Caldwell University
November 20, 2017
Nursing faculty and student share journeys with cancer on “One-on-One” TV program

Caldwell Nursing faculty member Dr. Kathleen Kelley and nursing student Natalie Pedri are guests on “One-on-One with Steve Adubato.” With host Joanna Gagis filling in for Adubato, they share their personal journeys with cancer and how the Nursing Department faculty and students played a role in their recoveries.
Pedri explains that she was going into her senior year of college when she did a body self-assessment, something she learned to do in her nursing studies. She found a mass in her abdomen and shortly after spoke to Kelley about it and learned the steps to take. Pedri spent a year out of school undergoing treatment for a stage four Wilm’s tumor, a childhood cancer. She came to more fully appreciate the value of nurses and understand what kind of nurse she wants to become. Kelley, associate professor and assistant director of the School of Nursing and Public Health at Caldwell, explains how she went through breast cancer, a result of working as a nurse at the site of the World Trade Center attacks. Throughout her treatments, Kelley continued to teach, sharing her experience with her nursing students so they could learn from it and become better professionals. Kelley and Pedri talk about the importance of nurses in helping patients with cancer.
To view the segment go to:
The broadcast schedule is:
Thursday, Nov, 30, 5:30 p.m. on WHYY
Thursday, Nov. 30, 7 p.m., NJTV
Friday, December 1, 1 a.m. on WNET