Bachelor of Arts in Spanish
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The creative and dedicated instructors at Caldwell University share a commitment to excellence in teaching language. Graduates of our Bachelor of Arts in Spanish program are prepared to participate in a global world with proficiency in Spanish and in-depth knowledge of literature, history, fine arts, social and business practices. Caldwell University offers small classes sizes with experienced faculty who are committed to your success. We provide a student centered experience which is both challenging yet approachable, with opportunities to study abroad. Our unique Dominican heritage is clearly evident in our courses as we seek the “truth” through fact finding, dialogue and engagement.
Our graduates have careers in tourism, banking, marketing, teaching, healthcare, law enforcement, social services and communications. Students may also choose to pursue New Jersey State Teacher Certification K–12.
Students in our program can elect to minor in French, Italian, American Sign Language, or Social Justice and Cultural Awareness.
In addition to passing all Spanish courses with a grade of C or better, all majors must receive a satisfactory score on the Spanish: World Language subject area test of the National Teacher’s Exam (Praxis Series II). Arrangements are made with the Department Chair. This test demonstrates competence in the following areas: listening and reading comprehension, grammar, speaking skills, culture, literature, geography and history. The department reviews the results periodically and adjusts the content of the courses accordingly.
Complete four courses (12 cr) at SP 400 level
Complete six courses (18 cr) at SP 300-400 level
Course Code : SP 321
Course Description :
This course offers the intermediate and advanced learners of Spanish a review of Spanish grammar. The grammatical explanations are followed by a series of exercises for the student to practice the concepts learned. Students work in groups, analyze texts and make class presentations. Authentic documents are used to motivate students in their effort to become proficient in Spanish.
Credit : 3
Prerequisites :
SP112, SP202, SP322, SP329
Course Code : SP 322
Course Description :
This course offers the intermediate and advanced student a thorough review of Spanish grammar. After a brief review of the material covered in SP 321, the student is introduced to the subjunctive mood, commands, direct and indirect object pronouns, adjectives and prepositions. The students work in groups and are asked to practice the grammatical concepts learned through translation, text analysis, oral presentations and compositions.
Credit : 3
Prerequisites :
SP329, SP202 or equivalent
Course Code : SP 325
Course Description :
Develops conversation skills through readings and assigned topics, pronunciation, correct expression and sentence structure.
Credit : 3
Prerequisites :
SP112, SP321, SP202, SP322
Course Code : SP 326
Course Description :
Expands on correct expression and sentence structure with essay writing and analyses of contemporary topics.
Credit : 3
Prerequisites :
SP321, SP112, SP325, SP329, SP330, SP322, SP202
Course Code : SP 329
Course Description :
Studies the cultural history and geography of Spain through the 21st century.
Credit : 3
Prerequisites :
SP322, SP326, SP330, SP321, SP325, SP202
Course Code : SP 330
Course Description :
Explores cultural history and geography of Spanish-speaking Latin America.
Credit : 3
Prerequisites :
SP326, SP321, SP315, SP202, SP112, SP329
Course Code : SP 341
Course Description :
A Winter, Spring Break or Summer Session short study abroad course concentrating on the history and customs of areas visited as well as on conversational Spanish. Pre-trip seminars and post-trip research paper required. Destinations have included Mexico, Argentina and Andalusia. The course number SP 341 is followed by a different letter to distinguish one travel seminar from another.
Credit : 3
Course Code : SP 390
Course Description :
Introduces language and culture through the study of children's stories and popular legends from Spain and Spanish America. Formerly Children's Literature in the Classroom. 10/15
Credit : 3
Instruction methods : Lecture: 3 Hours
Prerequisites :
SP 202 or equivalent
Course Code : SP 401
Course Description :
Studies the literature of Spain from its origins at the end of the fifth century up to what has been considered the Golden Age of Spanish art and literature in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. This period covers the Spanish Middle Ages, the Renaissance and the Golden Age. Students will read and discuss the works of Lope de Vega, Caldern de la Barca, Miguel de Cervantes among others. Prerequisite: permission of instructor.
