Graduate School of Business Alumni Testimonials

“My experience with the MBA program at Caldwell University has been extraordinary to say the least. It truly has been a challenging ride and a life changing experience; one of my greatest decisions to date! I am amazed at my personal development throughout this program but I couldn’t have done it without the guidance of the excellent faculty combined with an equally stimulating curriculum.”
– Farah Ahmed (MBA HR Alum)
“I am able to apply the theories and concepts that I learned at Caldwell University to my current career. Conversely, the skills that I’ve learned in the business world have helped me excel in the MBA program. It’s a great cycle of learning!”
– Maryanne Mauro (MBA Current)
“After 6 years at Caldwell, and receiving both my undergraduate and graduate degrees, I can absolutely say I made the right decision. My time at Caldwell and working with the staff has been nothing short of fantastic. They made my transition from an undergrad to grad student as easy as possible and were there to help whenever I needed it. With intimate class sizes and being able to develop rapports with professors, Caldwell makes success attainable for every student. I am thankful for all my professors over the years and the time I spent at Caldwell University.”
– Phillip Ragusa (MS ACC Alum)
“Caldwell University and its MBA Program go way beyond its beautiful campus setting. It offers a means to construct a solid foundation for the personal development of its student body. By providing professors with interesting insights into current best industry practice and academic thinking, in class application of business functions and practices, and a committed staff ensuring and supporting personal, academic, and professional advancement, paved the way for my own personal success.”
– Thomas Worgul (MBA ACC Current)
“Caldwell University provided me with the best environment to freely explore my areas of interests and made me ready for my future endeavors. Caldwell Community has always been warm and welcoming, you can reach out to anyone and they will try their best to help you. Caldwell has been my second home since my 1st day in the United States in 2017 and I grew wiser with Caldwell’s strong curriculum, encouraging faculty members, and helpful staff. I have come to love every part of Caldwell and I hope to continue bringing pride to Caldwell University as an alumnus”
-Sachi Shrestha (BS in Computer Information System and Healthcare Administration)