Caldwell University
August 27, 2013
Caldwell University Ranks as One of 10 Safest Campuses in New Jersey
Caldwell is listed as safest among private campuses in state

Caldwell, N.J. – August 27, 2013 – Caldwell University has been ranked among the highest safest colleges and universities in New Jersey by the website Caldwell ranked number seven on the list, and highest overall among the private colleges in the Garden State. The list ranked four year or above colleges and universities.
“We are quite pleased to learn of this ranking. It validates the efforts of our campus safety department in continually providing training and creating awareness for the entire campus community,” said Sheila O’Rourke, vice president for institutional effectiveness at the college. “We take our responsibility for the health and welfare of our students very seriously.” She said the college provides ongoing drills and compliance training and prevention seminars for students, faculty, and staff.
William Ortman, director of campus safety at Caldwell, gives some of the credit for the ranking to “the strong relationship that the college has with the borough of Caldwell police and fire departments.”
Caldwell University recently announced that it had hired the international security company G4S Secure Solutions USA Inc. to bring significant additional resources for training and security awareness to the campus.
The college is located in Caldwell, N.J. which borders Essex Fells, N.J and North Caldwell, N.J. The borough of North Caldwell was recently ranked the 3rd best place to live in New Jersey by New Jersey Monthly Magazine. is a site that lists college rankings, information on financial aid, academics, athletics and more on all universities and colleges in the United States. gathers data from a variety of sources including Barron’s Educational Series, Inc.
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Caldwell University has also recently been ranked on a number of other lists including: Catholic colleges with high starting salaries for graduates and New Jersey colleges providing the best return on investment, both put out by