Credit : 3
Prerequisites :
SP315, SP329, SP326
Course Code : SP 402
Course Description :
Studies Spanish literature 1700 to the present. Discussion of representative texts and authors from the Neoclassical, Romantic, Realist and Contemporary periods.
Credit : 3
Prerequisites :
SP322, SP329, SP202
Course Code : SP 403
Course Description :
This course is an introductory course to Spanish- American literature. Students are introduced to a selection of the works of some of Spanish America's most distinguished writers along with an in depth study of the historical period. The course will cover the pre-Colombian world, Mayan, Aztec and Inca civilizations, the colonial period and the struggle for independence, as well as the continent's search for its voice, which culminates in the birth of new and truly original literary works.
Credit : 3
Prerequisites :
SP329, SP325, SP322, SP315, SP202
Course Code : SP 404
Course Description :
Introduces the work of some of the most important contemporary Spanish American novelists. Students will read Juan Rulfos Pedro Pramo, Gabriel Garca Mrquezs One Hundred Years of Solitude, Mario Vargas Llosas La fiesta del Chivo, Isabel Allendes La casa de los espritus among others. The earlier novels selected are representative of what has been called the nueva novela hispanoamericana and mark the coming of age of the Spanish American novel. The later works are examples of El boom, the name given to the explosion created by the arrival of master works by a new generation of writers.
Credit : 3
Prerequisites :
SP325, SP321, SP202
Course Code : SP 408
Course Description :
This course introduces students to the short story genre through the work of some of Spanish America's most renowned authors. Through the work of Horacio Quiroga, Juan Rulfo, Jorge Luis Borges, Julio Cortazar and others the student will become familiar with the major trends and innovations that occurred in Latin American fiction during the twentieth century.
Credit : 3
Prerequisites :
SP330, SP326, SP202
Course Code : SP 409
Course Description :
This course focuses on a specific topic in Spanish literature and/or culture such as Women Voices in Spanish Literature or the Spanish-speaking World through Film. Spanish majors are expected to do the required reading and writing in Spanish.
Credit : 3
Course Code : SP 423
Course Description :
This course introduces students to the nineteenth and twentieth century Spanish literature of the Caribbean. The works that will be read explore issues such as colonialism, slavery and race, exile and migration and the history of relationships with the United States.
Credit : 3
Prerequisites :
SP330, SP329, SP325, SP322, SP315, SP321, SP326, SP202
Course Code : SP 499
Course Description :
Offers qualified students the opportunity to develop independent reading and research skills by working in selected areas under the guidance of individual teachers. Offered only to upper division students with a cumulative index of 3.0 or better; by permission.
Credit : 3
The department recommends that students with a major in Spanish complete at least two years of study in a second modern language.
NOTE: Spanish majors and department minors are encouraged, or sometimes required, to study abroad in order to obtain the necessary fluency. Fluency will be evaluated in an oral interview as well as in a writing sample. Departmental faculty recommendations will also be taken into account. Our majors have studied in Granada and Segovia, Spain and in Rennes, France, among other places.
Academic Standing
At the end of any semester during the junior or senior year, the cumulative average of all courses taken in the major must be a 2.0 or above, otherwise the student will be placed on academic probation.
Your degree includes credits from Liberal Arts and Sciences Core, Major, and Electives.
Complete four courses (12 cr) at SP 400 level
Complete six courses (18 cr) at SP 300-400 level
Course Code : SP 321
Course Description :
This course offers the intermediate and advanced learners of Spanish a review of Spanish grammar. The grammatical explanations are followed by a series of exercises for the student to practice the concepts learned. Students work in groups, analyze texts and make class presentations. Authentic documents are used to motivate students in their effort to become proficient in Spanish.
