Caldwell University
February 28, 2019
“A Woman’s Bible for the 21st Century” Founders Day talk

Caldwell, N.J., Feb. 25, 2019 – Caldwell University will hold its annual Founders Day celebration with a presentation on “A Woman’s Bible for the 21st Century” by Dr. Marie Mullaney, Caldwell University professor of history. The event will be held at 11 a.m. on Wednesday, March 20, 2019 in the Alumni Theater and is free and open to the public. Dr. Mullaney’s talk will focus on The Saint John’s Bible, the first handwritten illuminated Bible of monumental scale in 500 years. The university is hosting the Gospel and Acts Heritage edition of the Bible throughout 2019.
With its focus on women, the presentation is particularly appropriate since March is Women’s History month. Founders Day is set aside to honor the Sisters of St. Dominic who founded what was then Caldwell College for women in 1939.
Although centuries-old medieval techniques were used in its production, The Saint John’s Bible is refreshingly contemporary in its themes and points of emphasis. This lecture showcases the images of women found throughout the seven-volume series. These illuminations celebrate key Biblical women, insert women where they may not be explicit in the narrative, and use symbols to remind us of their presence and witness. Taken as a whole, these illuminations highlight the importance of women within the Judaeo-Christian tradition, a message that convinces us that this is indeed a “Bible for the 21st century.”
The lecture is part of the university’s Year with The Saint John’s Bible. The Bible was commissioned by Benedictine Saint John’s Abbey and University in Collegeville, Minnesota, and the creative director was Donald Jackson, senior scribe to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth’s Crown Office.
Groups are invited to book visits to see the Bible during the year at or by calling Julie Kajouras at 973 618-3922.
The Founders Day Mass will be celebrated at 12:15 in the Student Center Gym.