Post-Graduate MA Art Therapy

Want to learn more? Speak with a graduate admissions counselor.
This program is intended for professionals who already hold an M.A. in Counseling or a closely related field and who are interested in pursuing a career in art therapy. Graduate art therapy courses fulfill the educational requirements for registration as an Art Therapist through the American Art Therapy Association and licensure as a Professional Art Therapist (LPAT) in New Jersey. Graduates will need an additional 2000 hours of supervised clinical work in art therapy to qualify.
Graduate coursework is a combination of didactic and experiential teaching methods in cognitive (knowledge), psychomotor (skills), and affective (behavior and professional dispositions) learning domains. The program requires that students complete coursework, practicum, and internship experiences, and pass a comprehensive examination.
Counseling Art Therapy | Community Treatment Services
The Mary Jo Rolli Codey ’77 Counseling Art Therapy Community Treatment Center
The Mary Jo Rolli Codey Center is located on the Caldwell University campus. The center provides mental health counseling with art therapy specialization services to adults in our local community while serving as a training facility for our academic programs. Members of the local community can access treatment for personal growth or for mental health conditions in group and individual formats. Services to the local community are provided by credentialed counselors with art therapy specializations and advanced master’s students under the supervision of program faculty.
This program is intended for professionals who already hold an M.A. in Counseling or a closely related field and who are interested in pursuing a career or specialized training in art therapy. Graduate art therapy courses fulfill the educational requirements for registration (ATR) as an Art Therapist through the American Art Therapy Association and licensure as a Professional Art Therapist (LPAT) in New Jersey. Graduates will likely need additional post-graduation supervised clinical work hours in art therapy and a passing score on the ATCB's ATCBE exam to qualify for credentials in the field of art therapy in most jurisdictions or for national recognition. Applicants should consult the licensing laws and regulations about what is required in their jurisdiction.
Graduate coursework is a combination of didactic and experiential teaching methods in cognitive/knowledge, psychomotor/skills, and affective/behavior and professional dispositions learning domains. The program requires that students complete coursework, internship experiences, and pass a comprehensive examination.
- Clinical Mental Health Counseling Specialization
- Clinical Mental Health Counseling with Art Therapy Concentration
- School Counseling Specialization
Combined B.A. in Psychology/M.A. in Counseling
Post-Graduate M.A. in Art Therapy
Post-Master Director of School Counseling
Post-Master Professional Counselor Licensing Credits
Post-Master School Counseling Specialization
In order to complete the Master’s program, students must complete three tiers of coursework (Foundations, Skills and Professionalism), demonstrate a professional presentation and aptitude and an ability to integrate theory and practice by successfully completing a supervised practicum experience, followed by an internship sequence.
The Academic Capstone of the program is a comprehensive examination in the form of a case study supported by peer-reviewed research. The case study provides students with the opportunity to fully integrate clinical mental health counseling with art therapy concentration perspectives into practice. Students should be able to demonstrate the following competencies on the comprehensive exam:
- A scholar practitioner approach to the fundamental principles of clinical mental health counseling in practice, including ethics, diagnosis, assessment, clinical treatment approaches, individual and group processes, human development, psychopathology, and the role of culture, family, career and lifestyle;
- A recognition of how the creativity promotes wellness, healing and therapeutic change. A recognition of how client imagery, symbolism and metaphor communicate thoughts and feelings, challenges and strengths and support growth and well-being;
- An understanding of appropriate use of clinical mental health counseling and art-based assessments, interventions and processes as applicable to the treatment process and treatment planning;
- Development of professional dispositions congruent with the profession.
- Application of research as a scholar practitioner.
- An ability to write clearly and to communicate effectively
May 1 – Summer; August 1 – Fall; January 1 – Spring Semesters
- M.A. in Counseling or a closely related field covering core content area, demonstrating a 3.0 cumulative GPA or better
- 18 credits in studio art including drawing, painting, and three-dimensional work with a grade of “B” or better in each
- Writing sample: Submission of a paper of 5-10 pages that is formatted in APA style.
- Official graduate transcript(s)
- One letter of recommendation
- Personal Interview and portfolio review
- Art portfolio of 10-15 pieces, slides, or digital copies evidencing proficiency in drawing, painting, three-dimensional work as well as a range of media and demonstrating introspection
- Past graduate coursework in the following content areas: Human Development, Psychopathology, Appraisal and Evaluation, Research and Career Counseling. Additional graduate courses are required for any of these content areas that were not covered in prior coursework.
To satisfy all program requirements as competent entry-level art therapists, competencies in the cognitive/knowledge, psychomotor/skills, and affective/behavior and professional dispositions learning domains are emphasized. Students should consult the Student Course Planning Guide and the Graduate Counseling Student Handbook. In addition, Program Coordinators can provide guidance and will establish advisement days each semester prior to registration. A no credit comprehensive exam is given as a corequisite with CPS 601 Internship I/Concentration Practicum
All content areas from the MA in Clinical Mental Health Counseling with Art Therapy Concentration that are not taught in this degree program must be covered before or during completing this degree program. Graduates may need additional coursework to fulfill all content areas in subjects such as career counseling or assessment and diagnosis.
*Curricular changes will go into effect the following academic year, unless otherwise noted.
Required Courses (33 credits)
Course Code : CPS 501
Course Description :
This course surveys the historical evolution of the treatment approaches to clinical mental health counseling with art therapy emphasis from its roots in psychoanalytic thought to the present day. This course reviews the breadth of contributions from pioneers for the continuum of applications to practice.
Credit : 3
Prerequisites :
Formally CAT 501 Sp 24
Course Code : CPS 507
Course Description :
Offers the student the opportunity to interact experientially with a wide variety of art media as preparation to practice as a clinical mental health counselor with art therapy concentration. Students will discriminate between art media choice and the needs of varying client populations. Techniques of verbal and non-verbal practice, facilitating a therapeutic environment, and development of sensitivity to the unique individual needs will be explored within the context of creativity.
Credit : 3
Prerequisites :
Formally CAT 507 Sp 24
Course Code : CPS 509
Course Description :
Explores the understanding and competence necessary for counseling with diverse individuals and groups and their application to clinical mental health counseling with art therapy concentration. A variety of issues including culture, ethnicity, age, socioeconomic status, physical challenge, and gender will be explored. Diverse approaches to visual representation and symbolism will be examined.
Credit : 3
Prerequisites :
Formally CAT 509 Cultural and Social Diversity Su24 Formerly: CULTURAL DIVERSITY IN COUNSL FOR AT, Spring 2017 and prior. Formerly CAT 509 (Su 2024)
Course Code : CPS 514
Course Description :
This course will examine an overview of foundational clinical mental health counseling theories and therapeutic approaches applicable to the practice of counseling with art therapy concentration. Focus will be on the beginnings of treatment, the therapeutic relationship, and the application of these approaches to specific populations through the presentation of case studies, skill acquisition and experiential learning.
Credit : 3
Prerequisites :
Formally CAT 514 Su24
Course Code : CPS 515
Course Description :
Building upon the early traditions and models in CPS514, this course will concentrate on the range of treatment intervention strategies based on specific approaches applicable to the practice of clinical mental health counseling with art therapy concentration. We will focus on mid-phase treatment and termination skills, the development of a personal, integrated approach to therapeutic practice and the application of these skills to specific populations. Students will also begin to learn treatment planning and documentation skills in the presentation of case studies.
Prerequisites :
CAT 514/CPS 514
Formally CAT 515 Su24
Course Code : CPS 607
Course Description :
Covers the selection, administration and interpretation of assessment tools designed for the use of clinical mental health counselors with art therapy concentration in various clinical settings. Discussion of testing procedures, observational skills, and participation in treatment team evaluations will be included.
Credit : 3
Prerequisites :
CAT 505/CAT 515/CPS 515, CAT 501/CPS 501, CAT 507/CPS 507
Formerly: ART DIAGNOSIS AND ASSESSMENT, Spring 2017 and prior. CAT 607 Art-based Assessment
Course Code : CPS 612
Course Description :
This course examines clinical mental health counseling approaches specific to the treatment of children to young adults and their families with emphasis on applications to clinical mental health counseling with concentration in art therapy. Developmental concepts, assessment techniques, special populations, cultural and environmental influences, and standards of practice will be addressed.
Credit : 3
Prerequisites :
CAT 501/CPS 501, CAT 507/CPS 507
Formerly: COUNSELING-CHILDREN & ADOLES FOR AT, Spring 2017 and prior. CAT 612 Counseling with Children and Adolescents for Art Therapists Su24
Course Code : CPS 614
Course Description :
This course examines the key organizations and credentialing associated with the practice of clinical mental health counseling with a concentration in art therapy. This includes professional roles, identity, standards of practice, advocacy, licensure, national standards, legal and ethical issues, as well as current and evolving trends. The scope of practice will be explored through study of the range of populations and settings.
