Caldwell University
May 1, 2016
Music Department Offering Summer Orff-Schulwerk Workshop for Teachers
Caldwell, NJ, May 31, 2016 – Caldwell University will offer a Level I Orff-Schulwerk Teacher Education Workshop Program from July 25 through August 5, 2016 on the university’s beautiful campus.
The American Orff-Schulwerk Association approved program is a creative approach to teaching and learning music through speaking, singing, playing instruments and moving. It is an intensive 10-day workshop for music professionals who wish to make music education a joyful, creative experience for teachers and students through the Orff-Schulwerk process. All New Jersey music educators who complete the entire workshop will qualify for 60 hours of professional development credit.
Two certified AOSA instructors, Drue M. Bullington and Kristine Wolfe, will guide participants through an understanding of basic Orff pedagogy, soprano recorder, movement and other special topics.
For more information contact Mr. Thomas Charsky ( Additional information and a registration form can be found on the Music Department website: