Combined B.S. in Psychology/ M.A. in Counseling (Available in All Specializations)

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Psychology – Combined B.S./M.A. in Counseling with a specialization in Clinical Mental Health Counseling, School Counseling, or Clinical Mental Health Counseling with a concentration in art therapy
Combined B.S. in Psychology/ M.A. Counseling (All options)
Highly qualified undergraduate psychology majors at Caldwell University may take advantage of the opportunity to pursue their M.A. in Counseling in an accelerated manner through the combined degree program. The structured B.S./M.A. program combines the existing B.S. in Psychology or the double major B.A. in Psychology and Art (Art Therapy Concentration) with the M.A. in Counseling. It is designed for students who have established a record of excellence at the undergraduate level. The combined B.S./M.A. program is available for three different tracks in counseling: specialization in clinical mental health counseling, specialization in school counseling, and specialization clinical mental health counseling with a concentration in art therapy. Acceptance into the program will allow up to 12 credits to be “double-counted” toward both the B.S. and M.A. in Counseling. The student pays undergraduate tuition for the graduate courses taken prior to completing the bachelor’s degree, which is awarded upon completion of the bachelor’s requirements.
Note that the 12 double-counted credits will be designated as “applicable to the graduate degree” only after the student receives the bachelor's degree and matriculates into the master’s program, which designation will be canceled if the student withdraws from graduate study before completing the master’s program. In that case, Caldwell University will count those credits only towards the student's undergraduate degree. Note also that grades below a B in graduate level courses will necessitate that the student retake that course. Students will only be permitted to take one graduate course per semester while still an undergraduate (under special circumstances with permission a student may take two).
Clinical Mental Health Counseling
Students who wish to pursue the Clinical Mental Health Counseling Specialization should have completed these courses (or their equivalents, if the student has transferred to Caldwell University):
Course Code : PS 208
Course Group(s) : Psychology 200 Level Courses
Course Description :
Introduces descriptive and inferential statistical methods to summarize, organize, and interpret data. Topics include data organization, measures of central tendency, variability, z-scores, logic of hypothesis testing, t-tests, ANOVA, and correlation.
Credit : 3
Prerequisites :
MA220, MA130, MA117, MA116, MA208, MA131, MA207, MA222, MA221, MA106, MA108, MA 105, MA 112
Course Code : PS 213
Course Group(s) : Psychology 200 Level Courses
Course Description :
This course serves as an introduction to scientific writing and the style conventions set by the American Psychological Association (APA). Students will practice information literacy and enhance their understanding of the writing process as it applies to psychology. Topics will include APA style conventions, components of the scientific paper, information gathering, plagiarism, and the writing process.
Credit : 3
Course Code : PS 402
Course Description :
Focuses on research methods and design as applied to contemporary problems in psychology. The course involves independent research projects.
Credit : 3
Prerequisites :
BU305, PS208
Course Code : PS 309
Course Group(s) : Psychology 300 Level Courses, Psychology Cluster 4
Course Description :
Examines the symptoms, causes, diagnosis and treatment of psychological disorders.
Credit : 3
Prerequisites :
PS204, PS150, PS207.
One course in human development
School Counseling Specialization
Students who wish to pursue the School Counseling Specialization should have completed these courses (or their equivalents, if the student has transferred to Caldwell University):
Course Code : PS 208
Course Group(s) : Psychology 200 Level Courses
Course Description :
Introduces descriptive and inferential statistical methods to summarize, organize, and interpret data. Topics include data organization, measures of central tendency, variability, z-scores, logic of hypothesis testing, t-tests, ANOVA, and correlation.
Credit : 3
Prerequisites :
MA220, MA130, MA117, MA116, MA208, MA131, MA207, MA222, MA221, MA106, MA108, MA 105, MA 112
Course Code : PS 213
Course Group(s) : Psychology 200 Level Courses
Course Description :
This course serves as an introduction to scientific writing and the style conventions set by the American Psychological Association (APA). Students will practice information literacy and enhance their understanding of the writing process as it applies to psychology. Topics will include APA style conventions, components of the scientific paper, information gathering, plagiarism, and the writing process.
Credit : 3
Course Code : PS 402
Course Description :
Focuses on research methods and design as applied to contemporary problems in psychology. The course involves independent research projects.
Credit : 3
Prerequisites :
BU305, PS208
One of the following (or another course in human development):
Course Code : PS 211
Course Group(s) : Psychology 200 Level Courses, Psychology Cluster 3
Course Description :
This course examines physiological, social, psychological, and cognitive development from age three until the beginning of adolescence. Topics include brain, motor, emotional, personality, cognitive, and language development, gender roles, play, divorce, child maltreatment, and family and community interaction.
Credit : 3
Course Code : PS 216
Course Group(s) : Psychology 200 Level Courses, Psychology Cluster 3
Course Description :
This course examines physiological, social, psychological, and cognitive development from the beginning to the end of adolescence. Topics include puberty and sexual development, identity, peer interaction, drug and alcohol use and abuse, suicide, and family and community interaction.
Credit : 3
Clinical Mental Health Counseling with a concentration in art therapy
Students in the double major in psychology and art with art therapy concentration who wish to pursue the Clinical Mental Health Counseling with a concentration in art therapy track should have completed these courses (or their equivalent if the student has transferred to Caldwell University):
Course Code : PS 101
Course Description :
This course provides a survey of the major areas of psychology, the scientific study of behavior and mental processes. Major content areas include research methodology, biopsychology, learning, psychopathology, and cognitive, social, and developmental psychology
Credit : 3
Course Code : PS 208
Course Group(s) : Psychology 200 Level Courses
Course Description :
Introduces descriptive and inferential statistical methods to summarize, organize, and interpret data. Topics include data organization, measures of central tendency, variability, z-scores, logic of hypothesis testing, t-tests, ANOVA, and correlation.
