Caldwell University
May 29, 2018
Nursing and Public Health Convocation Celebrates Graduates

Caldwell, N.J., May 29, 2018 – The Caldwell University School of Nursing and Public Health celebrated its graduating seniors at its annual convocation and professional pinning May 18. Graduating seniors received their pins showing symbolizing their pride and accomplishments.
Welcome remarks were given by Dr. Brenda Petersen, associate dean of the School of Nursing and Public Health. In a world where the healthcare delivery system is described as rapidly changing, increasingly complex and driven by technology,
the students have been well-prepared by faculty and staff, said Petersen “You are ready to launch into this system, to become agents of change while honoring the mission of Caldwell University as well as representing our core values of respect, integrity, community and excellence.”
Dr. Barbara Chesler, Ed.D. vice president for academic affairs, encouraged the graduates to reflect on what they learned and the skills they mastered. “Listen, feel, and reflect on your clinical and internship practice…remember that what you do and say to a patient or a client will give them the courage to face whatever the medical treatment might be.”
The pinning ceremony, said Chesler, brings together the art and science of nursing. “The pin represents the badge of courage nurses wear for every day they are on the front lines of healthcare – birthing babies, fighting death, disease and the courage and commitment to the patient, when everyone else might have given up hope and gone home.”
Theodora Sirota, Ph.D., former Caldwell Nursing Department chair and current chair of Nursing at the University of Saint Joseph, was also a speaker.
Nursing alumni remarks were provided by Casandra Venditti’17, cardiac registered nurse at Morristown Memorial Center, and Public Health alumni remarks were provided by John McLaughlin, ’17, a mental health associate who works with individuals suffering from addiction.
Alisa Wilkinson was the nursing valedictorian and Emily Stabile was the public health education valedictorian.
The Nursing Peer Mentor Award was given to Andrea Falano; the Nursing Professional Promise award was given to Andreia Amorim; the Nursing Positivity and Perseverance Award was given to Natalie Pedri. The Public Health Education Peer Mentor Award was given to Dhandevi Deokie; the Public Health Education Professional Promise Award was given to Victoria Thaler; the Public Health Education Positivity and Perseverance Award was given to Emily Stabile.
The graduating nursing seniors were:
Matthew Amling, Andreia Amorim, Daniel Aponte, Zaira Baranukova, Diana Brown, Brittany Buska, Rachel Capote ,Brittany Carlin ,Erin Casner, Nicole Cassaday, Eileen Cox, Kelli Degnan, Lauren DiFabrizio ,Kaliope Diakos, Kelly Donaldson, Setenay Duran, Andrea Felano, Zina Fife, Hope Fischer, Catherine Gbadebo, Charlotte Genthe ,Valeria Gonzalez ,Marissa Greenberg, Bart Heffron, Brianna Heintjes, Shannon James, Hanifah James, Channel Jorge, Brianna Keeling, Qendresa Jonuzi, David Khavilov, Nancy Kroeze ,Joelle Libman, Alexandra Matchett, Angela Matichak, Jessica Minuto, Catherine Mulick ,Olivia O’Donnell ,Alexis Otun ,Alysse Palestina, Natalie Pedri, Aisha Perez ,Elynette Perez, Rebecca Pasteur, Cindy Pineros, Daniela Pineros, Robert Pohida, Mary Sanchez ,Tara Sike, Tiffany Smith, Breanna Van Dyk, Alyssa Veenstra, Karla Ventura, Alisa Wilkinson, Amparo White , Julianne Worgul.
Dr. Petersen presented the Bachelor of Nursing degree posthumously to the family of Susan Smiley Green, a nursing student and nurse at St. Joseph’s Regional Medical Center in Paterson, who passed away while she was a student at Caldwell.
The graduating public health education seniors are:
Jessica Bohorquez, Jessica Campos, Dionna DeGrazio, Raquel Delgado, Deokie Dhandevi ,Rebecca Dodoo ,Keeling Garcia-Magaletta, Brianna Innarella, Farah Leon, Gianna Liaci, Yadira Lopez, Katherine Monteros ,Christina O’Connor, Andrew Ogbonna, Linda Pham, Jade Puello, Tathiana Robayo, Keegan Saunders, Kiahna Silva, Emily Stabile, Victoria Thaler, Brielle Yanic
Nan Childress Orchard, DMA, chair and professor of music, provided the music – the processional by Jesu Joy of Man’s Desiring (Bach) and the recessional Trumpet Voluntary (Clarke).