Prerequisites :
CAT 505, CAT 515 or CPS 515
Formally CAT 614 (Sp 2024)
Course Code : CPS 617
Course Description :
Examines the theory, dynamics, development, and various models of group therapy in clinical mental health counseling and its application to art therapy concentration. Students will learn via didactic lectures and experiential group exercises.
Credit : 3
Prerequisites :
CAT 501/CPS 501, CAT 505/CPS 515, CAT 507/CPS 507
Formally: CAT 617
Course Code : CPS 601
Course Description :
This course is designed to offer supervised opportunities for direct client contact hours in clinical mental health counseling with art therapy concentration. Students’ supervisors meet the credentialing requirements outlined in the practicum internship manual and are vetted by the Clinical Coordinator. Prior permission is required from the academic advisor to assess readiness in the areas of knowledge, skills, self-awareness and professional dispositions. Prior to taking 601, students must first successfully complete CPS590 Counseling Practicum as a course prerequisite. To enter the internship courses, students must have demonstrated compliance with the practicum and internship policies as outlined in the Practicum/Internship manual and will indicate their agreement to uphold internship standards. Students complete the comprehensive exam during the time registered in CPS 601.
Credit : 1
Prerequisites :
CPS 590
Formerly: INTERNSHIP IN MH/ART THERAPY I, Spring 2017 and prior. CAT 601 Internship I Su24
Course Code : CPS 602
Course Description :
This course is designed to offer supervised opportunities for direct client contact hours in clinical mental health counseling with art therapy concentration. Students’ supervisors meet the credentialing requirements outlined in the practicum internship manual and are vetted by the Clinical Coordinator. Prior to taking 602, students must first successfully complete CPS 601 as a course prerequisite. To enter the internship courses, students must have demonstrated compliance with the practicum and internship policies as outlined in the Practicum/Internship manual and will indicate their agreement to uphold internship standards.
Credit : 1
Prerequisites :
CPS 601, CAT 601
Formerly: INTERNSHIP IN MH/ART THERAPY II, Spring 2017 and prior. CAT 602 Internship II
Course Code : CPS 603
Course Description :
This course is designed to offer supervised opportunities for direct client contact hours in clinical mental health counseling with art therapy concentration. Students’ supervisors meet the credentialing requirements outlined in the practicum internship manual and are vetted by the Clinical Coordinator. Prior to taking 603, students must first successfully complete CPS 602 as a course prerequisite. To enter the internship courses, students must have demonstrated compliance with the practicum and internship policies as outlined in the Practicum/Internship manual and will indicate their agreement to uphold internship standards.
Credit : 2
Prerequisites :
CPS 602
Formerly: ADV INTERNSHIP IN MH/ART THERAPY I, Spring 2017 and prior. CAT 603 Advanced Internship I Su24
Course Code : CPS 604
Course Description :
This course is designed to offer supervised opportunities for direct client contact hours in clinical mental health counseling with art therapy concentration with increasing responsibility. The emphasis is on transitioning from student to professional. Students’ supervisors meet the credentialing requirements outlined in the practicum internship manual and are vetted by the Clinical Coordinator. Prior to taking 604, students must first successfully complete CPS 603 as a course prerequisite. To enter the internship courses, students must have demonstrated compliance with the practicum and internship policies as outlined in the Practicum/Internship manual and will indicate their agreement to uphold internship standards.
Credit : 2
Prerequisites :
CPS 603
Formerly: ADV INTERNSHIP IN MH/ART THERAPY II, Spring 2017 and prior. CAT 603 Advanced Internship I Su24
Electives with Advisement (3 credits)
Course Code : CPS 510
Course Description :
Focuses on the application of a systematic and empirical approach to the study of counseling Topics will include: scientific method, pseudoscience, types of experimental research, variable definition, validity threats, control strategies, experimental design, ethical issues, how to present research, statistical application, and additional material. Students engage in discussion, conduct relevant empirical research, and write research reports in the American Psychological Association format (APA).
Credit : 3
Course Code : CPS 520
Course Description :
An in-depth introduction to the history, roles, functions, and relationships of mental health counselors. Course content is set in the context of the ACA and AMHCA Codes of Ethics and counselors’ work is understood as well in the unique needs associated with culture, spirituality, gender, and other defining client characteristics. Emphasis is likewise given to the importance of counselor self-care. The course introduces the requirements of CACREP Core Standards and the Program Standards for Clinical Mental Health Counseling.
Credit : 3
Course Code : CPS 535
Course Description :
An advanced overview of the physiological processes relating to human behavior. Topics include the central nervous system, neurotransmitter and neurohormonal functioning, the biological bases for emotions, perception, motivation and brain disorders.
Credit : 3
Course Code : CPS 545
Course Description :
Examines the various legal constraints and ethical principles related to the roles, responsibilities and credentialing of counselors in private practice, agencies, schools, etc. In addition to emphasis on the ACA Code of Ethics, students learn to use the codes of ethics of their program specializations (AMHCA, ASCA, AATA) in order to become competent ethical decision-makers.
Credit : 3
Course Code : CPS 562
Course Description :
This course features an overview of individual and group approaches to formal and informal modes of assessment employed by professional counselors. Course participants will evaluate instruments, practice interpreting results, and demonstrate knowledge of psychometric properties.
Credit : 3
Prerequisites :
CPS 545
Course Code : CPS 577
Course Description :
This course is a study of abnormal psychological processes across the lifespan including behavior, etiology, symptomology, diagnosis, assessment, and treatment planning. Students are prepared to use the DSM-5 and other appraisal measures and tools for understanding client needs in varying settings.
Credit : 3
Prerequisites :
CPS 557, CPS 613, CPS 667
Course Code : CPS 600
Course Description :
This course explores the psychological impact of trauma on individuals and cultures including intergenerational trauma. The affective, behavioral, cognitive, social, cultural and spiritual challenges faced by survivors are examined. Resiliency factors, treatment approaches, trauma-focused interventions and the concept of vicarious traumatization experienced by mental health professionals who work with survivors are considered.
Credit : 3
Prerequisites :
Formally: CAT 510
Course Code : CPS 613
Course Description :
An examination of and practice in the process and techniques of individual counseling with adolescents and adults. Students learn and exercise a variety of intervention strategies, tailored to the counselor's role in particular settings as well as clients developmental level and needs. The full range of treatment from Intake to Termination provides the basis for learning about counseling at every stage.
Credit : 3
Prerequisites :
CPS 520, CPS 545 OR CPS 500, CPS 545
Course Code : CPS 615
Course Description :
Explores the role and impact of values, spirituality and religious beliefs in treatment. The clinical mental health counseling with art therapy concentration integration is presented with emphasis on the spiritual aspects of creativity in psychological well-being and healing. Students learn to assess and work with clients' belief systems and explore the importance of spiritually based healing rituals.
Credit : 3
Prerequisites :
CPS 501
Formally: CAT 615 Spirituality in Counseling for Art Therapists
Course Code : CPS 620
Course Description :
This course provides knowledge and skills on advanced levels of clinical mental health counseling with art therapy concentration in practice. Coursework builds on foundational learning to deepen competencies and explore applications to current trends.
Credit : 3
Prerequisites :
CPS 607, CPS 617
Formally: CAT 620
Course Code : CPS 621
Course Description :
An examination of and practice in counseling roles, responsibilities, and responses to crisis, behavioral emergencies, disaster, or other trauma-causing events. The course reviews current theories and knowledge with regard to suicide, violence, disasters, substance use, legal and ethical issues of crisis counseling, and other current crisis counseling topics. Application of theory and knowledge to the practice of crisis intervention, psychological first aid, and suicide prevention and management are explored and practiced.
Credit : 3
Course Code : CPS 623
Course Description :
Examines theoretical models and current best practice in marriage and family counseling Students are introduced to the specific techniques and skills associated with major approaches, including cognitive behavioral, systems theory, and solution-focused interventions. Observation of expert therapists and in-class practice facilitate understanding of these modalities.
Credit : 3
Course Code : CPS 627
Course Description :
Provides an overview of psychopharmacological interventions, including discussions of drug action and interaction, tolerance, side effects, dependency and withdrawal. Emphasis is placed upon medications commonly prescribed for the treatment of various forms of mental illness. The course will also include an examination of the counselor’s role in educating clients about pharmacological issues
Credit : 3
Course Code : CPS 633
Course Description :
Undertakes the study of career development theories, career decision-making, career assessment, and occupational and labor market information, as well as basic strategies and instruments utilized by counselors in assisting individuals toward making appropriate career choices. Activities designed to assist clients at all developmental levels and in various settings provide students with practice in helping others in their career development and choices.
Credit : 3
Course Code : CPS 637
Course Description :
Studies the phenomenon of addiction (including its psychology, biology, pharmacology) and the treatment of substance abuse. Students will become familiar with a variety of substances of abuse and their effect on the lives of users as well as the impact on others. Currently accepted interventions are studied and practiced.