Credit : 3
Prerequisites :
MA220, MA130, MA117, MA116, MA208, MA131, MA207, MA222, MA221, MA106, MA108, MA 105, MA 112
Course Code : PS 213
Course Group(s) : Psychology 200 Level Courses
Course Description :
This course serves as an introduction to scientific writing and the style conventions set by the American Psychological Association (APA). Students will practice information literacy and enhance their understanding of the writing process as it applies to psychology. Topics will include APA style conventions, components of the scientific paper, information gathering, plagiarism, and the writing process.
Credit : 3
Course Code : PS 309
Course Group(s) : Psychology 300 Level Courses, Psychology Cluster 4
Course Description :
Examines the symptoms, causes, diagnosis and treatment of psychological disorders.
Credit : 3
Prerequisites :
PS204, PS150, PS207.
Course Code : PS 211
Course Group(s) : Psychology 200 Level Courses, Psychology Cluster 3
Course Description :
This course examines physiological, social, psychological, and cognitive development from age three until the beginning of adolescence. Topics include brain, motor, emotional, personality, cognitive, and language development, gender roles, play, divorce, child maltreatment, and family and community interaction.
Credit : 3
Course Code : AT 230
Course Group(s) : Fine Arts Requirement
Course Description :
This course offers an introduction to the art therapy profession. Students will learn about the interface of art and therapy, as well as basic theory and application. Students will participate in experiential art exercises which will provide exposure to the use of the creative process of communicating through art.
Credit : 3
*or their equivalent if the student has transferred to Caldwell University
Course Code : AR 111
Course Group(s) : Fine Arts Requirement
Course Description :
A foundation class designed to develop the student’s ability to “see” and understand the elements of drawing and composition. Line, form, space, scale and value will be explored through a series of exercises and projects.
Credit : 3
Course Code : AR 200
Course Description :
AR200 is 3 credits, 2D Design and Color is an introduction to the visual arts. Students are introduced to the process of visual element selection for the purpose of expressing themselves. Emphasis on the orchestration and analysis of point, line, shape, value, texture and color will enhance visual perception, and an understanding of the concepts, vocabulary, and skills for building 2D visual literacy. Color analysis, aesthetic investigation, techniques, materials, and composition are explored through hands-on projects which will complement and reinforce learned 2D principles.
Credit : 3
*or their equivalent if the student has transferred to Caldwell University
Course Code : AR 118
Course Group(s) : Fine Arts Requirement
Course Description :
A foundation studio class that explores the language of three-dimensional form and design principles. Students are introduced to a variety of materials including wire, clay, cardboard, and plaster. Studio work, outside assignments, lectures, slides, and demonstrations.
Credit : 3
Undergraduate elective courses may be substituted with graduate courses as follows:
Substitutions for ALL Combined B.S. in Psychology/ M.A. in Counseling tracks:
Students may fulfill program requirements or elective requirements with advisement from the list below. Note that the undergraduate courses which are prerequisites to the graduate program may not be substituted:
Undergraduate Class |
Graduate Class Substitution |
SC |
AT |
400-level Psychology Elective |
CPS 510 – Research Methods & Stats |
X |
X |
X |
400-level Psychology Elective |
CPS 545 – Legal and Ethical Issues in Coun |
X |
X |
X |
PS 201 – Human Growth & Dev |
CPS 667 – Lifespan Dev |
X |
X |
X |
PS 410 – Special Topics |
CPS 699 – Special Topics CPS621 – Crisis Counseling |
X |
X |
X |
PS 330 – Psyc of Addiction |
CPS 637 – Sub Use |
X |
X |
X |
PS 310 – Career Counseling |
CPS 505 – College and Career Couns |
X |
PS 310 – Career Counseling |
CPS 633 – Career Counseling |
X |
X |
PS 313 – Counseling Psyc |
CPS 520 – Intro to MH Counseling |
X |
X |
PS 313 – Counseling Psyc |
CPS 500 – Intro to School Counseling |
X |
PS 304 – Biopsyc |
CPS 535 – Biopsyc |
X |
X |
PS 318 – Cross Cultural Psyc |
CPS 653 – Multicultural Counseling |
X |
X |
PS 318 – Cross Cultural Psyc |
CPS 509 – Cultural and Social Diversity |
X |
PS 326 – Cognitive Psyc |
CPS 619 – Cog and Beh Theories |
X |
400-level Cluster 4 Psyc Elective |
CPS 557 – Counseling Theory and Prac |
X |
X |
400-level Cluster 4 Psyc Elective |
CPS 514 – Theory and Application I |
X |
AT 310 – Art Therapy Methods |
CPS 507 – Creative Methods and Techniques |
X |
AT 320 – Art Therapy in Practice |
CPS 501 – History and Development* |
X |
Your degree includes credits from Liberal Arts and Sciences Core, Major, and Electives.
The combined B.S. in Psychology to M.A. in Counseling is 171 credits total – 120 undergraduate (12 credits that double count if graduate credits are taken before undergraduate graduation) and an additional 51 for the Masters degree.
*Curricular changes will go into effect the following academic year, unless otherwise noted.
Clinical Mental Health Counseling
Students who wish to pursue the Clinical Mental Health Counseling Specialization should have completed these courses (or their equivalents, if the student has transferred to Caldwell University):
Course Code : PS 208
Course Group(s) : Psychology 200 Level Courses
Course Description :
Introduces descriptive and inferential statistical methods to summarize, organize, and interpret data. Topics include data organization, measures of central tendency, variability, z-scores, logic of hypothesis testing, t-tests, ANOVA, and correlation.
Credit : 3
Prerequisites :
MA220, MA130, MA117, MA116, MA208, MA131, MA207, MA222, MA221, MA106, MA108, MA 105, MA 112
Course Code : PS 213
Course Group(s) : Psychology 200 Level Courses
Course Description :
This course serves as an introduction to scientific writing and the style conventions set by the American Psychological Association (APA). Students will practice information literacy and enhance their understanding of the writing process as it applies to psychology. Topics will include APA style conventions, components of the scientific paper, information gathering, plagiarism, and the writing process.
