Caldwell University
May 9, 2023
Caldwell University will celebrate commencement May 21; CBS2’s John Elliott to receive honorary degree

Caldwell University will celebrate its 81st annual commencement Sunday, May 21 in the George R. Newman Center on campus. The ceremony for master’s and doctoral graduates will begin at 10 a.m. followed by a ceremony for undergraduates at 1 p.m.
The University will present an honorary degree to Emmy award-winning television host and meteorologist John Elliott of WCBS-TV in New York. Prior to joining WCBS, among his many accomplishments Elliott worked at KCBS-TV in Los Angeles, NBC News, and MSNBC where he covered a variety of assignments as an anchor and correspondent. He served as a 2004 MSNBC presidential campaign correspondent in the battleground state of Iowa. Elliott also reported from numerous bases and posts throughout the nation as troops were deployed for the war in Iraq and he spent time onboard the USS Abraham Lincoln.

Henrietta K. Genfi, Ph.D., a resident of Caldwell, New Jersey, and associate dean of academic support at the University, will give the graduate ceremony remarks. An accomplished academic advising professional, Genfi will receive her doctoral degree in educational leadership from Caldwell. Among her many accomplishments, she has overseen the implementation of two new programs for students with special needs at Caldwell: Nexus (Network for Excellence and Undergraduate Success) and SOAR (Student Outreach and Academic Resources).

Raul Gonzalez, a senior from Paterson, New Jersey, will present the undergraduate ceremony remarks. Gonzalez, president of the Student Government Association and a member of the Educational Opportunity Fund program, is receiving a Bachelor of Science in Biology from Caldwell.

“John Elliott has spent decades keeping people informed and entertained. His focus on celebrating the human spirit of so many good people who are doing good deeds aligns with Caldwell’s core values of respect, integrity, community and excellence, and deserves to be recognized. We need more John Elliotts in the world today,” said Caldwell University President Matthew Whelan, Ed.D. “I am also thrilled to recognize two of Caldwell’s best—Dr. Henrietti Genfi who has spent a lifetime focused on helping students find their paths, and Raul Gonzalez who focused his service as Student Government president to amplify the student voice amidst the deafening noise in today’s world. Congratulations to all!”
Dr. Whelan will present doctoral students with their Ph.D.s and Ed.D.s, graduate students with their Master of Arts, Master of Business Administration, Master of Science and Master of Science in Nursing degrees, and undergraduates with their Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Fine Arts, Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Science in Nursing degrees.
A commencement Mass will be celebrated in the Sister Mary Dominic Tweedus Chapel inside the Newman Center on campus at 4 p.m., Saturday, May 20, and is open to all graduating students, their families and friends, and the faculty and staff of Caldwell University.
The commencement ceremonies will be livestreamed. For further information, visit