Five-Year Combined B.S./M.S. in Accounting

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Combined B.S./M.S. in Accounting is available for currently-enrolled Caldwell University School of Business and Computer Science undergraduate accounting students. Those students who have achieved junior status (60+ credits) and a cumulative GPA of at least 3.5 may request admission into the Master’s program. Once admitted to the Master’s program, the student takes a combination of undergraduate courses and graduate courses during the fourth year. Two graduate level courses (BU 520 Advanced Business Strategy and BU 525 Advanced Auditing) can be taken during the fourth year. BU 420 Ethical Business Strategy and BU 325 Auditing core business undergraduate courses, respectively, required for a Bachelor’s degree in the School of Business and Computer Science will be substituted with the applicable upper level graduate courses. These six credits for graduate-level courses may fulfill both the 120 credit hours required for a bachelor’s degree and fulfill 6 credits worth of the MS program requirements. Upon completion of the bachelor’s degree, the student will exclusively complete the remaining 24 credits of MS required coursework.
ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS For Combined B.S./M.S. in Accounting
- Junior status by completing a minimum of 60 credit hours and an overall GPA of 3.5
- Declared accounting major
- Completion of a minimum of 12 credit hours of business courses at Caldwell University with a minimum overall GPA of 3.5 in those courses
- A business administration division faculty member recommendation and sponsorship
- Submission of a graduate application
- Submission of a statement of objectives for entering the program
- The substantial business experience requirement will be WAIVED for successful applicants to the combined program