Caldwell University
November 27, 2017
Sister Gerardine shares journey as artist, educator and Dominican sister on “Life and Living” TV program

Sister Gerardine Mueller, O.P., professor emerita and founder of the Caldwell University Art Department, is a guest on Life & Living with Joanna Gagis.
Sister talks about her work as an artist and educator and about her vocation and how she realized at young age that she wanted to enter religious life. Joanna and Sister Gerardine talk about the new Caldwell University Mueller Gallery, named for Sister, and how it will be a source of provide more opportunities for artists and students. Viewers of the program will have a chance to see Sister’s beautiful Christmas cards and her work in the studio. Sister explains the process she goes through each year in creating the Christmas cards.
The broadcast schedule is:
Saturday, December 9, 2 p.m., NJTV
Sunday, December 10, 11 a.m., NJTV