Credit : 3
Prerequisites :
SP112, SP202, SP322, SP329
Course Code : SP 322
Course Description :
This course offers the intermediate and advanced student a thorough review of Spanish grammar. After a brief review of the material covered in SP 321, the student is introduced to the subjunctive mood, commands, direct and indirect object pronouns, adjectives and prepositions. The students work in groups and are asked to practice the grammatical concepts learned through translation, text analysis, oral presentations and compositions.
Credit : 3
Prerequisites :
SP329, SP202 or equivalent
Course Code : SP 325
Course Description :
Develops conversation skills through readings and assigned topics, pronunciation, correct expression and sentence structure.
Credit : 3
Prerequisites :
SP112, SP321, SP202, SP322
Course Code : SP 326
Course Description :
Expands on correct expression and sentence structure with essay writing and analyses of contemporary topics.
Credit : 3
Prerequisites :
SP321, SP112, SP325, SP329, SP330, SP322, SP202
Course Code : SP 329
Course Description :
Studies the cultural history and geography of Spain through the 21st century.
Credit : 3
Prerequisites :
SP322, SP326, SP330, SP321, SP325, SP202
Course Code : SP 330
Course Description :
Explores cultural history and geography of Spanish-speaking Latin America.
Credit : 3
Prerequisites :
SP326, SP321, SP315, SP202, SP112, SP329
Course Code : SP 341
Course Description :
A Winter, Spring Break or Summer Session short study abroad course concentrating on the history and customs of areas visited as well as on conversational Spanish. Pre-trip seminars and post-trip research paper required. Destinations have included Mexico, Argentina and Andalusia. The course number SP 341 is followed by a different letter to distinguish one travel seminar from another.
Credit : 3
Course Code : SP 390
Course Description :
Introduces language and culture through the study of children's stories and popular legends from Spain and Spanish America. Formerly Children's Literature in the Classroom. 10/15
Credit : 3
Instruction methods : Lecture: 3 Hours
Prerequisites :
SP 202 or equivalent
Course Code : SP 401
Course Description :
Studies the literature of Spain from its origins at the end of the fifth century up to what has been considered the Golden Age of Spanish art and literature in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. This period covers the Spanish Middle Ages, the Renaissance and the Golden Age. Students will read and discuss the works of Lope de Vega, Caldern de la Barca, Miguel de Cervantes among others. Prerequisite: permission of instructor.
Credit : 3
Prerequisites :
SP315, SP329, SP326
Course Code : SP 402
Course Description :
Studies Spanish literature 1700 to the present. Discussion of representative texts and authors from the Neoclassical, Romantic, Realist and Contemporary periods.
Credit : 3
Prerequisites :
SP322, SP329, SP202
Course Code : SP 403
Course Description :
This course is an introductory course to Spanish- American literature. Students are introduced to a selection of the works of some of Spanish America's most distinguished writers along with an in depth study of the historical period. The course will cover the pre-Colombian world, Mayan, Aztec and Inca civilizations, the colonial period and the struggle for independence, as well as the continent's search for its voice, which culminates in the birth of new and truly original literary works.
Credit : 3
Prerequisites :
SP329, SP325, SP322, SP315, SP202
Course Code : SP 404
Course Description :
Introduces the work of some of the most important contemporary Spanish American novelists. Students will read Juan Rulfos Pedro Pramo, Gabriel Garca Mrquezs One Hundred Years of Solitude, Mario Vargas Llosas La fiesta del Chivo, Isabel Allendes La casa de los espritus among others. The earlier novels selected are representative of what has been called the nueva novela hispanoamericana and mark the coming of age of the Spanish American novel. The later works are examples of El boom, the name given to the explosion created by the arrival of master works by a new generation of writers.
Credit : 3
Prerequisites :
SP325, SP321, SP202
Course Code : SP 408
Course Description :
This course introduces students to the short story genre through the work of some of Spanish America's most renowned authors. Through the work of Horacio Quiroga, Juan Rulfo, Jorge Luis Borges, Julio Cortazar and others the student will become familiar with the major trends and innovations that occurred in Latin American fiction during the twentieth century.