Credit : 3
Course Code : PS 402
Course Description :
Focuses on research methods and design as applied to contemporary problems in psychology. The course involves independent research projects.
Credit : 3
Prerequisites :
BU305, PS208
Course Code : PS 309
Course Group(s) : Psychology 300 Level Courses, Psychology Cluster 4
Course Description :
Examines the symptoms, causes, diagnosis and treatment of psychological disorders.
Credit : 3
Prerequisites :
PS204, PS150, PS207.
Two courses from the following:
Course Code : PS 232
Course Group(s) : Psychology 200 Level Courses, Psychology Cluster 4
Course Description :
Studies major theoretical approaches to personality structure and dynamics, the disorganization of the personality, and problems involved in personality assessment. Theorists studied include: Freud, Jung, Adler, Horney, May, Maslow, Rogers and Skinner
Credit : 3
One course in human development
School Counseling Specialization
Students who wish to pursue the School Counseling Specialization should have completed these courses (or their equivalents, if the student has transferred to Caldwell University):
Course Code : PS 208
Course Group(s) : Psychology 200 Level Courses
Course Description :
Introduces descriptive and inferential statistical methods to summarize, organize, and interpret data. Topics include data organization, measures of central tendency, variability, z-scores, logic of hypothesis testing, t-tests, ANOVA, and correlation.
Credit : 3
Prerequisites :
MA220, MA130, MA117, MA116, MA208, MA131, MA207, MA222, MA221, MA106, MA108, MA 105, MA 112
Course Code : PS 213
Course Group(s) : Psychology 200 Level Courses
Course Description :
This course serves as an introduction to scientific writing and the style conventions set by the American Psychological Association (APA). Students will practice information literacy and enhance their understanding of the writing process as it applies to psychology. Topics will include APA style conventions, components of the scientific paper, information gathering, plagiarism, and the writing process.
Credit : 3
Course Code : PS 402
Course Description :
Focuses on research methods and design as applied to contemporary problems in psychology. The course involves independent research projects.
Credit : 3
Prerequisites :
BU305, PS208
One of the following (or another course in human development):
Course Code : PS 211
Course Group(s) : Psychology 200 Level Courses, Psychology Cluster 3
Course Description :
This course examines physiological, social, psychological, and cognitive development from age three until the beginning of adolescence. Topics include brain, motor, emotional, personality, cognitive, and language development, gender roles, play, divorce, child maltreatment, and family and community interaction.
Credit : 3
Course Code : PS 216
Course Group(s) : Psychology 200 Level Courses, Psychology Cluster 3
Course Description :
This course examines physiological, social, psychological, and cognitive development from the beginning to the end of adolescence. Topics include puberty and sexual development, identity, peer interaction, drug and alcohol use and abuse, suicide, and family and community interaction.
Credit : 3
Mental Health Counseling with Art Therapy Specialization
Students in the double major in psychology and art with art therapy concentration who wish to pursue the Mental Health Counseling with Art Therapy Specialization should have completed these courses (or their equivalent if the student has transferred to Caldwell University):
Course Code : PS 101
Course Description :
This course provides a survey of the major areas of psychology, the scientific study of behavior and mental processes. Major content areas include research methodology, biopsychology, learning, psychopathology, and cognitive, social, and developmental psychology
Credit : 3
Course Code : PS 208
Course Group(s) : Psychology 200 Level Courses
Course Description :
Introduces descriptive and inferential statistical methods to summarize, organize, and interpret data. Topics include data organization, measures of central tendency, variability, z-scores, logic of hypothesis testing, t-tests, ANOVA, and correlation.
Credit : 3
Prerequisites :
MA220, MA130, MA117, MA116, MA208, MA131, MA207, MA222, MA221, MA106, MA108, MA 105, MA 112
Course Code : PS 213
Course Group(s) : Psychology 200 Level Courses
Course Description :
This course serves as an introduction to scientific writing and the style conventions set by the American Psychological Association (APA). Students will practice information literacy and enhance their understanding of the writing process as it applies to psychology. Topics will include APA style conventions, components of the scientific paper, information gathering, plagiarism, and the writing process.
Credit : 3
Course Code : PS 309
Course Group(s) : Psychology 300 Level Courses, Psychology Cluster 4
Course Description :
Examines the symptoms, causes, diagnosis and treatment of psychological disorders.
Credit : 3
Prerequisites :
PS204, PS150, PS207.
Course Code : PS 211
Course Group(s) : Psychology 200 Level Courses, Psychology Cluster 3
Course Description :
This course examines physiological, social, psychological, and cognitive development from age three until the beginning of adolescence. Topics include brain, motor, emotional, personality, cognitive, and language development, gender roles, play, divorce, child maltreatment, and family and community interaction.
Credit : 3
Course Code : AT 230
Course Group(s) : Fine Arts Requirement
Course Description :
This course offers an introduction to the art therapy profession. Students will learn about the interface of art and therapy, as well as basic theory and application. Students will participate in experiential art exercises which will provide exposure to the use of the creative process of communicating through art.
Credit : 3
*or their equivalent if the student has transferred to Caldwell University
Course Code : AR 111
Course Group(s) : Fine Arts Requirement
Course Description :
A foundation class designed to develop the student’s ability to “see” and understand the elements of drawing and composition. Line, form, space, scale and value will be explored through a series of exercises and projects.
Credit : 3
Course Code : AR 200
Course Description :
AR200 is 3 credits, 2D Design and Color is an introduction to the visual arts. Students are introduced to the process of visual element selection for the purpose of expressing themselves. Emphasis on the orchestration and analysis of point, line, shape, value, texture and color will enhance visual perception, and an understanding of the concepts, vocabulary, and skills for building 2D visual literacy. Color analysis, aesthetic investigation, techniques, materials, and composition are explored through hands-on projects which will complement and reinforce learned 2D principles.
