational and project management, performance improvement and quality management, capacity and patient flow, statistical analysis, data analytics, problem solving and strategies, and supply chain management.
Credit : 3
Human Resource Management Concentration
Course Code : BU 652
Course Description :
This course reviews and analyzes the essential aspects of the myriad laws governing theemployer-employee relationship, including current federal laws applying to selecting, testing,compensating, promoting, and terminating employees, employment discrimination, employeebenefits, and employee workplace issues. Particular emphasis will be placed on the New Jerseylaws impacting the workplace, including the New Jersey Law Against Discrimination.
Credit : 3
Course Code : BU 702
Course Description :
In the context of contemporary leadership theory students will develop skills to become a more effective leader, e.g., the art of listening, improving social intelligence, motivating followers, team building, assertiveness, increasing risk propensity, modeling, leading change and championing a vision, i.e., creating value for the customer with a great product/service, and communicating that vision. The seminar will be structured around readings, self-assessments, exercises and discussion.
Credit : 3
Marketing Concentration
Course Code : BU 645
Course Description :
Brand management is critical to the success of any product or service. This course will cover howto effectively manage an existing brand in today’s competitive environment and how to developeffective marketing efforts. As new products are the life-blood of a sustainable brand, studentswill experience the entire new product development process for a brand – from idea generationto creating branding, packaging and advertising messages to capture the consumer’s attention,interest and purchase.
Credit : 3
Course Code : BU 650
Course Description :
This course examines how the potential of the Internet is used to generate profits for companiesby enhancing their ability to communicate with and create value for customers. The coursediscusses the Internet as an alternative platform for communicating with the customer. Emphasisis placed on the eMarketing Communications Mix for business-2-business and business-2-consumers. Moreover, by approaching Internet Marketing within the more general framework ofe-Business, the course is also intended to familiarize students with various emerging businessconcepts like customer management, blogging/personalized communications and onlinerelationship marketing as well as some of the basics like social networking and Web sites.
Credit : 3
Organizational Leadership
Select 2 Courses:
Course Code : BU 620
Course Description :
Provides practical experience in executive level communication techniques required in today’s business environment. Students will write workplans, reports, proposals and recommendations. Emphasis will be placed on utilizing the Internet and other information gathering technologies. Word processing, desktop publishing, presentation and graphic computer applications will be utilized. Application of techniques to produce effective oral communications such as presentations, speeches, television interviews, etc. are analyzed and critiqued.
Credit : 3
Course Code : BU 702
Course Description :
In the context of contemporary leadership theory students will develop skills to become a more effective leader, e.g., the art of listening, improving social intelligence, motivating followers, team building, assertiveness, increasing risk propensity, modeling, leading change and championing a vision, i.e., creating value for the customer with a great product/service, and communicating that vision. The seminar will be structured around readings, self-assessments, exercises and discussion.
Credit : 3
Course Code : BU 704
Course Description :
Deals with proven classic theories and effective business practices. Examines current examples of organization success in a rapidly changing, highly competitive, international environment. Challenges student to apply concepts and offers opportunity to refine business skills and insights.
Credit : 3
Course Code : BU 707
Course Description :
This course will cover many different approaches to leadership by looking at contemporary leaders to study their strengths and weaknesses. Students will also determine the distinction between leadership and management and the pros and cons of different leadership styles. Building productive and effective leadership of diverse teams is a key skill for a leader. Assessing capabilities of developing successful team, and how to evaluate and increase the effectiveness of teams from an individual, a team and an organizational standpoint. Coaching is a skill that separates leaders from those not making the cut to senior leadership positions. Coaching styles need to be adaptive and how they can reflect the other side of two-way communications is covered. This course will be interactive; offer each student multiple self-assessments and unique development exercises; and, through conducting outside research, broaden one’s understanding of key areas of executive development.
Credit : 3
Sport Management
Course Code : BU 639
Course Description :
A graduate level course covering the organization, governance, business activities, and cross-cultural context of modern sport management on an international level. The course considers how sport is reflective of cultural and political differences in a globalized world by examining the essential business areas of finance, marketing, media, legal issues, and operations of international sport. Additional topics include FIFA, the Olympics, and the expansion and promotion of nation-based sports to an international audience.
Credit : 3
Course Code : BU 515
Course Description :
Explores how sport stakeholders (teams, individuals, events, and venues) partner with commercial entities through sponsorship agreements. Students analyze various types of sponsorships, assess strategic aspects of sponsorship programs, identify brand objectives, and evaluate methods to activate positive return on investment (ROI) and return on objective (ROO) for partner brands. Topics include sponsorship costs, goals, selection of sponsor property, sponsorship activation, brand association, public relations, and brand image possibilities.
Credit : 3
Course Code : BU 510
Course Description :
A graduate level course that considers leadership dilemmas that arise when individual values conflict with those of the sport organization. Students use case studies, personal experience, and current scenarios to examine actions sport management leaders have taken and consequences faced when confronted with ethical choices. Students evaluate ethical dilemmas and create an action plan for solving and preventing similar conflicts at the organizational and societal levels. Students develop a personal model for ethical leadership in the sport industry.
Credit : 3
Caldwell University will accept the transfer of up to six credits of graduate work in business from another accredited institution provided the credits were completed within five years of the student’s initial registration at Caldwell University. Official transcripts of previous graduate work as well as the description of each course must be submitted for review at the time of application. Approval of transfer credit is based on course content and grade earned in the course, which should be B or better. Each transfer request will be reviewed by the Program Coordinator. All requests for transfer credit must be submitted and approved within the student’s first semester in the program.
- Waivers without requirement to substitute another course
Students who completed undergraduate majors in specific areas and a cumulative GPA of 3.0 in that major can waive, on approval, one core or elective course as follows:Undergraduate majorM.B.A. Core course waivableAccountingBU 625 Accounting for ManagersMarketingBU 638 Marketing in a Dynamic EnvironmentManagementBU 633 Organizational Behavior for ManagersInternational BusinessBU 642 Global StrategyComputer Science orBU 660 Management Information SystemsComputer Information SystemsFinancial EconomicsBU 694 Managerial EconomicsWaivers must be requested before the completion of 18 credits. - Waivers requiring substitution with another course
Students who have successfully completed 400 level undergraduate courses (or the equivalent) in other specific areas with a grade of B or better may substitute an elective course for the core M.B.A. course in this area, with the prior written approval of the program coordinator.
M.B.A. students with an accounting concentration must substitute an elective for BU 625 Accounting for Managers, unless they qualify for a waiver under section “A” above. Your advisor can answer any questions you may have concerning waivers.
Transfer of Graduate Credit
Caldwell University will accept the transfer of six credits of graduate work in business from another accredited institution provided the credits were completed within five years of the student’s initial registration at Caldwell University. Official transcripts of previous graduate work as well as the description of each course must be submitted for review at the time of application. Approval of transfer credit is based on course content and grade earned in the course. Each transfer request will be reviewed by the Program Coordinator. All requests for transfer credit must be submitted and approved within the student’s first semester in the program.
Earn Your MBA Degree at Caldwell
Caldwell University’s flexible Master of Business Administration program offers multiple formats—online, on-campus, and hybrid MBA degree options. In addition, Caldwell’s MBA concentrations provide the focused courses needed to launch or advance your business career or break into a new industry.
Learn more about Caldwell’s MBA program.
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