Credit : 3
Prerequisites :
SP330, SP326, SP202
Course Code : SP 409
Course Description :
This course focuses on a specific topic in Spanish literature and/or culture such as Women Voices in Spanish Literature or the Spanish-speaking World through Film. Spanish majors are expected to do the required reading and writing in Spanish.
Credit : 3
Course Code : SP 423
Course Description :
This course introduces students to the nineteenth and twentieth century Spanish literature of the Caribbean. The works that will be read explore issues such as colonialism, slavery and race, exile and migration and the history of relationships with the United States.
Credit : 3
Prerequisites :
SP330, SP329, SP325, SP322, SP315, SP321, SP326, SP202
Course Code : SP 499
Course Description :
Offers qualified students the opportunity to develop independent reading and research skills by working in selected areas under the guidance of individual teachers. Offered only to upper division students with a cumulative index of 3.0 or better; by permission.
Credit : 3
The department recommends that students with a major in Spanish complete at least two years of study in a second modern language.
NOTE: Spanish majors and department minors are encouraged, or sometimes required, to study abroad in order to obtain the necessary fluency. Fluency will be evaluated in an oral interview as well as in a writing sample. Departmental faculty recommendations will also be taken into account. Our majors have studied in Granada and Segovia, Spain and in Rennes, France, among other places.
Academic Standing
At the end of any semester during the junior or senior year, the cumulative average of all courses taken in the major must be a 2.0 or above, otherwise the student will be placed on academic probation.
Your degree includes credits from Liberal Arts and Sciences Core, Major, and Electives.
Complete four courses (12 cr) at SP 400 level
Complete six courses (18 cr) at SP 300-400 level
Course Code : SP 321
Course Description :
This course offers the intermediate and advanced learners of Spanish a review of Spanish grammar. The grammatical explanations are followed by a series of exercises for the student to practice the concepts learned. Students work in groups, analyze texts and make class presentations. Authentic documents are used to motivate students in their effort to become proficient in Spanish.
Credit : 3
Prerequisites :
SP112, SP202, SP322, SP329
Course Code : SP 322
Course Description :
This course offers the intermediate and advanced student a thorough review of Spanish grammar. After a brief review of the material covered in SP 321, the student is introduced to the subjunctive mood, commands, direct and indirect object pronouns, adjectives and prepositions. The students work in groups and are asked to practice the grammatical concepts learned through translation, text analysis, oral presentations and compositions.
Credit : 3
Prerequisites :
SP329, SP202 or equivalent
Course Code : SP 325
Course Description :
Develops conversation skills through readings and assigned topics, pronunciation, correct expression and sentence structure.
Credit : 3
Prerequisites :
SP112, SP321, SP202, SP322
Course Code : SP 326
Course Description :
Expands on correct expression and sentence structure with essay writing and analyses of contemporary topics.
Credit : 3
Prerequisites :
SP321, SP112, SP325, SP329, SP330, SP322, SP202
Course Code : SP 329
Course Description :
Studies the cultural history and geography of Spain through the 21st century.
Credit : 3
Prerequisites :
SP322, SP326, SP330, SP321, SP325, SP202
Course Code : SP 330
Course Description :
Explores cultural history and geography of Spanish-speaking Latin America.
Credit : 3
Prerequisites :
SP326, SP321, SP315, SP202, SP112, SP329
Course Code : SP 341
Course Description :
A Winter, Spring Break or Summer Session short study abroad course concentrating on the history and customs of areas visited as well as on conversational Spanish. Pre-trip seminars and post-trip research paper required. Destinations have included Mexico, Argentina and Andalusia. The course number SP 341 is followed by a different letter to distinguish one travel seminar from another.
Credit : 3
Course Code : SP 390
Course Description :
Introduces language and culture through the study of children's stories and popular legends from Spain and Spanish America. Formerly Children's Literature in the Classroom. 10/15
Credit : 3
Instruction methods : Lecture: 3 Hours
Prerequisites :
SP 202 or equivalent
Course Code : SP 401
Course Description :
Studies the literature of Spain from its origins at the end of the fifth century up to what has been considered the Golden Age of Spanish art and literature in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. This period covers the Spanish Middle Ages, the Renaissance and the Golden Age. Students will read and discuss the works of Lope de Vega, Caldern de la Barca, Miguel de Cervantes among others. Prerequisite: permission of instructor.
