Caldwell University
September 20, 2012
Caldwell University Officially Pursues University Status

It is my pleasure to write and inform you that the Caldwell University Board of Trustees at its September 19, 2012 meeting passed a resolution charging the college to proceed with the necessary steps toward achievement of university status. This is certainly a defining moment in the history of Caldwell University and in its future! With that resolution, the process can now begin for the college to prepare a proposal that will be submitted ultimately for approval to the Office of the New Jersey Secretary of Higher Education.
The process, which involves a review by external consultants, will likely take at least two years to complete. I’m inviting you to visit our Frequently Asked Questions page to learn more about what led up to this decision, the benefits of achieving university status for Caldwell University, and the Timeline that will take the college to this new designation. Please check in regularly to read updates throughout the process.
The campus community is excited about the possibility of claiming the designation of university, a name that many of us believe already describes Caldwell University with our wide array of baccalaureate degrees, our accredited master’s programs and our doctoral program in applied behavior analysis. We hope the reviewers will agree with our assessment, and we look forward to announcing this change in status during the college’s 75th anniversary year in 2014-2015.
Nancy H. Blattner, Ph.D., OPA