Credit : 3
*or their equivalent if the student has transferred to Caldwell University
Course Code : AR 118
Course Group(s) : Fine Arts Requirement
Course Description :
A foundation studio class that explores the language of three-dimensional form and design principles. Students are introduced to a variety of materials including wire, clay, cardboard, and plaster. Studio work, outside assignments, lectures, slides, and demonstrations.
Credit : 3
Undergraduate elective courses may be substituted with graduate courses as follows:
Substitutions for ALL Combined B.S. in Psychology/ M.A. in Counseling tracks:
Students may fulfill program requirements or elective requirements with advisement from the list below. Note that the undergraduate courses which are prerequisites to the graduate program may not be substituted:
Undergraduate Class |
Graduate Class Substitution |
SC |
AT |
400-level Psychology Elective |
CPS510- Research Methods & Stats |
X |
X |
X |
400-level Psychology Elective |
CPS545-Legal and Ethical Issues in Coun |
X |
X |
X |
PS201- Human Growth & Dev |
CPS667- Lifespan Dev |
X |
X |
X |
PS410- Special Topics |
CPS699- Special Topics CPS621- Crisis Counseling |
X |
X |
X |
PS330- Psyc of Addiction |
CPS637- Sub Use |
X |
X |
X |
PS310- Career Counseling |
CPS505- College and Career Couns |
X |
PS310- Career Counseling |
CPS633- Career Counseling |
X |
X |
PS313- Counseling Psyc |
CPS520- Intro to MH Counseling |
X |
X |
PS313- Counseling Psyc |
CPS500- Intro to School Counseling |
X |
PS304-Biopsyc |
CPS535-Biopsyc |
X |
X |
PS318-Cross Cultural Psyc |
CPS653- Multicultural Counseling |
X |
X |
PS318-Cross Cultural Psyc |
CAT509- Cult and Soc Div |
X |
PS326-Cognitive Psyc |
CPS619- Cog and Beh Theories |
X |
400-level Cluster 4 Psyc Elective |
CPS557- Counseling Theory and Prac |
X |
X |
400-level Cluster 4 Psyc Elective |
CAT514- Theory and Application 1 |
X |
AT310- Art Therapy Methods |
CAT507- Art Therapy Methods |
X |
AT320- Art Therapy in Practice |
CAT501- His and Dev AT |
X |
Your degree includes credits from Liberal Arts and Sciences Core, Major, and Electives.
Clinical Mental Health Counseling
Students who wish to pursue the Clinical Mental Health Counseling Specialization should have completed these courses (or their equivalents, if the student has transferred to Caldwell University):
Course Code : PS 208
Course Group(s) : Psychology 200 Level Courses
Course Description :
Introduces descriptive and inferential statistical methods to summarize, organize, and interpret data. Topics include data organization, measures of central tendency, variability, z-scores, logic of hypothesis testing, t-tests, ANOVA, and correlation.
Credit : 3
Prerequisites :
MA220, MA130, MA117, MA116, MA208, MA131, MA207, MA222, MA221, MA106, MA108, MA 105, MA 112
Course Code : PS 213
Course Group(s) : Psychology 200 Level Courses
Course Description :
This course serves as an introduction to scientific writing and the style conventions set by the American Psychological Association (APA). Students will practice information literacy and enhance their understanding of the writing process as it applies to psychology. Topics will include APA style conventions, components of the scientific paper, information gathering, plagiarism, and the writing process.
Credit : 3
Course Code : PS 402
Course Description :
Focuses on research methods and design as applied to contemporary problems in psychology. The course involves independent research projects.
Credit : 3
Prerequisites :
BU305, PS208
Course Code : PS 309
Course Group(s) : Psychology 300 Level Courses, Psychology Cluster 4
Course Description :
Examines the symptoms, causes, diagnosis and treatment of psychological disorders.
Credit : 3
Prerequisites :
PS204, PS150, PS207.
Two courses from the following:
Course Code : PS 232
Course Group(s) : Psychology 200 Level Courses, Psychology Cluster 4
Course Description :
Studies major theoretical approaches to personality structure and dynamics, the disorganization of the personality, and problems involved in personality assessment. Theorists studied include: Freud, Jung, Adler, Horney, May, Maslow, Rogers and Skinner
Credit : 3
One course in human development
School Counseling Specialization
Students who wish to pursue the School Counseling Specialization should have completed these courses (or their equivalents, if the student has transferred to Caldwell University):
Course Code : PS 208
Course Group(s) : Psychology 200 Level Courses
Course Description :
Introduces descriptive and inferential statistical methods to summarize, organize, and interpret data. Topics include data organization, measures of central tendency, variability, z-scores, logic of hypothesis testing, t-tests, ANOVA, and correlation.
Credit : 3
Prerequisites :
MA220, MA130, MA117, MA116, MA208, MA131, MA207, MA222, MA221, MA106, MA108, MA 105, MA 112
Course Code : PS 213
Course Group(s) : Psychology 200 Level Courses
Course Description :
This course serves as an introduction to scientific writing and the style conventions set by the American Psychological Association (APA). Students will practice information literacy and enhance their understanding of the writing process as it applies to psychology. Topics will include APA style conventions, components of the scientific paper, information gathering, plagiarism, and the writing process.
Credit : 3
Course Code : PS 402
Course Description :
Focuses on research methods and design as applied to contemporary problems in psychology. The course involves independent research projects.
Credit : 3
Prerequisites :
BU305, PS208
One of the following (or another course in human development):
Course Code : PS 211
Course Group(s) : Psychology 200 Level Courses, Psychology Cluster 3
Course Description :
This course examines physiological, social, psychological, and cognitive development from age three until the beginning of adolescence. Topics include brain, motor, emotional, personality, cognitive, and language development, gender roles, play, divorce, child maltreatment, and family and community interaction.
