Caldwell University
October 16, 2014
Local Caldwell Family Presented with Family Legacy Award

The Caldwell University Alumni Association presented the Bestys family with the Family Legacy Award at Homecoming and Family Day on Saturday, September 20 for their dedication and commitment to Caldwell University.
True friends of the university since the 1970’s, Stan and Jane Bestys took on a lead role with the Friends of Caldwell College, an organization dedicated to helping raise money for student scholarships. Their daughter, Ann Dassing ’79, mayor of the Borough of Caldwell, participates regularly in alumni events and serves as a liaison for the university in town and gown relations. Ellen Capito-Wightman ‘81, has developed a successful career in the pharmaceutical industry and is a role model for success for Caldwell students and alumni alike. James Bestys owns a commercial construction and landscaping company and his work is visible throughout campus. Kate Dassing, Ann’s daughter, works as an alumni coordinator in the Office of Development and Alumni Affairs.
The Family Legacy Award was first presented by the Caldwell University Alumni Association at Homecoming in 2006. The award is presented to a family with one or more alumni who have shown dedication and service to the University over several generations.
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