Credit : 3
Course Code : CPS 640
Course Description :
Offers the opportunity to work at an advanced level to learn about experiential methods in clinical mental health counseling with art therapy concentration. Through the use of discussion, studio-based art-making, reading, movement, and writing, this experiential class will advance students’ knowledge and skills in experiential methods. Special emphasis will be on the metaphors and utilization of symbolic languages in the arts.
Credit : 3
Prerequisites :
CPS 607, CPS 617
Formally: CAT 640
Course Code : CPS 641
Course Description :
Pre-Arranged, short term study requiring travel to domestic and international geographic locations. Experiences will include a focus in global cultural studies and professional practice comparisons.
Credit : 3
Prerequisites :
Two of the following: CPS 501, CPS 507, CPS 545, CPS 520, CPS 514, CPS 515, CPS 667, CPS 613, CPS 577, Acceptance through application, seats are limited, additional fees for travel apply
Course Code : CPS 643
Course Description :
Studies the particular assessment and therapeutic skills used when working with children and youth in response to a variety of presenting concerns. Among the topics addressed will be the importance of building rapport and the use of play therapy, art and projective techniques specifically designed for children and teens. Consideration of the role of family is an integral part of learning to work with young people.
Credit : 3
Course Code : CPS 647
Course Description :
Explores the role and impact of values, spirituality and religious beliefs in counseling. The relevance and power of client beliefs as they may relate to presenting concerns and the possible role of utilizing the client's spirituality in the counseling process are explored. Counselor values and spiritual development are examined and recognized as a factor in counselor effectiveness.
Credit : 3
Prerequisites :
CPS 557
Course Code : CPS 657
Course Description :
Reviews major theoretical perspectives on death and dying at various life stages and levels of understanding. The course provides an introduction to the research literature on the bereavement process and on resilience. Students will examine as well the impact of various experiences of loss on the individual and their effect on other persons significant to them. Student research, case studies and in-class practice will facilitate skill development.
Credit : 3
Course Code : CPS 667
Course Description :
Using theory and research regarding human development from infancy through old age, the course examines the impact of life events, developmental factors, and abilities, and their implications for individuals, families, and for counselors and art therapists. While this broader scope provides the context for the course as a whole, a selective focus on childhood and adolescence is emphasized for students preparing to be school counselors. Research projects reflect and enhance students’ chosen emphases and professional goals.
Credit : 3
Course Code : CPS 677
Course Description :
An overview of the range of human sexual behavior, with emphasis upon issues of sexuality as they arise in the context of counseling. Students will explore their own comfort level regarding sexual matters and recognize the importance of developing attitudes and skills that will facilitate their work with individuals and couples in the counseling relationship.
Credit : 3
Course Code : CPS 698
Course Description :
Topics related to clinical mental health counseling with art therapy concentration are offered in a seminar class format with readings, experiential methods and discussion.
Credit : 3
Prerequisites :
Formally: CAT 698
Course Code : CPS 699
Course Description :
Addresses current theoretical and practical issues in counseling which cannot be addressed in depth by other courses. The course provides an opportunity for a comprehensive understanding of particular counseling concerns (e.g., eating disorders, sexual assault, suicide, crisis management, etc.) and for consideration of the research associated with these topics, as well as preferred interventions. The focus of course may in part be determined by current counseling practices, faculty interest and choice and/or student requests.
Credit : 3
Transfer of Graduate Credit
Caldwell University may accept the transfer of up to six credits of graduate work in counseling, art therapy or a closely related field, provided the credits were completed within five years of the student’s graduate registration at Caldwell University. Official transcripts of previous graduate work as well as the catalog description of each course must be submitted for review at the time of application. Each request for transfer credit will be reviewed by the Program Coordinators. Approval of transfer credit is based on course content and grade earned in the course, which should be a B or better.
This 36 credit post graduate program is intended for professionals who already hold an M.A. in Counseling or a closely related mental health field and who are interested in pursuing a career in art therapy. Graduate art therapy courses fulfill the educational requirements for registration as an Art Therapist through the American Art Therapy Association and align with the laws for licensure as a Professional Art Therapist (LPAT) in NJ. Graduates will need additional hours of supervised clinical work to qualify.
- M.A. in Counseling or a closely related field, demonstrating a 3.0 cumulative GPA or better
- 18 credits in studio art including drawing, painting, and three-dimensional work with a grade of “B” or better in each
- Writing sample: Submission of a paper of 5-10 pages that is formatted in APA style.
- Official graduate transcript(s)
- One letter of recommendation
- Personal Interview and portfolio review
- Art portfolio of 10-15 pieces, slides, or digital copies evidencing proficiency in drawing, painting, three-dimensional work as well as a range of media and demonstrating introspection
In order for students to initiate and continue their studies effectively and to satisfy all prerequisites as competent entry level Art Therapists in the cognitive/knowledge, psychomotor/skills, and affective/professional dispositions/behavior learning domains, they should consult the Student Course Planning Guide within the Graduate Counseling Student Handbook. In addition, Program Coordinators can provide guidance and will establish advisement days each semester prior to registration.
All content areas from the MA in Clinical Mental Health Counseling with Art Therapy Specialization must be covered before or during the degree program. Graduates may need additional coursework to fulfill all content areas in subjects just as career counseling or assessment and diagnosis.
Required Courses (24 credits)
Course Code : CAT 501
Course Description :
Surveys the historical evolution of the art therapy profession from its roots in psychoanalytic thought to its present-day applications. Focuses on contributions of major art therapy theorists, psychological aspects of creativity, and the continuum from art as therapy to art psychotherapy.
Credit : 3
Course Code : CAT 507
Course Description :
Offers the student the opportunity to interact experientially with a wide variety of media in order to understand the relationship between media choice and the needs of varying client populations. Techniques of practice, preparation of a therapeutic environment, and development of sensitivity to the unique properties of materials will be included.
Credit : 3
Course Code : CAT 509
Course Description :
Explores the understanding and competence necessary for counseling with diverse individuals and groups and their application to art therapy. A variety of issues including culture, ethnicity, age, socioeconomic status, physical challenge, and gender will be explored. Diverse approaches to visual representation and symbolism will be examined. Formerly: CULTURAL DIVERSITY IN COUNSL FOR AT, Spring 2017 and prior.
Credit : 3
Prerequisites :
CAT501, CAT507
Course Code : CAT 515
Course Description :
Building upon the early traditions and models in CAT 514, this course will concentrate on cognitive-behavioral, family systems, and modern approaches applicable to the practice of counseling & art therapy. We will focus on mid-phase treatment and termination skills, the development of a personal, integrated approach to therapeutic practice and the application of these skills to specific populations. Students will also begin to learn treatment planning and documentation skills in the presentation of case studies.
Prerequisites :
Course Code : CAT 607
Course Description :
Covers the selection, administration and interpretation of assessment tools designed for the use of art therapists in various clinical settings. Discussion of testing procedures, observational skills, and participation in treatment team evaluations will be included.Formerly: ART DIAGNOSIS AND ASSESSMENT, Spring 2017 and prior.
Credit : 3
Prerequisites :
CAT505, CAT501, CAT507, CAT515, CAT507, CPS575, CPS585
Course Code : CAT 612
Course Description :
This course examines approaches specific to the treatment of children and adolescent using art therapy within a counseling framework. Developmental concepts, art therapy assessment techniques, children/adolescents with disabilities, cultural and environmental influences, and standards of practice will be addressed. Formerly: COUNSELING-CHILDREN & ADOLES FOR AT, Spring 2017 and prior.
Prerequisites :
CAT501, CAT507
Course Code : CAT 614
Course Description : This course examines the art therapy profession to include professional roles, identity, standards of practice, advocacy, professional organizations, credentialing, licensure, legal and ethical issues, as well as current and evolving trends.
Prerequisites : CAT505, CAT515
Course Code : CAT 617
Course Description :
Examines the theory, dynamics, development, and various models of group therapy in counseling and their application to art therapy. Students will learn via didactic lectures and experiential group exercises
Credit : 3
Prerequisites :
CAT501, CAT505, CAT507, CAT501, CAT514
Required Internship Experience (6 credits — 700 Hours)
Course Code : CAT 601
Course Description :
Internship I / Art Therapy Specialization Practica is designed to offer structured opportunities for direct client contact hours in mental health counseling art therapy treatment. The student begins with supervised activities and includes observation of a registered art therapist. Student's supervisors meet the credentialing requirements of both a Licensed Clinical Mental Health Clinician and a Registered Art Therapist – in settings vetted by the Clinical Coordinator. Prior permission is required from the academic advisor to assess readiness in the areas of knowledge, skills, self-awareness and professional dispositions. Prior to taking 601, students must first successfully complete CPS590 as a course prerequisite. To enter the internship courses, students must have demonstrated compliance with the practicum and internship policies and will indicate their agreement to uphold internship standards. Formerly: INTERNSHIP IN MH/ART THERAPY I, Spring 2017 and prior.
