Caldwell University
January 25, 2017
Student’s essay accepted for Arthur Miller Journal

Caldwell, N.J., January 24, 2017 – Senior Eya Haddouche has learned that a paper she wrote on the play “A View from the Bridge” has been accepted for publication in the Arthur Miller Journal. “It is so exciting and something you don’t expect,” said Haddouche, an English major from Woodland Park, New Jersey.
During the fall she attended the English Department’s first-ever undergraduate literature conference, “Literary Losers and Anti-Heroes,” where she heard Dr. Stephen Marino, keynote speaker and editor of the Journal, speak about how Miller’s work has affected the literary, dramatic, political and cultural landscape for decades. Miller told the students that the Journal accepts student submissions.
The previous year Haddouche had written an essay for English Professor Mary Lindroth’s modern drama class. The students in Lindroth’s class had attended the Broadway production of “A View from the Bridge” as part of a yearly drama trip to New York City sponsored by the English department. They were given an assignment to compare and contrast the written play with the performance. Hearing about the Journal, Haddouche thought, “Why not give it a shot?” and she submitted her paper for consideration.
Learning of the acceptance has been a milestone for her, “very motivating,” she said, and will push her to write in the future. “I want to experiment with all types of writing.”
She credits Caldwell’s English Department professors for encouraging her. “They are such a loving group, so caring to their students. They work so hard … and lift our spirits.”
Haddouche’s work will be published in the fall 2017 edition of the Journal.