Credit : 3
Course Code : PS 216
Course Group(s) : Psychology 200 Level Courses, Psychology Cluster 3
Course Description :
This course examines physiological, social, psychological, and cognitive development from the beginning to the end of adolescence. Topics include puberty and sexual development, identity, peer interaction, drug and alcohol use and abuse, suicide, and family and community interaction.
Credit : 3
Mental Health Counseling with Art Therapy Specialization
Students in the double major in psychology and art with art therapy concentration who wish to pursue the Mental Health Counseling with Art Therapy Specialization should have completed these courses (or their equivalent if the student has transferred to Caldwell University):
Course Code : PS 101/PS 150
Course Description :
This course provides a survey of the major areas of psychology, the scientific study of behavior and mental processes. Major content areas include research methodology, biopsychology, learning, psychopathology, and cognitive, social, and developmental psychology
Credit : 3
Course Code : PS 208
Course Group(s) : Psychology 200 Level Courses
Course Description :
Introduces descriptive and inferential statistical methods to summarize, organize, and interpret data. Topics include data organization, measures of central tendency, variability, z-scores, logic of hypothesis testing, t-tests, ANOVA, and correlation.
Credit : 3
Prerequisites :
MA220, MA130, MA117, MA116, MA208, MA131, MA207, MA222, MA221, MA106, MA108, MA 105, MA 112
Course Code : PS 213
Course Group(s) : Psychology 200 Level Courses
Course Description :
This course serves as an introduction to scientific writing and the style conventions set by the American Psychological Association (APA). Students will practice information literacy and enhance their understanding of the writing process as it applies to psychology. Topics will include APA style conventions, components of the scientific paper, information gathering, plagiarism, and the writing process.
Credit : 3
Course Code : PS 309
Course Group(s) : Psychology 300 Level Courses, Psychology Cluster 4
Course Description :
Examines the symptoms, causes, diagnosis and treatment of psychological disorders.
Credit : 3
Prerequisites :
PS204, PS150, PS207.
Course Code : PS 211
Course Group(s) : Psychology 200 Level Courses, Psychology Cluster 3
Course Description :
This course examines physiological, social, psychological, and cognitive development from age three until the beginning of adolescence. Topics include brain, motor, emotional, personality, cognitive, and language development, gender roles, play, divorce, child maltreatment, and family and community interaction.
Credit : 3
Course Code : AT 230
Course Group(s) : Fine Arts Requirement
Course Description :
This course offers an introduction to the art therapy profession. Students will learn about the interface of art and therapy, as well as basic theory and application. Students will participate in experiential art exercises which will provide exposure to the use of the creative process of communicating through art.
Credit : 3
*or their equivalent if the student has transferred to Caldwell University
Course Code : AR 111
Course Group(s) : Fine Arts Requirement
Course Description :
A foundation class designed to develop the student’s ability to “see” and understand the elements of drawing and composition. Line, form, space, scale and value will be explored through a series of exercises and projects.
Credit : 3
Course Code : AR 200
Course Description :
AR200 is 3 credits, 2D Design and Color is an introduction to the visual arts. Students are introduced to the process of visual element selection for the purpose of expressing themselves. Emphasis on the orchestration and analysis of point, line, shape, value, texture and color will enhance visual perception, and an understanding of the concepts, vocabulary, and skills for building 2D visual literacy. Color analysis, aesthetic investigation, techniques, materials, and composition are explored through hands-on projects which will complement and reinforce learned 2D principles.
Credit : 3
*or their equivalent if the student has transferred to Caldwell University
Course Code : AR 118
Course Group(s) : Fine Arts Requirement
Course Description :
A foundation studio class that explores the language of three-dimensional form and design principles. Students are introduced to a variety of materials including wire, clay, cardboard, and plaster. Studio work, outside assignments, lectures, slides, and demonstrations.
Credit : 3
Undergraduate elective courses may be substituted with graduate courses as follows:
Substitutions for ALL Combined B.S. in Psychology/ M.A. in Counseling tracks:
Students may fulfill program requirements or elective requirements with advisement from the list below. Note that the undergraduate courses which are prerequisites to the graduate program may not be substituted:
Undergraduate Class |
Graduate Class Substitution |
SC |
AT |
400-level Psychology Elective |
CPS510- Research Methods & Stats |
X |
X |
X |
400-level Psychology Elective |
CPS545-Legal and Ethical Issues in Coun |
X |
X |
X |
PS201- Human Growth & Dev |
CPS667- Lifespan Dev |
X |
X |
X |
PS410- Special Topics |
CPS699- Special Topics CPS621- Crisis Counseling |
X |
X |
X |
PS330- Psyc of Addiction |
CPS637- Sub Use |
X |
X |
X |
PS310- Career Counseling |
CPS505- College and Career Couns |
X |
PS310- Career Counseling |
CPS633- Career Counseling |
X |
X |
PS313- Counseling Psyc |
CPS520- Intro to MH Counseling |
X |
X |
PS313- Counseling Psyc |
CPS500- Intro to School Counseling |
X |
PS304-Biopsyc |
CPS535-Biopsyc |
X |
X |
PS318-Cross Cultural Psyc |
CPS653- Multicultural Counseling |
X |
X |
PS318-Cross Cultural Psyc |
CAT509- Cult and Soc Div |
X |
PS326-Cognitive Psyc |
CPS619- Cog and Beh Theories |
X |
400-level Cluster 4 Psyc Elective |
CPS557- Counseling Theory and Prac |
X |
X |
400-level Cluster 4 Psyc Elective |
CAT514- Theory and Application 1 |
X |
AT310- Art Therapy Methods |
CAT507- Art Therapy Methods |
X |
AT320- Art Therapy in Practice |
CAT501- His and Dev AT |
X |
Your degree includes credits from Liberal Arts and Sciences Core, Major, and Electives.