Credit : 3
Prerequisites :
SP315, SP329, SP326
Course Code : SP 402
Course Description :
Studies Spanish literature 1700 to the present. Discussion of representative texts and authors from the Neoclassical, Romantic, Realist and Contemporary periods.
Credit : 3
Prerequisites :
SP322, SP329, SP202
Course Code : SP 403
Course Description :
This course is an introductory course to Spanish- American literature. Students are introduced to a selection of the works of some of Spanish America's most distinguished writers along with an in depth study of the historical period. The course will cover the pre-Colombian world, Mayan, Aztec and Inca civilizations, the colonial period and the struggle for independence, as well as the continent's search for its voice, which culminates in the birth of new and truly original literary works.
Credit : 3
Prerequisites :
SP329, SP325, SP322, SP315, SP202
Course Code : SP 404
Course Description :
Introduces the work of some of the most important contemporary Spanish American novelists. Students will read Juan Rulfos Pedro Pramo, Gabriel Garca Mrquezs One Hundred Years of Solitude, Mario Vargas Llosas La fiesta del Chivo, Isabel Allendes La casa de los espritus among others. The earlier novels selected are representative of what has been called the nueva novela hispanoamericana and mark the coming of age of the Spanish American novel. The later works are examples of El boom, the name given to the explosion created by the arrival of master works by a new generation of writers.
Credit : 3
Prerequisites :
SP325, SP321, SP202
Course Code : SP 408
Course Description :
This course introduces students to the short story genre through the work of some of Spanish America's most renowned authors. Through the work of Horacio Quiroga, Juan Rulfo, Jorge Luis Borges, Julio Cortazar and others the student will become familiar with the major trends and innovations that occurred in Latin American fiction during the twentieth century.
Credit : 3
Prerequisites :
SP330, SP326, SP202
Course Code : SP 409
Course Description :
This course focuses on a specific topic in Spanish literature and/or culture such as Women Voices in Spanish Literature or the Spanish-speaking World through Film. Spanish majors are expected to do the required reading and writing in Spanish.
Credit : 3
Course Code : SP 423
Course Description :
This course introduces students to the nineteenth and twentieth century Spanish literature of the Caribbean. The works that will be read explore issues such as colonialism, slavery and race, exile and migration and the history of relationships with the United States.
Credit : 3
Prerequisites :
SP330, SP329, SP325, SP322, SP315, SP321, SP326, SP202
Course Code : SP 499
Course Description :
Offers qualified students the opportunity to develop independent reading and research skills by working in selected areas under the guidance of individual teachers. Offered only to upper division students with a cumulative index of 3.0 or better; by permission.
Credit : 3
The department recommends that students with a major in Spanish complete at least two years of study in a second modern language.
NOTE: Spanish majors and department minors are encouraged to study abroad in order to obtain the necessary fluency. Fluency will be evaluated in an oral interview as well as in a writing sample. Departmental faculty recommendations will also be taken into account. Our majors have studied in Granada and Segovia, Spain and in Rennes, France, among other places.
Academic Standing
At the end of any semester during the junior or senior year, the cumulative average of all courses taken in the major must be a 2.0 or above, otherwise the student will be placed on academic probation.
Your degree includes credits from Liberal Arts and Sciences Core, Major, and Electives.
Spanish majors, after consultation with their academic advisor, must complete 10 of the following courses. Four of which must be at the 400 level:
Course Code : SP 321
Course Description :
This course offers the intermediate and advanced learners of Spanish a review of Spanish grammar. The grammatical explanations are followed by a series of exercises for the student to practice the concepts learned. Students work in groups, analyze texts and make class presentations. Authentic documents are used to motivate students in their effort to become proficient in Spanish.