Credit : 1
Prerequisites :
Course Code : CAT 602
Course Description :
Internship II is designed to offer structured opportunities for direct client contact hours in mental health counseling art therapy treatment with emphasis on group work. Student's supervisors meet the credentialing requirements of both a Licensed Clinical Mental Health Clinician and a Registered Art Therapist – in settings vetted by the Clinical Coordinator. Prior to taking CAT 602, students must first successfully complete CAT 601 as a course prerequisite. To enter the internship courses, students must have demonstrated compliance with the practicum and internship policies and will indicate their agreement to uphold practicum standards. Formerly: INTERNSHIP IN MH/ART THERAPY II, Spring 2017 and prior.
Credit : 1
Prerequisites :
Course Code : CAT 603
Course Description :
Advanced Internship I is designed to offer structured opportunities for direct client contact hours in mental health counseling art therapy treatment with increasing responsibility. In course CAT 603, the emphasis is on individual work. Student's supervisors meet the credentialing requirements of both a Licensed Clinical Mental Health Clinician and a Registered Art Therapist – in settings vetted by the Clinical Coordinator. Prior to taking CAT 603, students must first successfully complete CAT 602 as a course prerequisite. To enter the internship courses, students must have demonstrated compliance with the practicum and internship policies and will indicate their agreement to uphold practicum standards. Formerly: ADV INTERNSHIP IN MH/ART THERAPY I, Spring 2017 and prior.
Credit : 2
Prerequisites :
Course Code : CAT 604
Course Description :
Advanced Internship II is designed to offer structured opportunities for direct client contact hours in mental health counseling art therapy treatment with increasing responsibility. In course CAT 603, the emphasis is on transitioning from student to professional. Student's supervisors meet the credentialing requirements of both a Licensed Clinical Mental Health Clinician and a Registered Art Therapist – in settings vetted by the Clinical Coordinator. Prior to taking CAT 604, students must first successfully complete CAT 603 as a course prerequisite. To enter the internship courses, students must have demonstrated compliance with the practicum and internship policies and will indicate their agreement to uphold practicum standards. Formerly: ADV INTERNSHIP IN MH/ART THERAPY II, Spring 2017 and prior.
Credit : 2
Prerequisites :
Take One Additional Elective From:
Course Code : CAT 615
Course Description :
Explores the role and impact of values, spirituality and religious beliefs in counseling and art therapy with emphasis on the spiritual aspects of creativity in psychological well-being and healing. Students learn to assess and work with clients' belief systems in the counseling and art-making process and explore parallels between art-making and spiritually based healing rituals.
Credit : 3
Prerequisites :
Course Code : CPS 510
Course Description :
Focuses on the application of a systematic and empirical approach to the study of counseling Topics will include: scientific method, pseudoscience, types of experimental research, variable definition, validity threats, control strategies, experimental design, ethical issues, how to present research, statistical application, and additional material. Students engage in discussion, conduct relevant empirical research, and write research reports in the American Psychological Association format (APA).
Credit : 3
Course Code : CPS 535
Course Description :
An advanced overview of the physiological processes relating to human behavior. Topics include the central nervous system, neurotransmitter and neurohormonal functioning, the biological bases for emotions, perception, motivation and brain disorders.
Credit : 3
Course Code : CPS 545
Course Description :
Examines the various legal constraints and ethical principles related to the roles, responsibilities and credentialing of counselors in private practice, agencies, schools, etc. In addition to emphasis on the ACA Code of Ethics, students learn to use the codes of ethics of their program specializations (AMHCA, ASCA, AATA) in order to become competent ethical decision-makers.
Credit : 3
Course Code : CPS 562
Course Description :
This course, designed for Mental Health Counseling and Art Therapy students features an overview of individual and group approaches to formal and informal modes of assessment employed by professional counselors. Course participants will evaluate instruments, practice interpreting results, and demonstrate knowledge of psychometric properties.
Credit : 3
Prerequisites :
CPS545, CPS520, CPS557
Course Code : CPS 570
Course Description :
Addresses the reality that in today’s complex society, school counselors do not work in isolation in their service to students and their families with a variety of needs. In the context of this course, students will examine the agencies, organizations and resources present in local communities as well as strategies for forming positive relationships with them on behalf of students and their families.
Credit : 3
Course Code : CPS 577
Course Description :
This course is a study of abnormal psychological processes across the lifespan including behavior, etiology, symptomology, diagnosis, assessment, and treatment planning. Students are prepared to use the DSM-5 and other appraisal measures and tools for understanding client needs in varying settings.
Credit : 3
Prerequisites :
CPS557, CPS613, CPS667, CAT501, CPS667
Course Code : CPS 590
Course Description :
Requires a minimum of 100 hours to be spent in an advanced level of supervised practical counseling experience in a professional setting. Students will gain knowledge and practice in the performance of the work of counselors, providing direct service in agencies, hospitals, or schools. Success in the Practicum is a requirement for graduation. Weekly class meetings provide input and group supervision by faculty and a shared learning process. Prior to initiating this course, students will be informed of practicum policies and will indicate their agreement to uphold practicum standards. A Manual for the Practicum Experience is available online and every student should download that document. Each student obtains professional liability insurance from the college. Students are responsible to comply with site requirements for health screening or background checks. Advisor approval is required. Prerequisites: Indicated on Practicum Application.
Credit : 3
Prerequisites :
CAT504, CAT501, CPS545, CAT507, CAT505, CAT515, CPS577, CPS520, CPS500, CPS557, CPS613, CAT514,
Course Code : CPS 613
Course Description :
An examination of and practice in the process and techniques of individual counseling with adolescents and adults. Students learn and exercise a variety of intervention strategies, tailored to the counselor's role in particular settings as well as clients developmental level and needs. The full range of treatment from Intake to Termination provides the basis for learning about counseling at every stage.
Credit : 3
Prerequisites :
CPS520, CPS500, CPS545, CPS557
Course Code : CPS 619
Course Description :
An intensive course designed to develop significant skill in the use of Cognitive and Behavior theories in counseling. Students will develop a repertoire of competencies for using these theoretical orientations in their work with clients in schools, agencies, and private practice. The use of cases, role-playing, and other strategies will facilitate the employment of the strategies remanating from these counseling orientations.
Credit : 3
Prerequisites :
CPS557, CPS613
Course Code : CPS 621
Course Description :
An examination of and practice in counseling roles, responsibilities, and responses to crisis, behavioral emergencies, disaster, or other trauma-causing events. The course reviews current theories and knowledge with regard to suicide, violence, disasters, substance use, legal and ethical issues of crisis counseling, and other current crisis counseling topics. Application of theory and knowledge to the practice of crisis intervention, psychological first aid, and suicide prevention and management are explored and practiced.
Credit : 3
Course Code : CPS 623
Course Description :
Examines theoretical models and current best practice in marriage and family counseling Students are introduced to the specific techniques and skills associated with major approaches, including cognitive behavioral, systems theory, and solution-focused interventions. Observation of expert therapists and in-class practice facilitate understanding of these modalities.
Credit : 3
Course Code : CPS 627
Course Description :
Provides an overview of psychopharmacological interventions, including discussions of drug action and interaction, tolerance, side effects, dependency and withdrawal. Emphasis is placed upon medications commonly prescribed for the treatment of various forms of mental illness. The course will also include an examination of the counselor’s role in educating clients about pharmacological issues
Credit : 3
Course Code : CPS 633
Course Description :
Undertakes the study of career development theories, career decision-making, career assessment, and occupational and labor market information, as well as basic strategies and instruments utilized by counselors in assisting individuals toward making appropriate career choices. Activities designed to assist clients at all developmental levels and in various settings provide students with practice in helping others in their career development and choices.
Credit : 3
Course Code : CPS 637
Course Description :
Studies the phenomenon of addiction (including its psychology, biology, pharmacology) and the treatment of substance abuse. Students will become familiar with a variety of substances of abuse and their effect on the lives of users as well as the impact on others. Currently accepted interventions are studied and practiced.
Credit : 3
Course Code : CPS 657
Course Description :
Reviews major theoretical perspectives on death and dying at various life stages and levels of understanding. The course provides an introduction to the research literature on the bereavement process and on resilience. Students will examine as well the impact of various experiences of loss on the individual and their effect on other persons significant to them. Student research, case studies and in-class practice will facilitate skill development.
Credit : 3
Course Code : CPS 670
Course Description :
This course will address Counseling Services Supervisors many roles, carried out in an age of accountability. In addition to the traditional responsibilities of administration, education, and expressive supportive functions, students will explore multiple elements integral to a supervisor's job functions, including the identification of service needs, advocacy, the importance of building and maintaining various professional relationships, as well as the ethical, legal, and political dimensions. Critical to success as a supervisor is a commitment to self-management.