Course Code : PS 208
Course Group(s) : Psychology 200 Level Courses
Course Description :
Introduces descriptive and inferential statistical methods to summarize, organize, and interpret data. Topics include data organization, measures of central tendency, variability, z-scores, logic of hypothesis testing, t-tests, ANOVA, and correlation.
Credit : 3
Prerequisites :
MA220, MA130, MA117, MA116, MA208, MA131, MA207, MA222, MA221, MA106, MA108, MA 105, MA 112
Course Code : PS 213
Course Group(s) : Psychology 200 Level Courses
Course Description :
This course serves as an introduction to scientific writing and the style conventions set by the American Psychological Association (APA). Students will practice information literacy and enhance their understanding of the writing process as it applies to psychology. Topics will include APA style conventions, components of the scientific paper, information gathering, plagiarism, and the writing process.
Credit : 3
Course Code : PS 402
Course Group(s) : Psychology 400 Level Courses
Course Description :
Focuses on research methods and design as applied to contemporary problems in psychology. The course involves independent research projects.
Credit : 3
Prerequisites :
BU305, PS208
Course Code : PS 309
Course Group(s) : Psychology 300 Level Courses, Psychology Cluster 4
Course Description :
Examines the symptoms, causes, diagnosis and treatment of psychological disorders.
Credit : 3
Prerequisites :
PS204, PS150, PS207.
Two courses from the following:
Course Code : PS 150
Course Description :
An introduction to the main theories, methods, and principles of psychology. This course is a social sciences Liberal Arts core requirement for all students who wish to become Psychology majors and is required for further study in the field. Topics will include a brief history of psychology, critical thinking, human development, motivation, emotion and stress, personality, social psychology, and psychopathology
Credit : 3
Course Code : PS 232
Course Group(s) : Psychology 200 Level Courses, Psychology Cluster 4
Course Description :
Studies major theoretical approaches to personality structure and dynamics, the disorganization of the personality, and problems involved in personality assessment. Theorists studied include: Freud, Jung, Adler, Horney, May, Maslow, Rogers and Skinner
Credit : 3
One course in human development
School Counseling Specialization
Students who wish to pursue the School Counseling Specialization should have completed these courses (or their equivalents, if the student has transferred to Caldwell University):
Course Code : PS 208
Course Group(s) : Psychology 200 Level Courses
Course Description :
Introduces descriptive and inferential statistical methods to summarize, organize, and interpret data. Topics include data organization, measures of central tendency, variability, z-scores, logic of hypothesis testing, t-tests, ANOVA, and correlation.
Credit : 3
Prerequisites :
MA220, MA130, MA117, MA116, MA208, MA131, MA207, MA222, MA221, MA106, MA108, MA 105, MA 112
Course Code : PS 213
Course Group(s) : Psychology 200 Level Courses
Course Description :
This course serves as an introduction to scientific writing and the style conventions set by the American Psychological Association (APA). Students will practice information literacy and enhance their understanding of the writing process as it applies to psychology. Topics will include APA style conventions, components of the scientific paper, information gathering, plagiarism, and the writing process.
Credit : 3
Course Code : PS 402
Course Group(s) : Psychology 400 Level Courses
Course Description :
Focuses on research methods and design as applied to contemporary problems in psychology. The course involves independent research projects.
Credit : 3
Prerequisites :
BU305, PS208
One of the following (or another course in human development):
Course Code : PS 211
Course Group(s) : Psychology 200 Level Courses, Psychology Cluster 3
Course Description :
This course examines physiological, social, psychological, and cognitive development from age three until the beginning of adolescence. Topics include brain, motor, emotional, personality, cognitive, and language development, gender roles, play, divorce, child maltreatment, and family and community interaction.
Credit : 3
Course Code : PS 216
Course Group(s) : Psychology 200 Level Courses, Psychology Cluster 3
Course Description :
This course examines physiological, social, psychological, and cognitive development from the beginning to the end of adolescence. Topics include puberty and sexual development, identity, peer interaction, drug and alcohol use and abuse, suicide, and family and community interaction.
Credit : 3
Mental Health Counseling with Art Therapy Specialization
Students in the double major in psychology and art with art therapy concentration who wish to pursue the Mental Health Counseling with Art Therapy Specialization should have completed these courses (or their equivalent if the student has transferred to Caldwell University):
Course Code : PS 101
Course Description :
This course provides a survey of the major areas of psychology, the scientific study of behavior and mental processes. Major content areas include research methodology, biopsychology, learning, psychopathology, and cognitive, social, and developmental psychology
Credit : 3
Course Code : PS 150
Course Description :
An introduction to the main theories, methods, and principles of psychology. This course is a social sciences Liberal Arts core requirement for all students who wish to become Psychology majors and is required for further study in the field. Topics will include a brief history of psychology, critical thinking, human development, motivation, emotion and stress, personality, social psychology, and psychopathology
Credit : 3
Course Code : PS 208
Course Group(s) : Psychology 200 Level Courses
Course Description :
Introduces descriptive and inferential statistical methods to summarize, organize, and interpret data. Topics include data organization, measures of central tendency, variability, z-scores, logic of hypothesis testing, t-tests, ANOVA, and correlation.
Credit : 3
Prerequisites :
MA220, MA130, MA117, MA116, MA208, MA131, MA207, MA222, MA221, MA106, MA108, MA 105, MA 112
Course Code : PS 213
Course Group(s) : Psychology 200 Level Courses
Course Description :
This course serves as an introduction to scientific writing and the style conventions set by the American Psychological Association (APA). Students will practice information literacy and enhance their understanding of the writing process as it applies to psychology. Topics will include APA style conventions, components of the scientific paper, information gathering, plagiarism, and the writing process.
Credit : 3
Course Code : PS 309
Course Group(s) : Psychology 300 Level Courses, Psychology Cluster 4
Course Description :
Examines the symptoms, causes, diagnosis and treatment of psychological disorders.