Credit : 3
Prerequisites :
SP112, SP202, SP322, SP329
Course Code : SP 322
Course Description :
This course offers the intermediate and advanced student a thorough review of Spanish grammar. After a brief review of the material covered in SP 321, the student is introduced to the subjunctive mood, commands, direct and indirect object pronouns, adjectives and prepositions. The students work in groups and are asked to practice the grammatical concepts learned through translation, text analysis, oral presentations and compositions.
Credit : 3
Prerequisites :
SP329, SP202 or equivalent
Course Code : SP 325
Course Description :
Develops conversation skills through readings and assigned topics, pronunciation, correct expression and sentence structure.
Credit : 3
Prerequisites :
SP112, SP321, SP202, SP322
Course Code : SP 326
Course Description :
Expands on correct expression and sentence structure with essay writing and analyses of contemporary topics.
Credit : 3
Prerequisites :
SP321, SP112, SP325, SP329, SP330, SP322, SP202
Course Code : SP 329
Course Description :
Studies the cultural history and geography of Spain through the 21st century.
Credit : 3
Prerequisites :
SP322, SP326, SP330, SP321, SP325, SP202
Course Code : SP 330
Course Description :
Explores cultural history and geography of Spanish-speaking Latin America.
Credit : 3
Prerequisites :
SP326, SP321, SP315, SP202, SP112, SP329
Course Code : SP 341
Course Description :
A Winter, Spring Break or Summer Session short study abroad course concentrating on the history and customs of areas visited as well as on conversational Spanish. Pre-trip seminars and post-trip research paper required. Destinations have included Mexico, Argentina and Andalusia. The course number SP 341 is followed by a different letter to distinguish one travel seminar from another.
Credit : 3
Course Code : SP 390
Course Description :
Introduces language and culture through the study of children's stories and popular legends from Spain and Spanish America. Formerly Children's Literature in the Classroom. 10/15
Credit : 3
Instruction methods : Lecture: 3 Hours
Prerequisites :
SP 202 or equivalent
Course Code : SP 401
Course Description :
Studies the literature of Spain from its origins at the end of the fifth century up to what has been considered the Golden Age of Spanish art and literature in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. This period covers the Spanish Middle Ages, the Renaissance and the Golden Age. Students will read and discuss the works of Lope de Vega, Caldern de la Barca, Miguel de Cervantes among others. Prerequisite: permission of instructor.
Credit : 3
Prerequisites :
SP315, SP329, SP326
Course Code : SP 402
Course Description :
Studies Spanish literature 1700 to the present. Discussion of representative texts and authors from the Neoclassical, Romantic, Realist and Contemporary periods.
Credit : 3
Prerequisites :
SP322, SP329, SP202
Course Code : SP 403
Course Description :
This course is an introductory course to Spanish- American literature. Students are introduced to a selection of the works of some of Spanish America's most distinguished writers along with an in depth study of the historical period. The course will cover the pre-Colombian world, Mayan, Aztec and Inca civilizations, the colonial period and the struggle for independence, as well as the continent's search for its voice, which culminates in the birth of new and truly original literary works.
Credit : 3
Prerequisites :
SP329, SP325, SP322, SP315, SP202
Course Code : SP 404
Course Description :
Introduces the work of some of the most important contemporary Spanish American novelists. Students will read Juan Rulfos Pedro Pramo, Gabriel Garca Mrquezs One Hundred Years of Solitude, Mario Vargas Llosas La fiesta del Chivo, Isabel Allendes La casa de los espritus among others. The earlier novels selected are representative of what has been called the nueva novela hispanoamericana and mark the coming of age of the Spanish American novel. The later works are examples of El boom, the name given to the explosion created by the arrival of master works by a new generation of writers.
Credit : 3
Prerequisites :
SP325, SP321, SP202
Course Code : SP 408
Course Description :
This course introduces students to the short story genre through the work of some of Spanish America's most renowned authors. Through the work of Horacio Quiroga, Juan Rulfo, Jorge Luis Borges, Julio Cortazar and others the student will become familiar with the major trends and innovations that occurred in Latin American fiction during the twentieth century.
