Caldwell University
May 26, 2020
President Blattner is guest on Caucus: New Jersey to discuss women’s business delegation trip to India

President Nancy Blattner was a guest on Caucus: New Jersey with Steve Adubato to discuss the Friends of India business trip she attended in the fall of 2015. Joining her on the panel were: Daryl Harrison Rand, Founder of Friends of India and President and CEO of Harrison Rand Advertising, and Linda Bowden, New Jersey Regional President, PNC Bank.
Rand explained how she founded the organization and has led a number of delegations to India with American women business and educational leaders.
The guests talked about their experiences on the excursion including the valuable networking connections they made amongst each and with businesswomen in India. They expressed their desire to help make a difference by playing a role in the lives of young women from India who would not otherwise have opportunities due to the poverty in their nation.
Other issues they discussed included: women’s empowerment, the importance of education, creating jobs, global citizenship, and the exploration of short term educational immersion experiences in India for American students.
The broadcast schedule is as follows:
Sunday June 12 on NJTV – 8:30 a.m.
Tuesday June 14 on NJTV – 5:30 a.m.
Tuesday June 14 on WHYY – 5:30 p.m.