Libraries and Computer Labs (other facilities as needed)
In stage 3 students and staff will return to the library in a carefully planned and distanced manner. Computer labs will open in a greatly reduced capacity.
Stage 3:
What is your plan for operation of computer labs and libraries?
The Jennings Library staff will be able to return to campus with appropriate spacing between offices and individuals. Students will be allowed to return to the building in reduced numbers. All who enter the building will be required to adhere to social distancing and face mask requirements. A one-way system for access and egress from the building will ensure a safe flow of students through the library. Signage and floor decals throughout the building will aid as a reminder. The library building will be rearranged to fit social distancing guidelines. Furniture will be moved and plexiglass installed in public service areas. Computers will be rearranged and/or disabled to fit social distancing guidelines. Students and staff will be asked to wipe down shared surfaces before and after use with disinfecting wipes that will be provided Curbside pick up will continue for all books. Returned books will be quarantined and sanitized using an ultraviolet wand before returning to the shelf. Information literacy instruction will use a variety of options in consultation with faculty including online instruction (asynchronous or synchronous), hybrid or in-person for small classes. Library reference assistance will be offered remotely via chat and email. Google Hangouts will be used for virtual meetings with students.
Computer Labs:
Computers will be disabled in accordance with maximum occupancy calculations for social distancing. Usable computers will be spaced six feet apart and rearranged to fit social distancing guidelines. Students and staff will be asked to wipe down shared surfaces before and after use with disinfecting wipes that will be made available. Signs will be displayed showing the maximum capacity of each lab. Rooms will be provisioned with the necessary cleaning supplies and in addition to regular cleaning, each lab will be disinfected with an electrostatic fogger once a day. Students will be expected to wipe down each terminal before and after use.
- How will the institution implement social distancing measures and cleaning protocols in these facilities?
In the library, the number of access doors will be limited. A staff member will count the number of students entering to ensure that state guidelines for building occupancy are followed. Student study areas and computer stations will be limited. Some computers may be disabled, and furniture rearranged or removed. Plexiglass shields will be installed where social distancing may not be possible at all times. All study rooms will be limited to single occupancy. Signage and floor decals will remind students of social distancing. Staff will enforce these requirements.
In computers labs, terminals will be disabled to achieve a six foot separation. Signage will be used to remind students and staff to wipe keyboards and other high touch surfaces before and after each use. Cleaning supplies will be provided.
- How will the institution follow state occupancy restrictions in these facilities and reduce occupancy?
In the library, a staff member will be stationed at the door to count the number of people entering the building to adhere to the reduced capacity limits. The number of entrance doors will be reduced for monitoring purposes. Furniture will be removed and/or signed to reduce seating capacity.
In the computer labs, only a limited number of computers/terminals will be usable. Signs will be posted on non-usable terminals to avoid usage. Signage will be displayed to indicate the maximum occupancy of each lab.
- How will the institution clean and disinfect high-touch areas in these facilities, such as computer terminals?
Computer labs will be cleaned twice per day by the custodial team, once by using antimicrobial spray, and a second time using an electrostatic fogger.
Students will be expected to wipe keyboards, mice, and terminals before and after each use. Computer labs and the library will be outfitted with appropriate materials for cleaning monitors and keyboards.
- Will the institution utilize curbside pickup for libraries? If so, how will the plan for curbside pickup be implemented?
The Jennings Library piloted curbside pickup in late July in anticipation of providing curbside pick up in Stage 2 and Stage 3. The process is as follows:
- Patron requests books via email, phone, or the electronic curbside pick up form and selects pick up time
- Staff sends a confirmation email that items are ready with instructions for pick up including wearing a mask
- Patron calls library when arriving on campus
- The staff brings books out in a bag and places it on a table for the patron to pick up – no contact. The staff will be wearing masks and gloves.
Caldwell University catalogued all portable laptops, Chromebooks and other devices in March when teaching moved to remote formats. The devices were loaned to students who did not have access to a computer or who may have been unable to share a single home device with multiple family members. The devices were distributed in a curbside pickup process and will be returned in a similar manner. Devices will be quarantined prior to use in classrooms, labs or the library in Stage 3. If the state remains in Stage 2, devices will be provisioned back to needy students,
Stage 2:
What is your plan for operation of computer labs and libraries?
The library staff will stagger their schedules as needed to provide curbside service for students while limiting in-premise operations per the State of New Jersey Department of Law and Public Safety Office of Emergency Management Administrative Order No. 2020-15. All transactions will be handled in advance to avoid person to person contact as in Stage 3. The curbside pickup plan will continue with patrons requesting materials in advance through email, phone, or the electronic curbside pick up form. All materials returned to the book drop will be quarantined for four days and sanitized with an ultraviolet wand before returning to the stacks. The library building will be closed to students.
Computer labs will remain closed in Stage 2.
- How will the institution implement social distancing measures and cleaning protocols in these facilities?
The library building and computer labs will remain closed in Stage 2.
- How will the institution follow state occupancy restrictions in these facilities and reduce occupancy?
The library and computer labs will remain closed in Stage 2. Patrons will pick up materials and devices outside the building at pre scheduled times. There will be signage reinforcing the requirement to maintain social distancing and wearing of a face mask at the pick up location. Library staff will be socially distanced inside the building.
- How will the institution clean and disinfect high-touch areas in these facilities, such as computer terminals?
High touch areas will not be accessible in Stage 2.
- Will the institution utilize curbside pickup for libraries? If so, how will the plan for curbside pickup be implemented?
The library curbside pick up service has already been implemented and will be expanded when classes begin. It will be attended by a staff member while the building is closed to students.