Credit : 3
Prerequisites :
SP330, SP326, SP202
Course Code : SP 409
Course Description :
This course focuses on a specific topic in Spanish literature and/or culture such as Women Voices in Spanish Literature or the Spanish-speaking World through Film. Spanish majors are expected to do the required reading and writing in Spanish.
Credit : 3
Course Code : SP 423
Course Description :
This course introduces students to the nineteenth and twentieth century Spanish literature of the Caribbean. The works that will be read explore issues such as colonialism, slavery and race, exile and migration and the history of relationships with the United States.
Credit : 3
Prerequisites :
SP330, SP329, SP325, SP322, SP315, SP321, SP326, SP202
Course Code : SP 499
Course Description :
Offers qualified students the opportunity to develop independent reading and research skills by working in selected areas under the guidance of individual teachers. Offered only to upper division students with a cumulative index of 3.0 or better; by permission.
Credit : 3
The department recommends that students with a major in Spanish complete at least two years of study in a second modern language.
NOTE: Spanish majors and department minors are encouraged, or sometimes required, to study abroad in order to obtain the necessary fluency. Fluency will be evaluated in an oral interview as well as in a writing sample. Departmental faculty recommendations will also be taken into account. Our majors have studied in Granada and Segovia, Spain and in Rennes, France, among other places.
Academic Standing
At the end of any semester during the junior or senior year, the cumulative average of all courses taken in the major must be a 2.0 or above, otherwise the student will be placed on academic probation.
Your degree includes credits from Liberal Arts and Sciences Core, Major, and Electives.
Spanish majors, after consultation with their academic advisor, must complete 10 of the following courses. Four of which must be at the 400 level:
Course Code : SP 321
Course Description :
This course offers the intermediate and advanced learners of Spanish a review of Spanish grammar. The grammatical explanations are followed by a series of exercises for the student to practice the concepts learned. Students work in groups, analyze texts and make class presentations. Authentic documents are used to motivate students in their effort to become proficient in Spanish.
Credit : 3
Prerequisites :
SP112, SP202, SP322, SP329
Course Code : SP 322
Course Description :
This course offers the intermediate and advanced student a thorough review of Spanish grammar. After a brief review of the material covered in SP 321, the student is introduced to the subjunctive mood, commands, direct and indirect object pronouns, adjectives and prepositions. The students work in groups and are asked to practice the grammatical concepts learned through translation, text analysis, oral presentations and compositions.
Credit : 3
Prerequisites :
SP329, SP202 or equivalent
Course Code : SP 325
Course Description :
Develops conversation skills through readings and assigned topics, pronunciation, correct expression and sentence structure.
Credit : 3
Prerequisites :
SP112, SP321, SP202, SP322
Course Code : SP 326
Course Description :
Expands on correct expression and sentence structure with essay writing and analyses of contemporary topics.
Credit : 3
Prerequisites :
SP321, SP112, SP325, SP329, SP330, SP322, SP202
Course Code : SP 329
Course Description :
Studies the cultural history and geography of Spain through the 21st century.
Credit : 3
Prerequisites :
SP322, SP326, SP330, SP321, SP325, SP202
Course Code : SP 330
Course Description :
Explores cultural history and geography of Spanish-speaking Latin America.
Credit : 3
Prerequisites :
SP326, SP321, SP315, SP202, SP112, SP329
Course Code : SP 341
Course Description :
A Winter, Spring Break or Summer Session short study abroad course concentrating on the history and customs of areas visited as well as on conversational Spanish. Pre-trip seminars and post-trip research paper required. Destinations have included Mexico, Argentina and Andalusia. The course number SP 341 is followed by a different letter to distinguish one travel seminar from another.