Credit : 3
Prerequisites :
CAT604, CPS688B
Course Code : CPS 673
Course Description :
This course provides an overview of brief counseling modalities and explores a variety of brief counseling techniques and interventions. The primary focus is on how to effectively use a brief model to help clients find solutions and discover their goals and strengths. Application to case conceptualization and creating a treatment plan within a brief model are explored and practiced.
Credit : 3
Prerequisites :
CPS557, CPS520, CPS500
Course Code : CPS 677
Course Description :
An overview of the range of human sexual behavior, with emphasis upon issues of sexuality as they arise in the context of counseling. Students will explore their own comfort level regarding sexual matters and recognize the importance of developing attitudes and skills that will facilitate their work with individuals and couples in the counseling relationship.
Credit : 3
Course Code : CPS 689
Course Description :
Provides students with an in-depth understanding of the theory and applied techniques of REBT. Topics include basic principles of REBT, assessment and diagnosis, rational-emotive in-session therapeutic strategies, use of homework assignments, socialization of the client to the REBT model, and counseling issues such as transference, countertransference, and termination. Students gain practice in developing skill in utilizing the REBT model.
Credit : 3
Prerequisites :
CPS557, CAT505, CPS613, CPS557, CPS613
Course Code : CPS 699
Course Description :
Addresses current theoretical and practical issues in counseling which cannot be addressed in depth by other courses. The course provides an opportunity for a comprehensive understanding of particular counseling concerns (e.g., eating disorders, sexual assault, suicide, crisis management, etc.) and for consideration of the research associated with these topics, as well as preferred interventions. The focus of course may in part be determined by current counseling practices, faculty interest and choice and/or student requests.
Credit : 3
*Additional Courses are applicable with advisor approval
Transfer of Graduate Credit
Caldwell University may accept the transfer of up to six credits of graduate work in counseling, art therapy or a closely related field, provided the credits were completed within five years of the student’s graduate registration at Caldwell University. Official transcripts of previous graduate work as well as the catalog description of each course must be submitted for review at the time of application. Each request for transfer credit will be reviewed by the Program Coordinators. Approval of transfer credit is based on course content and grade earned in the course, which should be a B or better.
This 36 credit post graduate program is intended for professionals who already hold an M.A. in Counseling or a closely related mental health field and who are interested in pursuing a career in art therapy. Graduate art therapy courses fulfill the educational requirements for registration as an Art Therapist through the American Art Therapy Association and align with the laws for licensure as a Professional Art Therapist (LPAT) in NJ. Graduates will need additional hours of supervised clinical work to qualify.
- M.A. in Counseling or a closely related field, demonstrating a 3.0 cumulative GPA or better
- 18 credits in studio art including drawing, painting, and three-dimensional work with a grade of “B” or better in each
- 12 graduate or undergraduate credits in counseling or psychology, to include General Psychology, Personality Theory, Human Development, and Psychopathology
- Official graduate transcript(s)
- One letter of recommendation
- Personal Interview and portfolio review
- Art portfolio of 10-15 pieces, slides, or digital copies evidencing proficiency in drawing, painting, three-dimensional work as well as a range of media and demonstrating introspection
In order for students to initiate and continue their studies effectively and to satisfy all prerequisites as competent entry level Art Therapists in the cognitive/knowledge, psychomotor/skills, and affective/professional dispositions/behavior learning domains, they should consult the Student Course Planning Guide within the Graduate Counseling Student Handbook. In addition, Program Coordinators can provide guidance and will establish advisement days each semester prior to registration.
All content areas from the MA in Clinical Mental Health Counseling with Art Therapy Specialization must be covered before or during the degree program. Graduates may need additional coursework to fulfill all content areas in subjects just as career counseling or assessment and diagnosis.
Required Courses (24 credits)
Course Code : CAT 501
Course Description :
Surveys the historical evolution of the art therapy profession from its roots in psychoanalytic thought to its present-day applications. Focuses on contributions of major art therapy theorists, psychological aspects of creativity, and the continuum from art as therapy to art psychotherapy.
Credit : 3
Course Code : CAT 507
Course Description :
Offers the student the opportunity to interact experientially with a wide variety of media in order to understand the relationship between media choice and the needs of varying client populations. Techniques of practice, preparation of a therapeutic environment, and development of sensitivity to the unique properties of materials will be included.
Credit : 3
Course Code : CAT 509
Course Description :
Explores the understanding and competence necessary for counseling with diverse individuals and groups and their application to art therapy. A variety of issues including culture, ethnicity, age, socioeconomic status, physical challenge, and gender will be explored. Diverse approaches to visual representation and symbolism will be examined. Formerly: CULTURAL DIVERSITY IN COUNSL FOR AT, Spring 2017 and prior.
Credit : 3
Prerequisites :
CAT501, CAT507
Course Code : CAT 515
Course Description :
Building upon the early traditions and models in CAT 514, this course will concentrate on cognitive-behavioral, family systems, and modern approaches applicable to the practice of counseling & art therapy. We will focus on mid-phase treatment and termination skills, the development of a personal, integrated approach to therapeutic practice and the application of these skills to specific populations. Students will also begin to learn treatment planning and documentation skills in the presentation of case studies.
Prerequisites :
Course Code : CAT 607
Course Description :
Covers the selection, administration and interpretation of assessment tools designed for the use of art therapists in various clinical settings. Discussion of testing procedures, observational skills, and participation in treatment team evaluations will be included.Formerly: ART DIAGNOSIS AND ASSESSMENT, Spring 2017 and prior.
Credit : 3
Prerequisites :
CAT505, CAT501, CAT507, CAT515, CAT507, CPS575, CPS585
Course Code : CAT 612
Course Description :
This course examines approaches specific to the treatment of children and adolescent using art therapy within a counseling framework. Developmental concepts, art therapy assessment techniques, children/adolescents with disabilities, cultural and environmental influences, and standards of practice will be addressed. Formerly: COUNSELING-CHILDREN & ADOLES FOR AT, Spring 2017 and prior.
Prerequisites :
CAT501, CAT507
Course Code : CAT 614
Course Description : This course examines the art therapy profession to include professional roles, identity, standards of practice, advocacy, professional organizations, credentialing, licensure, legal and ethical issues, as well as current and evolving trends.
Prerequisites : CAT505, CAT515
Course Code : CAT 617
Course Description :
Examines the theory, dynamics, development, and various models of group therapy in counseling and their application to art therapy. Students will learn via didactic lectures and experiential group exercises
Credit : 3
Prerequisites :
CAT501, CAT505, ATP505, ATP507, CAT507, CAT515, CAT501, CAT514
Required Internship Experience (6 credits — 700 Hours)
Course Code : CAT 601
Course Description :
Internship I / Art Therapy Specialization Practica is designed to offer structured opportunities for direct client contact hours in mental health counseling art therapy treatment. The student begins with supervised activities and includes observation of a registered art therapist. Student's supervisors meet the credentialing requirements of both a Licensed Clinical Mental Health Clinician and a Registered Art Therapist – in settings vetted by the Clinical Coordinator. Prior permission is required from the academic advisor to assess readiness in the areas of knowledge, skills, self-awareness and professional dispositions. Prior to taking 601, students must first successfully complete CPS590 as a course prerequisite. To enter the internship courses, students must have demonstrated compliance with the practicum and internship policies and will indicate their agreement to uphold internship standards. Formerly: INTERNSHIP IN MH/ART THERAPY I, Spring 2017 and prior.
Credit : 1
Prerequisites :
Course Code : CAT 602
Course Description :
Internship II is designed to offer structured opportunities for direct client contact hours in mental health counseling art therapy treatment with emphasis on group work. Student's supervisors meet the credentialing requirements of both a Licensed Clinical Mental Health Clinician and a Registered Art Therapist – in settings vetted by the Clinical Coordinator. Prior to taking CAT 602, students must first successfully complete CAT 601 as a course prerequisite. To enter the internship courses, students must have demonstrated compliance with the practicum and internship policies and will indicate their agreement to uphold practicum standards. Formerly: INTERNSHIP IN MH/ART THERAPY II, Spring 2017 and prior.
Credit : 1
Prerequisites :
Course Code : CAT 603
Course Description :
Advanced Internship I is designed to offer structured opportunities for direct client contact hours in mental health counseling art therapy treatment with increasing responsibility. In course CAT 603, the emphasis is on individual work. Student's supervisors meet the credentialing requirements of both a Licensed Clinical Mental Health Clinician and a Registered Art Therapist – in settings vetted by the Clinical Coordinator. Prior to taking CAT 603, students must first successfully complete CAT 602 as a course prerequisite. To enter the internship courses, students must have demonstrated compliance with the practicum and internship policies and will indicate their agreement to uphold practicum standards. Formerly: ADV INTERNSHIP IN MH/ART THERAPY I, Spring 2017 and prior.