Credit : 3
Prerequisites :
PS204, PS150, PS207.
Course Code : PS 211
Course Group(s) : Psychology 200 Level Courses, Psychology Cluster 3
Course Description :
This course examines physiological, social, psychological, and cognitive development from age three until the beginning of adolescence. Topics include brain, motor, emotional, personality, cognitive, and language development, gender roles, play, divorce, child maltreatment, and family and community interaction.
Credit : 3
Course Code : AT 230
Course Group(s) : Fine Arts Requirement
Course Description :
This course offers an introduction to the art therapy profession. Students will learn about the interface of art and therapy, as well as basic theory and application. Students will participate in experiential art exercises which will provide exposure to the use of the creative process of communicating through art.
Credit : 3
*or their equivalent if the student has transferred to Caldwell University
Course Code : AR 111
Course Group(s) : Fine Arts Requirement
Course Description :
A foundation class designed to develop the student’s ability to “see” and understand the elements of drawing and composition. Line, form, space, scale and value will be explored through a series of exercises and projects.
Credit : 3
Course Code : AR 113
Course Group(s) : Fine Arts Requirement
Course Description :
An introduction to two-dimensional design as an integral element in the process of art making. Workshop projects will cover areas of perception, balance, value, color, texture and scale.
Credit : 3
Course Code : AR 118
Course Group(s) : Fine Arts Requirement
Course Description :
A foundation studio class that explores the language of three-dimensional form and design principles. Students are introduced to a variety of materials including wire, clay, cardboard, and plaster. Studio work, outside assignments, lectures, slides, and demonstrations.
Credit : 3
Undergraduate elective courses may be substituted with graduate courses as follows:
Substitutions for ALL Combined B.S. in Psychology/ M.A. in Counseling tracks:
Students may fulfill program requirements or elective requirements with advisement from the list below. Note that the undergraduate courses which are prerequisites to the graduate program may not be substituted:
Waive or In Place of (Undergraduate) | Substitute (Graduate) |
PS 201 Human Growth and Development | CPS 667 Lifespan Development |
PS 410 Special Topics | CPS 699 Seminar in Special Topics OR CPS 621 Crisis Interventions in Counseling |
PS 330 Psychology of Addiction | CPS 637 Substance Abuse Counseling |
Additional Substitutions for Combined B.S. in Psychology/M.A. in Counseling with the Clinical Mental Health Counseling Specialization track:
Waive or In Place of (Undergraduate) | Substitute (Graduate) |
PS 304 Biopsychology | CPS 535 Biopsychology |
PS 310 Career Counseling | CPS 633 Career Counseling |
PS 313 Counseling Psychology | CPS 520 Introduction to Mental Health Counseling |
PS 318 Cross-Cultural Psychology | CPS 653 Multicultural Counseling |
PS 319 Psychological Testing | CPS 562 Assessment Methods in Counseling |
PS 326 Cognitive Psychology | CPS 673 Foundations in Brief Counseling |
Additional Substitutions for Combined B.S. in Psychology/M.A. in Counseling with the Mental Health Art Therapy Specialization track:
Note: Students in this program may also take one additional CAT Graduate course as an elective with advisement
Waive or In Place of (Undergraduate) | Substitute (Graduate) |
PS 310 Career Counseling | CPS 633 Career Counseling |
PS 319 Psychological Testing | CPS 562 Assessment Methods in Counseling |
AT 310 Art Therapy Methods | CAT 507 Art Therapy Methods |
AT 320 Art Therapy in Practice | CAT 501 History and Development of Art Therapy |
Additional Substitutions for Combined B.S. in Psychology/M.A. in Counseling with the School Counseling Specialization track:
Waive or In Place of (Undergraduate) | Substitute (Graduate) |
PS 310 Career Counseling | CPS 505 College and Career Counseling |
PS 313 Counseling Psychology | CPS 500 Introduction to School Counseling |
PS 318 Cross-Cultural Psychology | CPS 653 Multicultural Counseling |
Your degree includes credits from Liberal Arts and Sciences Core, Major, and Electives.
Mental Health Counseling
For those undergraduate students with a psychology major who wish to pursue the Mental Health Counseling Specialization, completed courses should include:
Course Code : PS 208
Course Group(s) : Psychology 200 Level Course Cluster
Course Description :
Introduces descriptive and inferential statistical methods to summarize, organize, and interpret data. Topics include data organization, measures of central tendency, variability, z-scores, logic of hypothesis testing, t-tests, ANOVA, and correlation.
Credit : 3
Prerequisites :
MA220, MA130, MA117, MA116, MA208, MA131, MA207, MA222, MA221, MA106, MA108, MA 105, MA 112
Course Code : PS 213
Course Group(s) : Psychology 200 Level Course Cluster
Course Description :
This course serves as an introduction to scientific writing and the style conventions set by the American Psychological Association (APA). Students will practice information literacy and enhance their understanding of the writing process as it applies to psychology. Topics will include APA style conventions, components of the scientific paper, information gathering, plagiarism, and the writing process.
Credit : 3
Course Code : PS 402
Course Description :
Focuses on research methods and design as applied to contemporary problems in psychology. The course involves independent research projects.
Credit : 3
Prerequisites :
BU305, PS208
Course Code : PS 309
Course Description :
Examines the symptoms, causes, diagnosis and treatment of psychological disorders.
Credit : 3
Prerequisites :
PS204, PS150, PS207.
Two courses from the following:
Course Code : PS 150
Course Description :
An introduction to the main theories, methods, and principles of psychology. This course is a social sciences Liberal Arts core requirement for all students who wish to become Psychology majors and is required for further study in the field. Topics will include a brief history of psychology, critical thinking, human development, motivation, emotion and stress, personality, social psychology, and psychopathology
Credit : 3
Course Code : PS 207
Course Group(s) : Psychology 200 Level Course Cluster
Course Description :
This course continues the examination of the main theories, methods, and principles of psychology begun in PS150. Topics include research methodology, neuroscience, consciousness, sensation and perception, learning, memory, thinking and language.