Credit : 3
Course Code : SP 390
Course Description :
Introduces language and culture through the study of children's stories and popular legends from Spain and Spanish America. Formerly Children's Literature in the Classroom. 10/15
Credit : 3
Instruction methods : Lecture: 3 Hours
Prerequisites :
SP 202 or equivalent
Course Code : SP 401
Course Description :
Studies the literature of Spain from its origins at the end of the fifth century up to what has been considered the Golden Age of Spanish art and literature in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. This period covers the Spanish Middle Ages, the Renaissance and the Golden Age. Students will read and discuss the works of Lope de Vega, Caldern de la Barca, Miguel de Cervantes among others. Prerequisite: permission of instructor.
Credit : 3
Prerequisites :
SP315, SP329, SP326
Course Code : SP 402
Course Description :
Studies Spanish literature 1700 to the present. Discussion of representative texts and authors from the Neoclassical, Romantic, Realist and Contemporary periods.
Credit : 3
Prerequisites :
SP322, SP329, SP202
Course Code : SP 403
Course Description :
This course is an introductory course to Spanish- American literature. Students are introduced to a selection of the works of some of Spanish America's most distinguished writers along with an in depth study of the historical period. The course will cover the pre-Colombian world, Mayan, Aztec and Inca civilizations, the colonial period and the struggle for independence, as well as the continent's search for its voice, which culminates in the birth of new and truly original literary works.
Credit : 3
Prerequisites :
SP329, SP325, SP322, SP315, SP202
Course Code : SP 404
Course Description :
Introduces the work of some of the most important contemporary Spanish American novelists. Students will read Juan Rulfos Pedro Pramo, Gabriel Garca Mrquezs One Hundred Years of Solitude, Mario Vargas Llosas La fiesta del Chivo, Isabel Allendes La casa de los espritus among others. The earlier novels selected are representative of what has been called the nueva novela hispanoamericana and mark the coming of age of the Spanish American novel. The later works are examples of El boom, the name given to the explosion created by the arrival of master works by a new generation of writers.
Credit : 3
Prerequisites :
SP325, SP321, SP202
Course Code : SP 408
Course Description :
This course introduces students to the short story genre through the work of some of Spanish America's most renowned authors. Through the work of Horacio Quiroga, Juan Rulfo, Jorge Luis Borges, Julio Cortazar and others the student will become familiar with the major trends and innovations that occurred in Latin American fiction during the twentieth century.
Credit : 3
Prerequisites :
SP330, SP326, SP202
Course Code : SP 409
Course Description :
This course focuses on a specific topic in Spanish literature and/or culture such as Women Voices in Spanish Literature or the Spanish-speaking World through Film. Spanish majors are expected to do the required reading and writing in Spanish.
Credit : 3
Course Code : SP 423
Course Description :
This course introduces students to the nineteenth and twentieth century Spanish literature of the Caribbean. The works that will be read explore issues such as colonialism, slavery and race, exile and migration and the history of relationships with the United States.
Credit : 3
Prerequisites :
SP330, SP329, SP325, SP322, SP315, SP321, SP326, SP202
Course Code : SP 499
Course Description :
Offers qualified students the opportunity to develop independent reading and research skills by working in selected areas under the guidance of individual teachers. Offered only to upper division students with a cumulative index of 3.0 or better; by permission.
Credit : 3
The department recommends that students with a major in Spanish complete at least two years of study in a second modern language.
NOTE: Spanish majors and department minors are encouraged, or sometimes required, to study abroad in order to obtain the necessary fluency. Fluency will be evaluated in an oral interview as well as in a writing sample. Departmental faculty recommendations will also be taken into account. Our majors have studied in Granada and Segovia, Spain and in Rennes, France, among other places.
Academic Standing
At the end of any semester during the junior or senior year, the cumulative average of all courses taken in the major must be a 2.0 or above, otherwise the student will be placed on academic probation.
Your degree includes credits from Liberal Arts and Sciences Core, Major, and Electives.
Credit Breakdown
Liberal Arts Core | 49 Credits |
Spanish | 30 Credits |
Open Electives | 41 Credits |
Total | 120 Credits |