Credit : 2
Prerequisites :
Course Code : CAT 604
Course Description :
Advanced Internship II is designed to offer structured opportunities for direct client contact hours in mental health counseling art therapy treatment with increasing responsibility. In course CAT 603, the emphasis is on transitioning from student to professional. Student's supervisors meet the credentialing requirements of both a Licensed Clinical Mental Health Clinician and a Registered Art Therapist – in settings vetted by the Clinical Coordinator. Prior to taking CAT 604, students must first successfully complete CAT 603 as a course prerequisite. To enter the internship courses, students must have demonstrated compliance with the practicum and internship policies and will indicate their agreement to uphold practicum standards. Formerly: ADV INTERNSHIP IN MH/ART THERAPY II, Spring 2017 and prior.
Credit : 2
Prerequisites :
Take One Additional Elective From:
Course Code : CAT 615
Course Description :
Explores the role and impact of values, spirituality and religious beliefs in counseling and art therapy with emphasis on the spiritual aspects of creativity in psychological well-being and healing. Students learn to assess and work with clients' belief systems in the counseling and art-making process and explore parallels between art-making and spiritually based healing rituals.
Credit : 3
Prerequisites :
Course Code : CPS 510
Course Description :
Focuses on the application of a systematic and empirical approach to the study of counseling Topics will include: scientific method, pseudoscience, types of experimental research, variable definition, validity threats, control strategies, experimental design, ethical issues, how to present research, statistical application, and additional material. Students engage in discussion, conduct relevant empirical research, and write research reports in the American Psychological Association format (APA).
Credit : 3
Course Code : CPS 535
Course Description :
An advanced overview of the physiological processes relating to human behavior. Topics include the central nervous system, neurotransmitter and neurohormonal functioning, the biological bases for emotions, perception, motivation and brain disorders.
Credit : 3
Course Code : CPS 545
Course Description :
Examines the various legal constraints and ethical principles related to the roles, responsibilities and credentialing of counselors in private practice, agencies, schools, etc. In addition to emphasis on the ACA Code of Ethics, students learn to use the codes of ethics of their program specializations (AMHCA, ASCA, AATA) in order to become competent ethical decision-makers.
Credit : 3
Course Code : CPS 562
Course Description :
This course, designed for Mental Health Counseling and Art Therapy students features an overview of individual and group approaches to formal and informal modes of assessment employed by professional counselors. Course participants will evaluate instruments, practice interpreting results, and demonstrate knowledge of psychometric properties.
Credit : 3
Prerequisites :
CPS545, CPS520, CPS557
Course Code : CPS 570
Course Description :
Addresses the reality that in today’s complex society, school counselors do not work in isolation in their service to students and their families with a variety of needs. In the context of this course, students will examine the agencies, organizations and resources present in local communities as well as strategies for forming positive relationships with them on behalf of students and their families.
Credit : 3
Course Code : CPS 577
Course Description :
This course is a study of abnormal psychological processes across the lifespan including behavior, etiology, symptomology, diagnosis, assessment, and treatment planning. Students are prepared to use the DSM-5 and other appraisal measures and tools for understanding client needs in varying settings.
Credit : 3
Prerequisites :
CPS557, CPS613, CPS667, CAT501, CPS667
Course Code : CPS 590
Course Description :
Requires a minimum of 100 hours to be spent in an advanced level of supervised practical counseling experience in a professional setting. Students will gain knowledge and practice in the performance of the work of counselors, providing direct service in agencies, hospitals, or schools. Success in the Practicum is a requirement for graduation. Weekly class meetings provide input and group supervision by faculty and a shared learning process. Prior to initiating this course, students will be informed of practicum policies and will indicate their agreement to uphold practicum standards. A Manual for the Practicum Experience is available online and every student should download that document. Each student obtains professional liability insurance from the college. Students are responsible to comply with site requirements for health screening or background checks. Advisor approval is required. Prerequisites: Indicated on Practicum Application.
Credit : 3
Prerequisites :
CAT504, CAT501, CPS545, CAT507, CAT505, CAT515, CPS577, CPS520, CPS500, CPS557, CPS613, CAT514,
Course Code : CPS 613
Course Description :
An examination of and practice in the process and techniques of individual counseling with adolescents and adults. Students learn and exercise a variety of intervention strategies, tailored to the counselor's role in particular settings as well as clients developmental level and needs. The full range of treatment from Intake to Termination provides the basis for learning about counseling at every stage.
Credit : 3
Prerequisites :
CPS520, CPS500, CPS545, CPS557
Course Code : CPS 619
Course Description :
An intensive course designed to develop significant skill in the use of Cognitive and Behavior theories in counseling. Students will develop a repertoire of competencies for using these theoretical orientations in their work with clients in schools, agencies, and private practice. The use of cases, role-playing, and other strategies will facilitate the employment of the strategies remanating from these counseling orientations.
Credit : 3
Prerequisites :
CPS557, CPS613
Course Code : CPS 621
Course Description :
An examination of and practice in counseling roles, responsibilities, and responses to crisis, behavioral emergencies, disaster, or other trauma-causing events. The course reviews current theories and knowledge with regard to suicide, violence, disasters, substance use, legal and ethical issues of crisis counseling, and other current crisis counseling topics. Application of theory and knowledge to the practice of crisis intervention, psychological first aid, and suicide prevention and management are explored and practiced.
Credit : 3
Course Code : CPS 623
Course Description :
Examines theoretical models and current best practice in marriage and family counseling Students are introduced to the specific techniques and skills associated with major approaches, including cognitive behavioral, systems theory, and solution-focused interventions. Observation of expert therapists and in-class practice facilitate understanding of these modalities.
Credit : 3
Course Code : CPS 627
Course Description :
Provides an overview of psychopharmacological interventions, including discussions of drug action and interaction, tolerance, side effects, dependency and withdrawal. Emphasis is placed upon medications commonly prescribed for the treatment of various forms of mental illness. The course will also include an examination of the counselor’s role in educating clients about pharmacological issues
Credit : 3
Course Code : CPS 633
Course Description :
Undertakes the study of career development theories, career decision-making, career assessment, and occupational and labor market information, as well as basic strategies and instruments utilized by counselors in assisting individuals toward making appropriate career choices. Activities designed to assist clients at all developmental levels and in various settings provide students with practice in helping others in their career development and choices.
Credit : 3
Course Code : CPS 637
Course Description :
Studies the phenomenon of addiction (including its psychology, biology, pharmacology) and the treatment of substance abuse. Students will become familiar with a variety of substances of abuse and their effect on the lives of users as well as the impact on others. Currently accepted interventions are studied and practiced.
Credit : 3
Course Code : CPS 657
Course Description :
Reviews major theoretical perspectives on death and dying at various life stages and levels of understanding. The course provides an introduction to the research literature on the bereavement process and on resilience. Students will examine as well the impact of various experiences of loss on the individual and their effect on other persons significant to them. Student research, case studies and in-class practice will facilitate skill development.
Credit : 3
Course Code : CPS 670
Course Description :
This course will address Counseling Services Supervisors many roles, carried out in an age of accountability. In addition to the traditional responsibilities of administration, education, and expressive supportive functions, students will explore multiple elements integral to a supervisor's job functions, including the identification of service needs, advocacy, the importance of building and maintaining various professional relationships, as well as the ethical, legal, and political dimensions. Critical to success as a supervisor is a commitment to self-management.
Credit : 3
Prerequisites :
CAT604, CPS688B
Course Code : CPS 673
Course Description :
Provides grounding in current brief therapeutic approaches to treatment of individuals, couples and families. The course reviews major theorists including Beck, Ellis, Budman, Strupp, and Meichenbaum. Application of theory to case conceptualization and creating a treatment plan within a brief model are explored and practiced.
Credit : 3
Prerequisites :
CPS557, CPS520, CPS500
Course Code : CPS 677
Course Description :
An overview of the range of human sexual behavior, with emphasis upon issues of sexuality as they arise in the context of counseling. Students will explore their own comfort level regarding sexual matters and recognize the importance of developing attitudes and skills that will facilitate their work with individuals and couples in the counseling relationship.
Credit : 3
Course Code : CPS 689
Course Description :
Provides students with an in-depth understanding of the theory and applied techniques of REBT. Topics include basic principles of REBT, assessment and diagnosis, rational-emotive in-session therapeutic strategies, use of homework assignments, socialization of the client to the REBT model, and counseling issues such as transference, countertransference, and termination. Students gain practice in developing skill in utilizing the REBT model.
Credit : 3
Prerequisites :
CPS557, CAT505, CPS613, CPS557, CPS613
Course Code : CPS 699
Course Description :
Addresses current theoretical and practical issues in counseling which cannot be addressed in depth by other courses. The course provides an opportunity for a comprehensive understanding of particular counseling concerns (e.g., eating disorders, sexual assault, suicide, crisis management, etc.) and for consideration of the research associated with these topics, as well as preferred interventions. The focus of course may in part be determined by current counseling practices, faculty interest and choice and/or student requests.
