Caldwell University
November 21, 2024
First Generation Students Celebrated with a Week of Events on Campus

Coined by the Council for Opportunity in Education in 1980, the term “first generation student” applies to students whose parents did not graduate from college. And, according to the 2020-21 Common Application, nearly 30 percent – or 350,000 – applicants self-identified as a first generation college student1.
To honor this cohort, the Office of Student Engagement and the Multicultural Center brought an array of programming for Caldwell University’s inaugural “First Generation Week” on campus from November 4-8, 2024.
Students, faculty and staff were asked to finish the phrase, “I’m proud to be first gen because…” in the Hall of Flags as part of the kick-off celebration. Participants touted their heritage, families and supporters, with one simply noting, “It takes a lot of effort to be the first one in something.”
Later in the week, students were able to attend a First Gen Networking Social, where attendees had the opportunity to meet other students, faculty and staff who shared their own first gen experiences.
In addition to snapping up some great “Proud First Gen” swag, all event attendees received a raffle ticket for the chance to win a brand new iPad! The winner was announced at the Wrap-Up Celebration and Food Truck Frenzy.
Big thanks to all who worked so hard to make Caldwell’s First Gen Week 2024 an amazing success!