Caldwell University
March 7, 2013
Caldwell University Signs Articulation Agreements in the Dominican Republic

Caldwell, NJ – March 7, 2013 – Caldwell University recently signed memorandums of understanding with two universities in the Dominican Republic. Caldwell joined in a partnership with Universidad Iberoamericana University (Unibe) that will provide opportunities for collaboration in academics, research, and service learning. Caldwell also signed an articulation agreement with University Action Pro Education and Culture (UNAPEC) for an academic partnership that will provide opportunities for both student and faculty exchanges.

Dr. Nancy H. Blattner, president of Caldwell University, and Dr. Julio Amado Castanos, chancellor of Unibe, signed the articulation agreement on February 11 at Unibe University, a private, non-profit university located in Santo Domingo with a second campus in Ciudad Las Canas( Cap Cana) Higuey.
“This is an exciting collaboration that will provide for an exchange of professors, joint academic projects and study abroad experiences for our students,” Dr. Blattner said.
The understanding focuses primarily in the academic areas of applied behavior analysis, psychology and education. Caldwell will provide graduate education students from Unibe with the chance to take graduate courses in educational administration and supervision that will include school observations. They also plan to work together on autism education research and academics. Caldwell University is a leader in applied behavior analysis, a science based approach to learning highly effective in treating children on the autism spectrum, and there is a growing interest nationally in the Dominican Republic in autism education. “We are excited about the ways our faculty and graduate students can work together to help children on the autism spectrum and their families,” Dr. Blattner said.
Dr. Blattner and Dr. Castanos discussed how they share a commitment to encouraging students to serve the community. They explored ways they can work together on service projects that improve the quality of life for those in need.
The arrangement with UNAPEC was signed on Feb. 12 by Dr. Blattner and UNAPEC Rector Dr. Radhames Mejia. Since UNAPEC has a strong history in providing education in many areas of business, Caldwell plans to provide its students with an opportunity for a business short travel abroad experience to the Dominican Republic. In turn, UNAPEC students may travel to Caldwell to experience the New York/New Jersey business environment.