Caldwell University
April 21, 2014
Students Share Appalachia Experience with Sisters in Infirmary

Caldwell, N.J., April 21, 2014 – Caldwell students who attended the Alternative Spring Break experience in Kentucky in March paid a visit to St. Catherine’s Convent and Health Care Facility to tell stories and show photos of their mission trip with some of the Sisters of St. Dominic. “ It was a wonderful time of sharing as the Sisters asked questions and enjoyed hearing from the students,” said Meghan Moran, assistant director of student activities. Sister Kathleen Tuite, vice president and dean for student life, said the visit meant so much to the Sisters who are retired and spent years working with young people. “They love to hear the difference our students make by giving time to serve others,” she said. Pictured from left to right: Students Olsen NoelJeune, Bipin Koirala and Rebecca Levy, Sister Emma Patricia Murphy, Sister Agnes Bernard, Student Rachael Levy, Assistant Director Student Activities Meghan Moran. Zolpidem