Credit : 3
Prerequisites :
Course Code : PS 232
Course Group(s) : Psychology 200 Level Course Cluster
Course Description :
Studies major theoretical approaches to personality structure and dynamics, the disorganization of the personality, and problems involved in personality assessment. Theorists studied include: Freud, Jung, Adler, Horney, May, Maslow, Rogers and Skinner
Credit : 3
One course in human development
School Counseling Specialization
Students who wish to pursue the School Counseling Specialization should have completed these courses (or their equivalents, if the student has transferred to Caldwell University):
Course Code : PS 208
Course Group(s) : Psychology 200 Level Course Cluster
Course Description :
Introduces descriptive and inferential statistical methods to summarize, organize, and interpret data. Topics include data organization, measures of central tendency, variability, z-scores, logic of hypothesis testing, t-tests, ANOVA, and correlation.
Credit : 3
Prerequisites :
MA220, MA130, MA117, MA116, MA208, MA131, MA207, MA222, MA221, MA106, MA108, MA 105, MA 112
Course Code : PS 213
Course Group(s) : Psychology 200 Level Course Cluster
Course Description :
This course serves as an introduction to scientific writing and the style conventions set by the American Psychological Association (APA). Students will practice information literacy and enhance their understanding of the writing process as it applies to psychology. Topics will include APA style conventions, components of the scientific paper, information gathering, plagiarism, and the writing process.
Credit : 3
Course Code : PS 402
Course Description :
Focuses on research methods and design as applied to contemporary problems in psychology. The course involves independent research projects.
Credit : 3
Prerequisites :
BU305, PS208
One course in human development
Mental Health Counseling with Art Therapy Specialization
Students in the double major in psychology and art with art therapy concentration who wish to pursue the Mental Health Counseling with Art Therapy Specialization should have completed these courses (or their equivalent if the student has transferred to Caldwell University):
Course Code : PS 150
Course Description :
An introduction to the main theories, methods, and principles of psychology. This course is a social sciences Liberal Arts core requirement for all students who wish to become Psychology majors and is required for further study in the field. Topics will include a brief history of psychology, critical thinking, human development, motivation, emotion and stress, personality, social psychology, and psychopathology
Credit : 3
Course Code : PS 207
Course Group(s) : Psychology 200 Level Course Cluster
Course Description :
This course continues the examination of the main theories, methods, and principles of psychology begun in PS150. Topics include research methodology, neuroscience, consciousness, sensation and perception, learning, memory, thinking and language.
Credit : 3
Prerequisites :
Course Code : PS 208
Course Group(s) : Psychology 200 Level Course Cluster
Course Description :
Introduces descriptive and inferential statistical methods to summarize, organize, and interpret data. Topics include data organization, measures of central tendency, variability, z-scores, logic of hypothesis testing, t-tests, ANOVA, and correlation.
Credit : 3
Prerequisites :
MA220, MA130, MA117, MA116, MA208, MA131, MA207, MA222, MA221, MA106, MA108, MA 105, MA 112
Course Code : PS 213
Course Group(s) : Psychology 200 Level Course Cluster
Course Description :
This course serves as an introduction to scientific writing and the style conventions set by the American Psychological Association (APA). Students will practice information literacy and enhance their understanding of the writing process as it applies to psychology. Topics will include APA style conventions, components of the scientific paper, information gathering, plagiarism, and the writing process.
Credit : 3
Course Code : PS 232
Course Group(s) : Psychology 200 Level Course Cluster
Course Description :
Studies major theoretical approaches to personality structure and dynamics, the disorganization of the personality, and problems involved in personality assessment. Theorists studied include: Freud, Jung, Adler, Horney, May, Maslow, Rogers and Skinner
Credit : 3
Course Code : PS 309
Course Description :
Examines the symptoms, causes, diagnosis and treatment of psychological disorders.
Credit : 3
Prerequisites :
PS204, PS150, PS207.
Course Code : PS 201
Course Group(s) : Psychology 200 Level Course Cluster
Course Description :
Discusses physical, cognitive, social, and emotional development from the prenatal period through adolescence. Genetic, environmental, and socio-cultural influences are considered.
Credit : 3
Course Code : PS 211
Course Group(s) : Psychology 200 Level Course Cluster
Course Description :
This course examines physiological, social, psychological, and cognitive development from age three until the beginning of adolescence. Topics include brain, motor, emotional, personality, cognitive, and language development, gender roles, play, divorce, child maltreatment, and family and community interaction.
Credit : 3
Course Code : AT 230
Course Group(s) : Fine Arts Requirement
Course Description :
This course offers an introduction to the art therapy profession. Students will learn about the interface of art and therapy, as well as basic theory and application. Students will participate in experiential art exercises which will provide exposure to the use of the creative process of communication throughart.
Credit : 3
Prerequisites :
*or their equivalent if the student has transferred to Caldwell University
Course Code : AR 111
Course Group(s) : Fine Arts Requirement
Course Description :
A foundation class designed to develop the student’s ability to “see” and understand the elements of drawing and composition. Line, form, space, scale and value will be explored through a series of exercises and projects.
Credit : 3
Course Code : AR 113
Course Group(s) : Fine Arts Requirement
Course Description :
An introduction to two-dimensional design as an integral element in the process of art making. Workshop projects will cover areas of perception, balance, value, color, texture and scale.
Credit : 3
Course Code : AR 118
Course Group(s) : Fine Arts Requirement
Course Description :
A foundation studio class that explores the language of three-dimensional form and design principles. Students are introduced to a variety of materials including wire, clay, cardboard, and plaster. Studio work, outside assignments, lectures, slides, and demonstrations.
Credit : 3