Credit : 3
*Additional Courses are applicable with advisor approval
Transfer of Graduate Credit
Caldwell University may accept the transfer of up to six credits of graduate work in counseling, art therapy or a closely related field, provided the credits were completed within five years of the student’s graduate registration at Caldwell University. Official transcripts of previous graduate work as well as the catalog description of each course must be submitted for review at the time of application. Each request for transfer credit will be reviewed by the Program Coordinators. Approval of transfer credit is based on course content and grade earned in the course, which should be a B or better.
This 36 credit post graduate program is intended for professionals who already hold an M.A. in Counseling or a closely related mental health field and who are interested in pursuing a career in art therapy. Graduate art therapy courses fulfill the educational requirements for registration as an Art Therapist through the American Art Therapy Association and align with the laws for licensure as a Professional Art Therapist (LPAT) in NJ. Graduates will need additional hours of supervised clinical work to qualify.
- M.A. in Counseling or a closely related field, demonstrating a 3.0 cumulative GPA or better
- 18 credits in studio art, to include at least one class in drawing, painting, and three dimensional work
- 12 graduate or undergraduate credits in counseling or psychology, to include General Psychology, Personality Theory, Human Development, and Psychopathology
- Official graduate transcript(s)
- One letter of recommendation
- Personal Interview and portfolio review
- Art portfolio of 10-15 pieces, slides, or digital copies evidencing proficiency in different media
Required Courses (24 credits)
Course Code : CAT 501
Course Description :
Surveys the historical evolution of the art therapy profession from its roots in psychoanalytic thought to its present-day applications. Focuses on contributions of major art therapy theorists, psychological aspects of creativity, and the continuum from art as therapy to art psychotherapy.
Credit : 3
Course Code : CAT 507
Course Description :
Offers the student the opportunity to interact experientially with a wide variety of media in order to understand the relationship between media choice and the needs of varying client populations. Techniques of practice, preparation of a therapeutic environment, and development of sensitivity to the unique properties of materials will be included.
Credit : 3
Course Code : CAT 509
Course Description :
Explores the understanding and competence necessary for counseling with diverse individuals and groups and their application to art therapy. A variety of issues including culture, ethnicity, age, socioeconomic status, physical challenge, and gender will be explored. Diverse approaches to visual representation and symbolism will be examined. Formerly: CULTURAL DIVERSITY IN COUNSL FOR AT, Spring 2017 and prior.
Credit : 3
Prerequisites :
CAT501, CAT507
Course Code : CAT 515
Course Description :
Building upon the early traditions and models in CAT 514, this course will concentrate on cognitive-behavioral, family systems, and modern approaches applicable to the practice of counseling & art therapy. We will focus on mid-phase treatment and termination skills, the development of a personal, integrated approach to therapeutic practice and the application of these skills to specific populations. Students will also begin to learn treatment planning and documentation skills in the presentation of case studies.
Prerequisites :
Course Code : CAT 607
Course Description :
Covers the selection, administration and interpretation of assessment tools designed for the use of art therapists in various clinical settings. Discussion of testing procedures, observational skills, and participation in treatment team evaluations will be included.Formerly: ART DIAGNOSIS AND ASSESSMENT, Spring 2017 and prior.
Credit : 3
Prerequisites :
CAT505, CAT501, CAT507, CAT515, CAT507, CPS575, CPS585
Course Code : CAT 612
Course Description :
This course examines approaches specific to the treatment of children and adolescent using art therapy within a counseling framework. Developmental concepts, art therapy assessment techniques, children/adolescents with disabilities, cultural and environmental influences, and standards of practice will be addressed. Formerly: COUNSELING-CHILDREN & ADOLES FOR AT, Spring 2017 and prior.
Prerequisites :
CAT501, CAT507
Course Code : CAT 614
Course Description : This course examines the art therapy profession to include professional roles, identity, standards of practice, advocacy, professional organizations, credentialing, licensure, legal and ethical issues, as well as current and evolving trends.
Prerequisites : CAT505, CAT515
Course Code : CAT 617
Course Description :
Examines the theory, dynamics, development, and various models of group therapy in counseling and their application to art therapy. Students will learn via didactic lectures and experiential group exercises
Credit : 3
Prerequisites :
CAT501, CAT505, ATP505, ATP507, CAT507, CAT515, CAT501, CAT514
Required Internship Experience (6 credits — 700 Hours)
Course Code : CAT 601
Course Description :
Internship I / Art Therapy Specialization Practica is designed to offer structured opportunities for direct client contact hours in mental health counseling art therapy treatment. The student begins with supervised activities and includes observation of a registered art therapist. Student's supervisors meet the credentialing requirements of both a Licensed Clinical Mental Health Clinician and a Registered Art Therapist – in settings vetted by the Clinical Coordinator. Prior permission is required from the academic advisor to assess readiness in the areas of knowledge, skills, self-awareness and professional dispositions. Prior to taking 601, students must first successfully complete CPS590 as a course prerequisite. To enter the internship courses, students must have demonstrated compliance with the practicum and internship policies and will indicate their agreement to uphold internship standards. Formerly: INTERNSHIP IN MH/ART THERAPY I, Spring 2017 and prior.
Credit : 1
Prerequisites :
Course Code : CAT 602
Course Description :
Internship II is designed to offer structured opportunities for direct client contact hours in mental health counseling art therapy treatment with emphasis on group work. Student's supervisors meet the credentialing requirements of both a Licensed Clinical Mental Health Clinician and a Registered Art Therapist – in settings vetted by the Clinical Coordinator. Prior to taking CAT 602, students must first successfully complete CAT 601 as a course prerequisite. To enter the internship courses, students must have demonstrated compliance with the practicum and internship policies and will indicate their agreement to uphold practicum standards. Formerly: INTERNSHIP IN MH/ART THERAPY II, Spring 2017 and prior.
Credit : 1
Prerequisites :
Course Code : CAT 603
Course Description :
Advanced Internship I is designed to offer structured opportunities for direct client contact hours in mental health counseling art therapy treatment with increasing responsibility. In course CAT 603, the emphasis is on individual work. Student's supervisors meet the credentialing requirements of both a Licensed Clinical Mental Health Clinician and a Registered Art Therapist – in settings vetted by the Clinical Coordinator. Prior to taking CAT 603, students must first successfully complete CAT 602 as a course prerequisite. To enter the internship courses, students must have demonstrated compliance with the practicum and internship policies and will indicate their agreement to uphold practicum standards. Formerly: ADV INTERNSHIP IN MH/ART THERAPY I, Spring 2017 and prior.
Credit : 2
Prerequisites :
Course Code : CAT 604
Course Description :
Advanced Internship II is designed to offer structured opportunities for direct client contact hours in mental health counseling art therapy treatment with increasing responsibility. In course CAT 603, the emphasis is on transitioning from student to professional. Student's supervisors meet the credentialing requirements of both a Licensed Clinical Mental Health Clinician and a Registered Art Therapist – in settings vetted by the Clinical Coordinator. Prior to taking CAT 604, students must first successfully complete CAT 603 as a course prerequisite. To enter the internship courses, students must have demonstrated compliance with the practicum and internship policies and will indicate their agreement to uphold practicum standards. Formerly: ADV INTERNSHIP IN MH/ART THERAPY II, Spring 2017 and prior.
Credit : 2
Prerequisites :
Sample Electives (6 credits with advisement)
Course Code : CPS 510
Course Description :
Focuses on the application of a systematic and empirical approach to the study of counseling Topics will include: scientific method, pseudoscience, types of experimental research, variable definition, validity threats, control strategies, experimental design, ethical issues, how to present research, statistical application, and additional material. Students engage in discussion, conduct relevant empirical research, and write research reports in the American Psychological Association format (APA).
Credit : 3
Course Code : CPS 590
Course Description :
Requires a minimum of 100 hours to be spent in an advanced level of supervised practical counseling experience in a professional setting. Students will gain knowledge and practice in the performance of the work of counselors, providing direct service in agencies, hospitals, or schools. Success in the Practicum is a requirement for graduation. Weekly class meetings provide input and group supervision by faculty and a shared learning process. Prior to initiating this course, students will be informed of practicum policies and will indicate their agreement to uphold practicum standards. A Manual for the Practicum Experience is available online and every student should download that document. Each student obtains professional liability insurance from the college. Students are responsible to comply with site requirements for health screening or background checks. Advisor approval is required. Prerequisites: Indicated on Practicum Application.
Credit : 3
Prerequisites :
CAT504, CAT501, CPS545, CAT507, CAT505, CAT515, CPS577, CPS520, CPS500, CPS557, CPS613, CAT514,
Course Code : CAT 615
Course Description :
Explores the role and impact of values, spirituality and religious beliefs in counseling and art therapy with emphasis on the spiritual aspects of creativity in psychological well-being and healing. Students learn to assess and work with clients' belief systems in the counseling and art-making process and explore parallels between art-making and spiritually based healing rituals.
