Caldwell University
May 6, 2014
Caldwell University to Celebrate 72nd Commencement May 18

Photo credit:Connie Myers
Caldwell University will celebrate its 72nd annual commencement 11:30 a.m. Sunday, May 18, in the George R. Newman Center on campus.
A graduation Mass will be celebrated at 9:30 a.m. in the Newman Center.
Walter Dean Myers, a critically acclaimed author of literature for young people, will receive an honorary degree.
Myers is the New York Times best-selling author of “Monster,” the winner of the first Michael L. Printz Award, the 2012-13 National Ambassador for Young People’s Literature, and the inaugural New York City Literary Honoree. He has more than 110 books to his credit, has received almost every major award in the field of children’s literature and is considered one of the preeminent writers for young people.
Steven Gallagher, of Fairfield, New Jersey, will represent graduate students while delivering one of the commencement speeches. David Reeth, of Highland Lakes, New Jersey, will provide the undergraduate commencement remarks. Gallagher, who was a police officer in North Caldwell for over 26 years, is now a social studies teacher in Cedar Grove and will receive his master’s in education administration. Reeth will receive his bachelor’s in business administration. He has been president of Caldwell’s Student Government Association for the past two years and has received a number of honors including the 2014 Caldwell Trustee Recognition Award from the Caldwell University Board of Trustees and the 2012 New Jersey Collegiate Entrepreneur of the Year award.
Caldwell University will award undergraduate, graduate and doctoral degrees. President Nancy H. Blattner, Ph.D. will present doctoral students with their PhDs, graduate students with their Master of Arts or Master of Business Administration degrees, and undergraduates with their Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Science, Bachelor of Science in Nursing or Bachelor of Fine Arts degrees.
Caldwell University was granted university status by the Office of Higher Education in New Jersey in December 2013. The college will officially operate as Caldwell University beginning July 1, 2014.
Viewers can watch the ceremony live online via a link that will be found on the college website at 11:30 a.m. Sunday, May 18.