Credit : 3
Prerequisites :
Course Code : CPS 613
Course Description :
An examination of and practice in the process and techniques of individual counseling with adolescents and adults. Students learn and exercise a variety of intervention strategies, tailored to the counselor's role in particular settings as well as clients developmental level and needs. The full range of treatment from Intake to Termination provides the basis for learning about counseling at every stage.
Credit : 3
Prerequisites :
CPS520, CPS500, CPS545, CPS557
Course Code : CPS 621
Course Description :
An examination of and practice in counseling roles, responsibilities, and responses to crisis, behavioral emergencies, disaster, or other trauma-causing events. The course reviews current theories and knowledge with regard to suicide, violence, disasters, substance use, legal and ethical issues of crisis counseling, and other current crisis counseling topics. Application of theory and knowledge to the practice of crisis intervention, psychological first aid, and suicide prevention and management are explored and practiced.
Credit : 3
Course Code : CPS 627
Course Description :
Provides an overview of psychopharmacological interventions, including discussions of drug action and interaction, tolerance, side effects, dependency and withdrawal. Emphasis is placed upon medications commonly prescribed for the treatment of various forms of mental illness. The course will also include an examination of the counselor’s role in educating clients about pharmacological issues
Credit : 3
Course Code : CPS 637
Course Description :
Studies the phenomenon of addiction (including its psychology, biology, pharmacology) and the treatment of substance abuse. Students will become familiar with a variety of substances of abuse and their effect on the lives of users as well as the impact on others. Currently accepted interventions are studied and practiced.
Credit : 3
Course Code : CPS 657
Course Description :
Reviews major theoretical perspectives on death and dying at various life stages and levels of understanding. The course provides an introduction to the research literature on the bereavement process and on resilience. Students will examine as well the impact of various experiences of loss on the individual and their effect on other persons significant to them. Student research, case studies and in-class practice will facilitate skill development.
Credit : 3
Course Code : CPS 673
Course Description :
Provides grounding in current brief therapeutic approaches to treatment of individuals, couples and families. The course reviews major theorists including Beck, Ellis, Budman, Strupp, and Meichenbaum. Application of theory to case conceptualization and creating a treatment plan within a brief model are explored and practiced.
Credit : 3
Prerequisites :
CPS557, CPS520, CPS500
Course Code : CPS 677
Course Description :
An overview of the range of human sexual behavior, with emphasis upon issues of sexuality as they arise in the context of counseling. Students will explore their own comfort level regarding sexual matters and recognize the importance of developing attitudes and skills that will facilitate their work with individuals and couples in the counseling relationship.
Credit : 3
Course Code : CPS 699
Course Description :
Addresses current theoretical and practical issues in counseling which cannot be addressed in depth by other courses. The course provides an opportunity for a comprehensive understanding of particular counseling concerns (e.g., eating disorders, sexual assault, suicide, crisis management, etc.) and for consideration of the research associated with these topics, as well as preferred interventions. The focus of course may in part be determined by current counseling practices, faculty interest and choice and/or student requests.
Credit : 3
*Additional Courses are applicable with advisor approval
Transfer of Graduate Credit
Caldwell University may accept the transfer of up to six credits of graduate work in counseling, art therapy or a closely related field, provided the credits were completed within five years of the student’s graduate registration at Caldwell University. Official transcripts of previous graduate work as well as the catalog description of each course must be submitted for review at the time of application. Each request for transfer credit will be reviewed by the Program Coordinators. Approval of transfer credit is based on course content and grade earned in the course, which should be a B or better.
Admission Requirements
Note – The application deadlines for the M.A. in Counseling with School Counseling Specialization are:
April 1 – Summer; June 1 – Fall; December 1 – Spring Semesters
Applications received after the posted deadline will be considered, however, depending on available class space, acceptance may be deferred.
- M.A. in Counseling or a closely related field, demonstrating a 3.0 cumulative GPA or better
- 18 credits in studio art, to include at least one class in drawing, painting, and three dimensional work
- 12 graduate or undergraduate credits in counseling or psychology, to include Introduction to Psychology, Personality Theory, Human Development, and Psychopathology
- Official undergraduate and graduate transcripts
- One letter of recommendation
- Art portfolio of 10-15 pieces, slides, or digital copies evidencing proficiency in different media (ideally shared with Graduate Admissions via a PowerPoint or Slides presentation or via Google Drive)
- Personal Interview
Applicants must have prior coursework in the following content areas to qualify for full acceptance. Applicants who do not have coursework in the following areas may be asked to complete additional coursework or receive a conditional acceptance before achieving fully accepted status.
Content areas required at the graduate level prior to full acceptance:
- Human Growth and Development over the Lifespan
- Psychopathology and Diagnosis
- Appraisal and Evaluation
- Research Methods
- Career Counseling and Development
Art Therapy Counseling Program Mission
The art therapy counseling programs seek to prepare competent entry-level Clinical Mental Health Counselor/Art Therapists in the cognitive (knowledge), psychomotor (skills), and affective (behavior) learning domains, attending to the sustainment of the program guided by the CACREP and CAAHEP standards. Students participate in an active, inclusive learning environment where they foster meaning through the process of self-reflection, become scholar-practitioners, and generate new knowledge and methods. Students mature and develop competencies leading them through the transition from graduate student to a professional prepared to offer healing opportunities to members of society.

Job Placement Rate is based on the responses from 61% of the 2023-24 graduates.

Job Placement Rate is based on the responses from 23% of the 2022-23 graduates.
Program Objectives
The art therapy programs operationalize its mission through the program goals and objectives. The broad program goals are to attain and develop:
- Sustainability plans through a. maintaining CACREP through reaccreditation and creation of a self-study towards CAAHEP accreditation (MA program) and ACATE approval (Post Grad program), b. the study of vital statistics (demographics of applicants, students, and graduates), attention to admissions and enrollment, and maintaining an inclusive learning environment; (see Grid 1 below)
- Community Service opportunities through active involvement of faculty, students and constituents in co-curricular activities; and
- Curricula Emphasizing Competency in Knowledge, Skills, and Awareness from Professional Core Content Areas and Learning Domains by developing benchmarks, remediation plans, curricula, signature assignments, comprehensive exam, and measures for professional dispositions;
- The transition from Student to Professional through providing opportunities to sit for and track scores from the NCE, administering a comprehensive exam, tracking graduates’ credentialing process and, follow up with graduates, supervisors, and employers.
The program objectives assure sustainability, community service opportunities, the transition to work and minimum competence in the identified core content areas. To this end, the program will:
- Increase students’ knowledge of the history of the professions of counseling and art therapy, its trends, goals, and objectives, as well as the professional bodies which guide its ongoing development and ethical practice;
- Inform and prepare students to appreciate and to perform effectively in a society that is increasingly diverse in culture by fostering inclusivity through knowledge, skills, and self-awareness;
- Develop a thorough knowledge of human growth and development and the maladaptive behavior that impedes it;
- Prepare students to perform effectively in intervening with individuals and groups toward positive personal and career development;
- Provide an appreciation and knowledge of a variety of theoretical orientations in counseling as a basis for the work in today’s diverse society;
- Create opportunities for group process and for the acquisition of knowledge and skills regarding group practice;
- Acquaint students with professionally accepted methods of client assessment and to provide appropriate intervention;
- Assist students in gaining familiarity with and understanding research and program evaluation;
- Evaluate students over the course of the program to assure gatekeeping and progression through remediation plans, curricula revisions, signature assignments and assessment of professional dispositions.
- Provide an educational experience and professional preparation this is consistent with core values and mission of the American Art Therapy Association (AATA), the Art Therapy Credentials Board (ATCB), Accreditation Council for Art Therapy Education (ACATE) and the Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs (CAAHEP).
Program Evaluation Plan (PEP)
Thesis (Non-Credit)
The academic capstone of the program is a two-part comprehensive exam in the form of a case study. This will be completed during the student’s final art therapy practicum experience (CAT 604). The first part involves a written treatment plan for an art therapy case generated from the practicum site with an actual client; the second involves an oral defense/presentation of the case to a committee of art therapy faculty members. Students will be expected to demonstrate competency in fundamental principles of art therapy practice.
Transfer Of Graduate Credit
Caldwell University may accept the transfer of six credits of graduate work in counseling, art therapy or a closely related field, provided the credits were completed within five years of the student’s graduate registration at Caldwell University. Official transcripts of previous graduate work, as well as the catalog description of each course, must be submitted for review at the time of application. Each request for transfer credit will be reviewed by the Program Coordinators. Approval of transfer credit is based on course content and grade earned in the course.
The Post Master’s degree in Art Therapy Specialization Program is accredited by the Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs ( upon the recommendation of ACATE, The Accreditation Council for Art Therapy Education

Caldwell University has been approved by NBCC as an Approved Continuing Education Provider, ACEP No. 4598.
CE Programs that do not qualify for NBCC credit are clearly identified. Caldwell University is solely responsible for all aspects of the programs.

Information on Professional Licensure